Dong A Pharma Logo
Largest Pharmaceutical Companies 
in VietNam 2025
Turnover of
2025 reaches

The long-term development strategy of Dong A Group is to achieve qualified turnover to become one of the five largest pharmaceutical companies in Vietnam, with a target of $1 billion in the period of 2020 - 2025.

During this period, three vitals focuses that create leverage for achieving the mission of Dong A Group are::

  • Developing strategic human resource management.
  • Maintaining and managing operations with the goal of sustainable development.
  • Planning and implementing management areas of Knowledge, Innovation and Change.

Dong A Group will prioritize the fulfillment of the following strategic objectives:

Asset investment plan:

In the period of 2020 - 2025, revenue reaches $1billion.

Achieves customer satisfaction on product quality, reasonable prices and leading distribution system in Vietnam.

Business Management::
To establish corporate structure with professional operational management.
To offer a working environment where employees can develop their expertises, contribute to the overall organisational achievements, thus become one of the leading businesses that employees consider ideal to do. job.