Why not start on the trampoline in your back yard? Or that you should do this for the rest of your life. Books on all sorts of different topics. Mostly, it’s just people telling you that you’re not good at it. But I know that if something is important to me, then I won’t just one plan. And at the end of the day you’ll become the manager of everything and everyone just because you’re constantly talking about stuff no one really understands and people assume that you must be smart and know what you’re talking about. Under these conditions, am I willing to give myself a chance to shine or just leave it as it is? I deserved every bad grade I ever got. Stupid me! Or you don’t. That’s how I wrote this book. The voices that are constantly telling you that you could do better than this. That’s why I kept fighting. Every date you go on gets you closer to it. But I’m sure it works. More often than anybody else. Look. I don’t know. So if you have a job, try to keep it for as long as you possibly can. He told me that he was born in the year of the dragon. And if you think something is not your fault, then think again. The most valuable thing I have with me is my $300 laptop on which I’m writing this right here. Because your job is not safe. Create your virtual team. With less people like me. Learn more, Follow the writers, publications, and topics that matter to you, and you’ll see them on your homepage and in your inbox. And no one else’s. If you spend too much time with too many different people at the same time you’ll only end up being a superficial mix of too many different things. Simply because I burned through a lot of cash. Maybe they’ll also help some of you. You need leverage first. That they feel like they could achieve a lot more. You had to to get in touch with hundreds and hundreds of store owners to get it on the shelves. And the only way to learn this stuff is by doing. And I hope that I will never have to go through a similar experience. It’s your body telling you that you should quit…. No problem. But because everybody realized this huge opportunity, the opportunity that you can now directly reach millions of people without a gatekeeper through platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and also Medium, it gets harder and harder every single day to get noticed. You owe it to yourself. Lives can be busy at times and slow and boring in other moments. Who knows? That’s the only person or thing you can control or predict. Think about all the hardship. That would be total nonsense. Everything you read about following your passion is complete BS. When everything goes well. We all have family. And for the next 30 days I wrote and published one part of that book on my blog and here on Medium. So if that one big hit comes you’ll be able to leverage it for the rest of your life. From this overflowing emotion of selfless love comes a realization that our True Self encompasses everything. Alright, enough intros for now. Over and over again. So the only thing I really knew back then was that I didn’t want to start working a full time job. But it’s really a prison. Ever. But I guess being yourself and doing something unique instead of doing something that everybody else is already doing is a pretty good start. Because not too long ago I found an essay I wrote in high school. I thought it was over. But what I didn’t know back then is that 99% of the people with a university degree aren’t really able to create or do anything. That I have more than just this. I had never written anything in my life before. Until you can’t barely see anymore. At any age as a matter of fact. Into the pockets of the people that are trying to sell you dreams. I don’t know how or why but I came across a book called Love Your Like Your Life Depends On It by Kamal Ravikant. Simply because you’ll never be able to make enough money to enjoy more freedom. So I started teaching some English on the side while trying to finish my master’s degree, while trying to start a business and trying to learn Chinese. No book. Look. I’m sure it’s a nice country. They don’t show you the stuff when they’re at their lowest. Instead of jumping off the cliff right away. And we’ll all be dead at the end of it anyway. Think about all the pain. It all starts with you. Instantly! I am everything, I am nothing. I follow people. And for some reason on July 31st I had to think about it again. This is for the ones most people would call crazy. By the way you can read that post at the end of the book. You’re climbing up the ladder. And because that book wasn’t a success and I didn’t have a job anymore and every time I checked my bank account the numbers were getting smaller and smaller, I knew I had to come up with some more ideas. What I think it’s all about at the end of the day is to collect as many different pieces of your puzzle as possible. Because you know that you don’t have it. Most people have no clue about how to create something out of nothing. Too much. I didn’t want to be stuck in a cubicle for the rest of my life. I’ve written and published more books than I would like to admit. They are in the business of selling you dreams. It’s hard. But the truth is that you’ll never finish this. I felt like a total fraud. That’s your goal right there. They say to me in their awakening, “You and the world you live in are but a grain of sand upon the infinite shore of an infinite sea.” And in my dream I say to them, “I am the infinite sea, and all the worlds are but grains of sand upon my shore.” Be honest with yourself and spend a few minutes thinking about your worst case scenario. I am everything. It all started with that one step that could mean nothing and everything. Watch them grow. Sometimes it’s about adjusting and implementing the things you’ve learned. I’m not even a native speaker. We all suck when we start something new. Look. It helped me to understand how big companies really work. So that was that. But all of the things I gave up so far had one thing in common. You’ve gotta build your audience once and once you were able to successfully do so you can leverage that audience over and over again. Many people are already able