Only a samurai was allowed to have a katana. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Today, this art is practiced in iaido and kendo martial arts. To determine the quality of a katana it is enough to check its resistance (how much it bends when it is hit), elasticity (the ability of katana to return to its original shape), and the endurance of the blade after striking (how long it lasts). en. Perhaps you’re speaking to a beginner Japanese learner and katakana is a little easier for them to understand. katana noun. It is primarily used for slashing, and can be wielded one- or two-handed (the second being the most common mode). It was used for stabbing when the katana was made for using with one hand. A type of Japanese longsword, 日本刀 (にほんとう, nihontō) having a single edge and slight curvature. Know the answer of question : what is meaning of Katana in English? Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion. de katana in English translation and definition "katana", Dictionary English-English online. Related : Fibre. ja. Close to Katana. In ancient times it was said that the soul of the sword was put into the katana at this point. katana translation in Finnish-English dictionary. The last one is the art of dueling with bamboo or wooden sword. Got it! Log in . ‘The katana became a dangerous weapon when he wielded it as fast and expertly as he did.’ ‘Two warriors, clad in back, holding unsheathed katanas, silently approached each other in the forest.’ Ferner hat AstraZeneca 1999 zwei neue Produkte eingeführt. Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "katana sword" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. This depended mainly on the length of the tang (the handle). Old schools of handling katana swords still exist. But there are some swords made of zinc and aluminum alloys, which are able to resist some external forces and are only used for decoration or non-tameshigiri practice. The ' Kentsuba-monyo-tsuki enkei Kintsuba ' refers to kintsuba cakes which have the original round shape and a ' katana tsuba ' ( also called ken-tsuba , which is a round or squarish guard at the end of the grip of a bladed Japanese weapon such as a ' katana ' samurai sword ) pattern on the surface . Furthermore, AstraZeneca introduced in 1999 two new products, In der Liste "Gegenstand" befinden sich verschiedene Objekte, welche die Miniatur bei sich hat, darunter auch Waffen. English English to katakana; Katakana to English; Alphabet to kanji; Verbs Inflect verbs; Deinflect Japanese verbs; Kana Romaji to kana; Kana to romaji; Kanji Change your name to kanji; Type English words in the box below. katana (Katana) meaning in English (इंग्लिश मे मीनिंग) is KATANA (katana ka matlab english me KATANA hai). The katana was popular from 1400 A.D. until 1876, when the samurai were abolished as a social class. Other times, it’s all about the context. Check 'Katana' translations into English. katana Definitions. Glosbe. Translations in context of "Katana" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: Mas rende-te e deixarei a Katana partir. Collins English Dictionary. It is the most important sword of the three swords worn by samurai: katana, wakizashi, and tanto. Translation for 'katana' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. La sangre cayó, pero se quedó suspendida en el aire, formando una katana. The term katana (kanji: 刀) means "sword" in English. Raisha. There’s no right or wrong: Just go with the flow! It is the most important sword of the three swords worn by samurai: katana, wakizashi, and tanto.The katana was popular from 1400 A.D. until 1876, when the samurai were abolished as a social class.. काटना { kaTana } = SLASH (Verb) Usage : Rameshs mother gone with a slash of mango. en.wiktionary2016 . This sword was thought to be the "soul" of its master. Press "Convert to katakana" to convert them into katakana. This page was last changed on 7 April 2021, at 02:39. काटना { kaTana } = CUT UP (Verb) Usage : blood, flesh, veins, muscles and tendons - the cut up corpse of a dismembered body. In Japanese, "katana" means a long sword and it represents a blade, which is a little curved, with a single edge and a very sharp point. Translation for 'katana' in the free Finnish-English dictionary and many other English translations. The katana could be easily used for cutting if it was made for using with both hands. La bestia gruñó cuando la katana … He generally wields a katana, but can also use a dagger and rocket launcher. Zweit- und Drittwaffen wie ein, In the menu "Item" you'll find additional objects or secondary weapons the miniature carries, so it's a good idea to look there for a, Im November 1608 kam es zu einem Kampf zwischen etwa 100 japanischen Samurai, bewaffnet mit, In November 1608, a fight between about 100 Japanese samurai, wielding, Der Fokus liegt jedoch auf dem Gebrauch des Lang- und Kurzschwertes (, But the main weapons used are the long sword and short sword (, Es hat die Form des japanischen Langschwertes (, Used to train samurai in feudal Japan , it is now used as a training weapon in various Japanese, Den Nogitsune aus Rhys'Körper zu schneiden, zerschmetterte das, Excising the nogitsune from Rhys'body shattered the. KFTT. کاٹَن وُول. Pronunciation of Katana with 2 audio pronunciations, 1 meaning, 8 translations, 20 sentences and more for Katana. The most famous are: Kashima Shin-ryu, Kashima Shinto-ryu, Tenshin Shoden Katori Shinto-ryu. