Twilight Sparkle recruits Fluttershy's help in teaching Luna to speak in a softer voice, and later takes her to Ponyville so Applejack can show her how to be likable. Despite her best efforts, Luna is unable to convince Daybreaker to change her ways, leaving her regretful of her failure. [5] She also speculated that when Nightmare Moon was defeated, Luna was reborn with very low magic levels, and that her mane was eventually magical and wavy again because her good powers had been restored. In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #10, towards the end of the festival, she is shown kissing Big Mac on the cheek as they ride the Ferris wheel. She is turned back to normal at the end of the film after the Storm King's defeat. Luna also becomes very good friends with Princess Platinum after she apologizes and even promises to teach her how to do the royal Canterlot voice. Evans has stated in an interview that her being cast as the singing voice of Princess Luna, who Tabitha St. Germain voices as well as Rarity, was coincidental. Later in the evening, Luna rushes into Celestia's room when she hears her scream from having a nightmare. [9] The post-makeover pink Luna appears in a Flash asset of the online game Castle Creator.[10]. Faust added that this explanation is "as far as [she] ever got with it," and that the explanation might unfold differently on the show.[11]. Originally, the two ruled together, but Luna began to feel that Celestia was overshadowing her. Luna and Celestia have forgiven each other and are loving sisters once again, but Luna has trouble adjusting to modern Equestrian life after her thousand-year-long banishment in the moon. Following the prologue, Twilight Sparkle reads of a prophecy about the Mare in the Moon that states that "on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid in her escape, and she will bring about nighttime eternal." She is eventually turned back to normal when Rainbow Dash rains the cure for the spring water over Ponyville. The alternate Luna demonstrated Luna's good nature as Luna herself declined, and remained good during the time in which Luna was Nightmare Moon. In My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #2, Sunburst reads to her an untold story about Rockhoof. According to Lauren Faust, Princess Luna's name "was Selena for a short time, but there were legal problems with it,"[6] and Nightmare Moon was originally named "Discord,"[7] a name which would later be given to another eventually-reformed villain. Luna makes a similar appearance in Sweetie Belle's dreams in For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils and shows Sweetie Belle visions of her past, the present, and Rarity's future. Through her power over nightmares, Nightmare Moon was able to feed off Luna's insecurities of living in her sister's shadow, thus allowing her to take over Luna's mind, which ultimately lead to her being banished to the moon for a thousand years. Princess Luna. So much emotion built up inside of her. Luna reappears at the end of Part 2. Later, Twilight and her friends free her and Celestia in Part 2 by giving up the Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony. Franchise: My Little Pony. Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship, Cutie mark listed as "Night Sky with Moon and Stars" in, Background indicated as part of cutie mark in, Nightmare Moon is the name of the form initially taken by the bitter Princess Luna when transformed by the Nightmare Forces, as explained in the episode, More My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki. She also confronts Twilight Sparkle directly when the two charge at each other, right before shattering the Elements of Harmony. In a second alternate timeline, Luna and her sister fail to defeat Discord and are tormented by him as he rules Equestria. She also cautions Twilight and her friends against the hazards of Tartarus. Twilight soon realizes that the potion has taken her to the past, and that she is witnessing the banishment of Nightmare Moon. In the European French dub, Nightmare Moon is named La Jument Séléniaque, loosely translated as "the mare Selene" or "the Selene Mare." Rarity, Granny Smith and Princess Luna in My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic; Pepper Clark in Littlest Pet Shop; Auriana and Carissa in Lolirock; Website : Tabitha St. Germain, formerly known as Paulina Gillis Germain and also known as Tabitha or Kitanou St. Germain, is a Canadian actress and comedian. Depiction of her as a filly—on the fan-designed WeLoveFine T-shirts "Old School Cutie Mark" (without her cutie mark) and "Flying in Circles" (with her cutie mark)—uses the lighter-coated-and-normal-maned design; depiction of her as a mare has switched between the two designs on multiple occasions: Her old design is still used in some merchandise, the online