to do things. I am whole too. It sure doesn’t. Especially if what you’re really looking for is freedom. The only thing you know you should do. On August 1st I wrote and published the first part. Ok, a few TED talks maybe. To worry about. So what you looks like an overnight success is really the result of years and years of engineering experience and knowledge from some of the most talented engineers from one of the most successful companies in the world. Who am I to be talking about kids, family and mortgage anyway? I put out stuff every single day. Really, really expensive crap. All I did was to follow my own advice. Maybe it doesn’t. I was seeing myself living on the streets. And yes I’m not an English native speaker. Because it’s not your job that makes you feel miserable. You’ll be their bitch. Or when you’ve written your third book. Or did not do something. And people have even paid me a few times to give talks. Ahhhh! What’s the best platform for me to get started?” Here’s the thing. And then I just left the dinner and went home. In just 30 days. How can I make my day longer than 24 hours? No matter how hard it’ll get. Go one step at a time. Because it might be gone soon. Some time in our early twenties or maybe even earlier we stop experimenting. I said I’m in. But a job is probably the best thing that could ever happen to you. They only want you to see the good stuff. Maybe forever. If you’re not willing to sacrifice anything right now, if you’re not willing to sacrifice the dinners with your friends, if you’re not willing to sell your car, if you’re not willing to move into a smaller apartment, if you’re not willing to work 12–16 hours a day for a few years, then you might not be serious enough about it. To save as much as you can so you’d be able to buy yourself some freedom and invest in yourself. And tomorrow you could already be doing something else entirely. He put in the work. Worrying about this. A long time ago. Try to find the bright side. It’s a daily struggle. So maybe all of this zodiac sign stuff does make sense after all. And without momentum everything is a thousand times harder. Especially in the times we live in today where everything changes so fast that it’s hard to even keep track of what’s old and what’s new. I’ve published 533 blog posts. Doesn’t make any sense? The first thing that’s going to happen is that you’ll sound like everybody else out there. Only you can. What matters is that you don’t kill yourself. I lived in China on and off for almost two years trying to build that company. There’s only putting in the work. Everybody reads the same advice. Most of it is semi passive. If there’s something that sets me apart. That they’d have to live on the streets. I want to figure out whether or not I have it. Or maybe never read this ever again…. I couldn’t do anything anymore when I came home. Where am I right now? My realistic worst case scenario was that I had to move back in with my mom. Publish your stuff everywhere. And I own nothing and everything”. But not about the lesson he wanted to teach me. And 100% of the things I’m doing now are things I haven’t learned in school or at university. One step at a time. You’ve gotta start investing in yourself and buy yourself some freedom. All I had to my name were around $20,000 that I saved over the years working various jobs. And worked their way to the top. Simply because there are millions and millions of t-shirts, articles, books, products, videos or what not out there. Long story short. With no regrets…. Enjoy it for as long as you can. And at the same time try to save as much money as possible. But I guarantee you that almost no one ever will…, No one will magically find out about you. No one wants to admit that he or she just doesn’t have it. Zero. But just for two seconds. He said that he lived in Germany for 17 years. Because I’ve learned the hard way over and over again that create it and they will come just doesn’t work. And then you wouldn’t be reading the stuff you’re reading right now. You’ve gotta be willing to work a few years on that. Because when you’re trying to figure all of this out, when you don’t have a job anymore, when the shit hit the fan, it’s like having a gun pointed at your head. I think if it wasn’t for his work I would probably have given up a long time already. I’ve written more than seven books. That you can live your dream. Ignore everybody who’s trying to give you advice on what you should do but has never done what you’re doing or want to do. They write about the stuff they have read somewhere else. They’ve lost their momentum. More than I’d like to admit. No one will magically find out about you. I’ve written five or six guidebooks. He wrote more books than I can remember. You don’t have to buy into that self help crap anymore. Or whatever. And nothing else. Because that perfect hand doesn’t really exist. I’ve never read an article on Medium from someone else other than them. You’ve gotta learn how to surf to be able to ride the big waves. Too much thinking never solves anything. But whatever…, If you constantly read listicles and useless garbage, then you’ll also produce useless garbage. It’s about being yourself and finding out how you can make it work to be yourself. One of the most popular articles I ever wrote was called 5 minutes. What’s with the perfectionist in you? I will try to keep this brief as I am quite exhausted :) Yes, I also taught English for a while. As long as you see skills as what they are. He couldn’t talk properly anymore. The only way you’ll ever be free is when you do the things you know you should be doing deep down inside of you. No one taught me any of this. Only writing does make you a better writer. Otherwise you might never be able to keep doing what you’re doing right now. No matter what you’re trying to sell or trying to make passive income with. You just need three things in life to be happy. I was never a big reader. The dinner was really great until her husband got a pretty fancy looking bottle with alcohol in it out of somewhere. But probably not…. There’s no other way. So you can finally start creating your own…, I didn’t want to start working. Even worse, at my lowest my girlfriend broke up with me. Because no one will ever chose you. It’s all about sacrifice. I thought that I had seen and learned enough. Not surprisingly, none of these things really worked out. And it’s one of the only really actionable pieces of advice I give in this book. Which means that you’ll be less free than ever before. Help other people to create their freedom. No one even noticed…. I could tell you to do this or to do that. Maybe I was afraid. But to create a life. Think about it…. The more you’re willing to give up today, the more likely you’re MAYBE going to get more in return some time in the future. But I really hope it’s just 5 years. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out. And that’s why I fight so hard every single day. While getting ready that small shot might turn into your big shot. I didn’t even know that it was possible to be kicked out of a country just like that after having stayed there for 17 years. That comes from somewhere. I was a total mess. Look. It was all my fault. It didn’t make a lot of sense back then and I wasn’t sure if it was the right decision. “Should I start my own blog? From the things that are most important in your life. It only hurts you and your dreams. Maybe it won’t. Life is just a game. How do you even get noticed? Too many people get stuck in dead end jobs, projects, relationships or whatever because at one point they stopped progressing. When in reality no one has any clue about anything they’re talking about. And people might laugh at you. And so on…. Failure sucks. I don’t care about any of this anymore. Many people say that an entrepreneur jumps off a cliff and then finds a way to build a parachute on the way down. There are 7 billion people on this planet. Until the age of 28 I read maybe 10 books in total. Even if the article or video that you find here may not be worthy of a 5-star rating, it may still be worthy of sharing and passing along! And giving yourself a chance to shine. After all, I didn’t even know where I’d be living next. Every painting you paint gets you closer to it. Until it does. It’s a billion dollar industry. Including everything. What I mean with doing everything you can is to literally do everything you can. You are everything to me. And then one thing lead to another and boom! They offered me money at the end of each month. The funny thing is that when I studied there I never went to the library. And did everything myself. By grace, in Christ, the son of the King. So you might as well try to live for as long as you can. You’ve gotta be everywhere. I know it’s long, but I feel that this is the best way to read it in its entirety here on Medium. That all week long they’ve been doing things they didn’t enjoy doing. Most people who are selling you the passive income dream are basically showing you how to make passive income by teaching you the exact same technique they use. No matter how miserable it makes you feel. And then I did the same thing again all over Europe and gave 15 or so more talks at all sorts of events and conferences. Because it isn’t…. Your participation enriches this community and the lives of all of us who call MyLifeYoga our home! Yapp. I was scared of doing it. Mostly because I was scared. A post I wanted to write for a long time. That’s all I got when I started. He told Kamal that he never publishes anything on his blog if he’s not embarrassed. Arghhh! It was a group presentation and because I designed the whole presentation for the entire group I was familiar with the entire content. To experiment. How much time? I’m sure it’s not easy. You have to be the one who starts your race. The second step is to get going. When I moved back to Germany after my company failed I thought I was unemployable. And you know what? You’ve gotta know who you are. Not everybody can act accordingly right away. From entrepreneur to standup comedian. And I tried to ignore them for as long as I could. I don’t know if it broke him. And without both of these experiences I would probably not be where I am right now. I live the lifestyle that I’m living partly out of necessity and partly because it’s liberating. But most of us just don’t. Freedom is a conscious decision. And it’s the same trick over and over again. Just because you like where Kickstarter is now. Or when they quit their jobs, start their own thing and for some reason it doesn’t work out that they’re doomed for life. But I try. You have to give yourself that signal. This is the eighth. I’m not rich. Freedom is something you’ve gotta take. And then I followed more people on Medium. Very badly. Maybe it won’t. Freedom to do and live wherever I want to, Eliminate everything that causes unhappiness. He has started 20 or so businesses and 17 of them have failed. How I’m able to write so consistently. A video I made with the lyrics to Everything And Nothing. Before making that huge bet. Will you have enough energy to get back up again. No matter what you’re seeing, it’s most likely not the reality. And you know what? And instead I would probably be sitting somewhere in a cubicle. Most things in life are a coincidence. Or too young. And now here I was. And myself. But I blew it… I didn’t want to start working. It’s usually the things you’ve been trying to ignore. Reinvention is an absolute necessity and nothing to be ashamed of. And if you don’t get along with your parents anymore, then make sure you figure your shit out before they die. Or your partners. Just think about shaking things up every once in a while to keep things fresh…, By the way, if you’re constantly worried about your brand, you probably don’t have a brand…. I spend less than $800 a month including everything. It might be the worst decision in your life to become an entrepreneur. They are now what you know you should be doing deep down inside. Because I realized that if I want to unleash my potential and figure myself out, then I’d have to do it myself. I left my friends behind. And when that happens, when no one ends up buying from you, when you don’t get money at the end of each month, then you won’t be able to pay for rent. It doesn’t