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "KATANA" - indonesian-english translations and search engine for indonesian translations. This steel is sent to a smith who breaks it down to small pieces and layers the steel according to carbon content, they smelt this in their forge and repeatedly fold the steel in order to homogenise it. Translations of the word KATANA from german to english and examples of the use of "KATANA" in a sentence with their translations: Katana , nein! Überprüfen Sie die Übersetzungen von 'Katana' ins Englisch. Lint: کتانہ Katana: (noun) fine ravellings of cotton or linen fibers. To pull the katana a few inches out of its scabbard was an aggressive move signalling willingness to fight. Translation for 'katana' in the free Polish-English dictionary and many other English translations. Impressive Performance of Katana vs. Machine Gun! Check 'katana' translations into Swedish. The art of handling a katana was developed in martial arts like kenjutsu and iaijutsu. Samurai kept their katana on a special stand for swords, called katana-kake. Translations in context of "KATANA" in indonesian-english. When a katana is gripped properly, the little finger is the strongest. Look through examples of Katana translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. The sword was in its sheath or scabbard (the cover), with its blade facing up. Alternatively, the scabbard might be held freely in the left hand: in action the sword would be drawn and the scabbard thrown down. Look through examples of katana translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar. Cuando una katana es empuñada correctamente, el dedo meñique es el más fuerte. Diese Katana hätte sauber durch sein Hemd geschnitten. Principal Translations: Spanish: English: katana, catana nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. The most important part of the forging is the tempering, when the sword is quench-hardened. As a rule, katana was worn under the belt on the left side of a right-handed man. Katan Wuul. The blood fell free for a moment then suspended in midair, forming into the shape of a katana., Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License, Modern katana designed for the training of iaido and iaijutsu -. (kəˈtɑːnə ) noun. katana - Traduccion ingles de diccionario ingles. In Japanese, "katana" means a long sword and it represents a blade, which is a little curved, with a single edge and a very sharp point. ‘Daggers en suite with wakizashis and katanas were accorded the same care in their manufacture and decoration as their companion swords.’. This stand was used for both katana and wakizashi. There was a tradition of wearing, taking care and taking the katana out of its scabbard. A traditional katana is made of a type of high carbon steel called tamahagane, which is made by smelting a type of Japanese iron ore, called iron sand, in a large furnace called a tatara. Geralmente usa uma catana, mas também pode utilizar uma adaga e um lança-rockets. Translations of the word KATANA from italian to english and examples of the use of "KATANA" in a sentence with their translations: Fatemi prendere la katana dal piano di sopra. After polishing, the sword to be fitted. Useful Words. Katana, pats kilniausias iš visų kardų. This school taught how to use both a katana and a wakizashi during a fight. The blade had to have its point up, just as when wearing the sword; the handle (called the tang) had to be turned to the let. How to say Katana in English? Translations in context of "katana" in Italian-English from Reverso Context: Se pensi di essere ucciso da una katana, Poi contrattaccare con una barra. It is written かたな in hiragana. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A simple man with a katana sword could be killed at once. English There have been epidemics of poliomyelitis in Walikale, smallpox in Katana, Marburg virus in Durba and cholera in Kisangani (150 cases), Lubungo (139) … This made katana available for handling any time it was needed. The most appreciated technique of handling a katana is a school called Nitto Ryu. رَیشہ . Certo, lá se foi a espada catana. A katana is a Japanese long sword used by samurai warriors. All right, so there goes the katana sword. 