game Castle Creator, and the commercial The Fresh Princess of Friendship, and her old mane is partly visible in some shots. She is currently not affiliated with any guild. My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Arriving for the celebrations in A Canterlot Wedding Part 2. Later in the episode, Luna appears again in Canterlot in order to help Sweetie Belle undo the damage she did to the headpiece. Luna dances with the other ponies after Pinkie Pie and DJ Pon-3 start the wedding party music which concludes the episode. A Shine Bright light-up Luna was bundled with the Canterlot Castle set. My Little Pony: FIENDship is Magic Issue #4 "explores the secret origins of" Nightmare Moon, where she takes over the Nyx in order to plague the dreams of Equestria's ponies. The game's description of Princess Luna states, "Formerly Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna is the younger sister of Princess Celestia. After the ponies run away in fright, she changes back to her usual appearance and spits out the false fangs she was wearing, confused as to why Twilight wanted her to do that. Luna appears in My Little Pony: Nightmare Knights as the leader of a team of former villains. Hough Published Mar 24, 2021. During their mission, Luna encounters a version of Celestia who became Daybreaker. At the end of Part 2, Luna is rescued along with the other captives, and she joins in celebrating the Sunset Festival in Our Town. She is forced to retreat back to Equestria, leaving Spike and the remaining Element bearers behind. Shortly after, Luna joins Celestia and Cadance in a song, admitting to Twilight that she understands how she is feeling. The two sisters later join the celebration in Ponyville, where Luna receives a welcome wreath in wonderment, and gazes up with an anxious smile at her older sister. To solve the mystery of the disasters plaguing Equestria, Twilight Sparkle must explore both the land's past and the Everfree Forest's present situation. Luna makes brief appearances in The Crystal Empire - Part 1 and Part 2. This ultimately leads to the sisters arguing and going their seperate ways. A Nightmare Moon figure which was released in the Toys 'R' Us exclusive Friendship Is Magic Favorite Collection, in Fall 2012. She then takes Sweetie Belle into the past at her fifth birthday party and shows her that Rarity did not want to take over the party, just simply save it. Nightmare Moon in Friendship is Magic, part 2. King Sombra | My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Wiki | Fandom Princess Luna appears on page 7 of My Little Pony Micro-Series Issue #3 in Rarity's dream along with part of Hush Now Lullaby. The alternate Luna is later returned to her former self after the alternate King Sombra uses the Elements of Harmony on her and Celestia. Luna proclaims that she will be the only princess in Equestria, and she undergoes a transformation into Nightmare Moon, much to Twilight's horror. In The Cutie Re-Mark - Part 2, due to Starlight Glimmer's alteration of the past, she inadvertently creates a future where Nightmare Moon deposes Princess Celestia, banishes her to the moon, and brings about eternal night. In Bloom & Gloom, Luna visits Apple Bloom's nightmare to comfort her cutie mark anxieties, and also brings Sweetie and Scootaloo into the dream. After regaining their magic, Luna, Celestia, and Discord turn the defeated villains to stone. Announcing 'The Haunting of Equestria',... @MaggieVera_ quien hará la vos de la princesa LUNA ????? Princess Luna Comparison of the voice actors who have been the voice of Princess Luna with sound clips and images. Indeed, this prophecy comes to pass, and Nightmare Moon appears before the ponies of Ponyville during the Summer Sun Celebration. Originally, the two ruled together, but Luna began to feel that Celestia was overshadowing her. Nightmare Moon in the season five finale. When Spike is put in charge of making sure nothing disturbs princess Twilight, the power soon goes to his head and he begins making decisions in her name. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, Luna appears at a princess summit in the Crystal Empire. Her voice is provided by Canadian-American actress Tara Strong while her singing ... Princess Celestia and Princess Luna have decided to retire from ruling Equestria and they choose Twilight as their successor, so she starts preparing for her new role. Luna appears as Nightmare Moon, scares the ponies, and bares fangs. "Thanks-said he-you too".They both were happy! During the episode, she is captured off-screen by black vines growing out of the Everfree Forest. "Nightmare Night is canceled....FOREVER!!!!!". In Part 2, she appears with Celestia and the royal guards to apprehend Cozy Glow, and later takes her to Tartarus accompanied by a pair of guards. As the Equestrian sun lowers, the shining moon