matter. I left my family behind. No, that’s not what I mean at all. No matter if you’re the best writer out there. And this again lead to a self organized tour through Central Eastern Europe. And a few other people. And no one else…. Or the economies fault. The first to offer really good stuff. And that’s why all of these people will tell you that you don’t have what it takes. If you’re not able to get enough sleep for a period longer than you’d like to admit to your friends or your family then get the hell out of there…. It’s an instinct guided part of the brain that starts to kick in whenever we are in a potentially dangerous or life threatening situation. If you don’t have an audience, if you don’t know how to send traffic to a website, if you don’t know how to setup a simple website, if you don’t know how to sell stuff, if you’ve never sold anything to anyone in your life before then you’re pretty much screwed. Or where you’re from. It took a few years. Many people talk about doing this or doing that. And I’m not saying that you should quit your job and only do the things you enjoy doing. You can see it every day on TV and in the news. And if I hadn’t done that job, I wouldn’t have written my first book. I just stopped giving a shit. You have to do what you enjoy doing. reflecting about my life. So when your main source of income disappears, for example your job, you should always have a few more aces up your sleeve. I only came up with this stuff once I’ve done all of this. Looking back, maybe he didn’t think I would say yes. None of them used any techniques or tricks to build their brands. 140. Or what not. You’ll never have enough of anything. Ever again. What will not work out today? And it puts more and more money in people’s pockets. If no one reads your stuff after a few months of writing consistently good stuff then it’’s about figuring out why no one even notices. The one thing that keeps me up working late at night. As well as a short side career as an English teacher at a Chinese and a Japanese company. Over and over again. A prison called freedom…. And whenever I have to decide whether or not I should do something, I take a look at that list. Everybody can do what I’m doing. The life you should live. It doesn’t matter. And take all the blame instead. You’ve gotta be out there. Of what? To be and find yourself. No matter what you do, copy the hell out of someone who has already successfully done what you want to do. Subscribe now and we shall send you a single e-mail every week with the round up of the best things that have happened here. You teacher, society, your friends, your family and the entire world, they all believe in the concept of talent. Ok, maybe I couldn’t live in Manhattan anymore. Or being someone you’re not. You’ll be competing with them (the gurus) on every new platform out there. But just creating stuff isn’t enough. I don’t think I’m any of this. And skip the blaming. Where you’re not forced to do things…. The fact that they might not be so special after all. Especially when you’re starting off. But whenever it comes you should know how to catch that wave and ride it for as long as you can. At all. Heck! So I moved in with her. You know that you just don’t have it. There’s just figuring out what works for you and what doesn’t. Only listen to the people who’ve either successfully or unsuccessfully done what you’re doing or are about to do. I think that a real minimalist doesn’t talk about it. I had no clue about how to write a book. My books. When we reach the level of wisdom to realize that our ego-identity is nothing, our lives overflow with joy and love. If you don’t feel embarrassed by what you write, don’t hit the publish button. If I didn’t do this, I would probably be stranded somewhere in the consulting jungle where I would always have to trade my time for money. Look. I feel that I could use my life to do something bigger. Read almost his entire blog. When the tour was over I decided to write another book. And ask yourself this simple question…. And I’m thankful that I never had to go through such an experience. That never works. For most people that’s enough. Even if it’s just temporary. You’ve gotta be where your readers are. But it wasn’t so clear to me back then. I’m not going to lie to you. Because no one will be able to help you. And I don’t really know you. Some people end up starting Facebook. I am in everything and nothing, but, I am not in everything, but, I am in more things than nothing, What am I? How do you speak in your own voice when you constantly feel like you don’t even have a voice at all? Maybe if you’re a natural you’d be able to ride it for a few seconds. And on August 1st I started writing that book. It only works this way. I tried to work at my old university’s library. This one right here is my eights book. Or what I had to say. It’s all just a numbers game. But that’s really the only way. Writing and they will come doesn’t work. The clothes I’ve been wearing for the past few months cost less than $20. With almost all of the advice out there on how to build your audience. No one. And it feels terrible. But most importantly your boss is not paying you his own money. Eating cheap canteen food and sneaking into the university library every single day. And I thought the exact same thing. Building someone else’s dream is fine as long as you see it as what it is. It would have meant that I don’t have more potential than I thought I had. That they might not have it scares the shit out of them. From where? Because I created something out of nothing. Teacher Mr.. hmm I forgot his name first so that maybe day! Feeling to go through a lot doing everything you can do that better person many small ideas the more you... Myself some freedom without that job oscillates between the two my life one will magically find out about worst... Your focus from planting your seeds work already failure really means is you! ” to making business everywhere would cost me some of my books was available PDF. Money online give gets you closer to it that half of the time it ’ s doing now paid a... 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