1. If you need to find out katana English Meanings, Urdupoint Roman Hindi to English Dictionary is the best platform. Japanese sabre mounting worn with edge up. katana. Pronunciation /kəˈtänə//kəˈtɑnə/. noun. It's pronounced roughly like "kah-tah-nah".. Katana can be used to refer to a particular type of sword in the family of nihonto NIHONTO 日本刀 "Japanese sword" learn more... (“Japanese swords”), but it is more widely used as a catch-all term. The Katana was very important in Japanese society. Lint. Sut: Cotton : … The most famous samurai who improved this art was Miyamoto Musashi. This allows for free movement in battle. Katan Ka Bareek Kapra. کَتانَہ : Katana Meaning in English. کٹا. Advertisement Katana in Detail. A katana is a Japanese long sword used by samurai warriors. काटना { kaTana } = CHOP OFF (Verb) Usage : He chopped the woods off. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers. A long, single-edged sword used by Japanese samurai. Translations in context of "katanas" in Portuguese-English from Reverso Context: Hideaki Itsuno observou que também era popular nos Estados Unidos, porque vários personagens de filmes de Hollywood empunham katanas. The sword is sometimes given a rough polish by the smith and then sent to a professional polisher for polishing (usually to a mirror finish). Glosbe verwendet Cookies, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie die beste Erfahrung erhalten, Vier japanische Offiziere und der Sohn eines bei der Double Tenth Revolt getöteten japanischen Geschäftsmanns enthaupteten die fünf Gefangenen mit dem, Four Japanese officers and the son of a Japanese businessman (killed during the uprising) were ordered to behead the five prisoners with, General Dutafi, Präsident des kürzlich als unabhängig anerkannten West-, General Dutafi, President of the newly established county of West, Albert Kwok sowie vier andere Anführer – Charles Peter, Chan Chau Kong, Kong Tze Phui, Lee Tek Phui – wurden mit dem, Kwok together with four other leaders – Charles Peter, Tsen Tsau Kong, Kong Tze Phui, Li Tet Phui – were executed with a beheading by. en Get meaning and translation of Katana in English language with grammar, synonyms and antonyms. Katana definition: a long curved single-edged sword traditionally used by Japanese samurai | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Some English words (via katakana) are popular to use in Japanese. a long curved single-edged sword traditionally used by Japanese samurai. [1] That way the sword could be drawn and cut the opponent in one movement. This katana would've sliced through his shirt cleanly. Maybe other speakers in a group conversation are using a lot of katakana. Schwert katana Roman Hindi to English Meaning is Exscind. The katana, most noble of all the blades. katana in British English. Der kostenlose Service von Google übersetzt in Sekundenschnelle Wörter, Sätze und Webseiten zwischen Deutsch und über 100 anderen Sprachen. The katana belongs to the nihontō family of swords, and is distinguished by a blade length (nagasa) of more than 2 shaku, approximately 60 cm (24 in). Today katanas are mainly made of carbon steel of different quality. Die Parteien haben jedoch später selbst angegeben, dass die Produkte, However, the parties have also later submitted that, Während eines verbissenen Kampfes, in dem Ken Tono in der traditionellen Weise mit einem, During a prolonged battle, after Ken kills Tono in the traditional way with a, Der Shimazu Klan bevölkert die Provinz Satsuma und kann überlegene, The Shimazu clan inhabit Satsuma and can recruit superior, Japanese sabre mounting worn with edge up, katamnestische Untersuchung von Unterkieferfrakturen, JMdict (Japanese-Multilingual Dictionary). Cookies help us deliver our services. Then Enko was beside him, katana slicing a path through the tsukai. Kata. en a type of Japanese longsword . Show algorithmically generated translations. Schauen Sie sich Beispiele für Katana-Übersetzungen in Sätzen an, hören Sie sich die Aussprache an und lernen Sie die Grammatik. More example sentences. Übersetzung Deutsch-Englisch für katana im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Related to Katana. کتان کا باریک کپڑا. katana noun feminine + grammar translations katana Add . Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience. katana in English Spanish-English dictionary. Generally, katana is designed for cutting, but it was widely used for stabbing too. '' – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen was beside him, was... Woods OFF there ’ s all about the context stabbing when the katana out of its scabbard was an move! Glosbe uses cookies to ensure you get the best platform oldid=7463793, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike,. Ancient times it was used for slashing, and tanto this art was Miyamoto Musashi time it needed. Important part of the tang ( the handle ) with one hand Convert them into katakana mit... Roman Hindi to English dictionary is the strongest free Polish-English dictionary and many English! 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