rises courtesy of PRINCESS LUNA, Princess Celestia's younger sister. These include the manticore, whose paw she embeds with a thorn so he'd attack the ponies, or Steven Magnet, whose mustache she cuts off so he'd make the river impassible. The princess manages to relinquish the use of her royal Canterlot voice, and in the epilogue she plays a variety of games with the villagers, accepts the foals' candy, and frightens Rainbow Dash by firing a bolt of lightning behind her, a trick that Rainbow Dash had been playing on other ponies over the course of the night. Niflheim invaded Tenebrae and killed many officials of the royal family, including In Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2, she and the other princesses transfer their magic to Twilight; Luna's cutie mark—unlike those of Celestia, Cadance, and the ponies whose magic Tirek steals—does not completely disappear,[note 1] losing only the moon marking and keeping the darker part underneath. In the episode Hearth's Warming Eve, Spike narrates that this magic is not exclusive to Luna and Celestia and that it could be performed by the unicorns of old collectively. A newer Playful Ponies Princess Luna being released along with Rarity and accessories and it featured a newer model as a part of the Crystal Empire toyline. And that was what he did!The princess's heart were ready to fly out of it's place,but she ceept her self calm! After being freed by a cosmic alignment, she returned to seek revenge, but was defeated by six exceptional ponies bearing the Elements of Harmony. They are also able to restore Star Swirl's magic and that of the other unicorns. Their ears appear to be furrier than normal. In the first part, she expresses doubt to Celestia over whether Twilight is ready for her task. So difficult, in fact, her jealousy turned her into the villain Nightmare Moon! Princess Luna is a dark-blue alicorn and Princess Celestia's younger sister. I want to spread more positivity into the … In Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Princess Luna hunts down the Tantabus, a nightmare creature she created that haunts the Mane Six's dreams. Luna realizes that her sister does do a lot of work and decides to go back to working solely during the night. Se lo podríamos dedicar a la Princesa Luna por darnos a todos sueños felices, ¿verdad? Tirek and Discord eventually break into Canterlot Castle and Tirek attempts to steal the three princesses' magic, but soon learns that they have transferred it all to Twilight. A Build-A-Bear Princess Luna plush with coronation outfit was released on March 20, 2015. She is also the adoptive aunt of Princess Cadance. In the dark form of Nightmare Moon, Luna is consumed with spite and enjoys manipulating unwilling ponies to do her bidding. While in this form, Nightmare Moon manipulates creatures and environments; she transforms into a thorn to hurt a manticore, prompting it to attack the Mane Six, and she transforms into the Shadowbolts at one point. In The Fall of Sunset Shimmer, a book titled Secrets of Nightmare Moon appears on page 5, and a portrait of Nightmare Moon appears on page 6. Luna then conjures up a spiral-bound book, as Celestia nods, confirming that her student is "much closer to being ready". "I know-said SunBurn-I saw you on the Night And Day celebration.You have pretty good skills! Princess Luna raises the moon at night and rules Equestria with her big sister, Princess Celestia, who's also an Alicorn. The evil version of this Luna appears in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Issue #68. At the beginning of Seasons 2 and 3, it's revealed that Luna, alongside Celestia, turned Discord to stone with the Elements of Harmony and imprisoned This is an unofficial site. Lauren Faust has stated that when Luna is fully grown, she will not look like Nightmare Moon. However, Twilight gets away and rewrites the timeline before Nightmare Moon can act upon it. Yui Ogura (小倉唯) Luna (ルナ Runa) is a character from Shadowverse that is playable in Princess Connect Re:Dive. However, as stated in Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?, Luna's sense of guilt causes her to create the Tantabus in order to give herself nightmares every night as punishment for the suffering she caused as Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon has already taken over Rarity, and Luna is powerless to stop her in her weakened state. And most significantly, they have purple dragon or bat-like wings instead of the standard feathered Pegasus wings. Her title in Twilight Sparkle's book in Friendship is Magic, part 1, "Mare in the Moon," is a play on the mythic story Man in the Moon. In My Little Pony: Legends of Magic Issue #1, Luna appears in flashback, where she was often subject to Celestia's ridicule when they were younger because she couldn't learn magic as quickly as Celestia. Back in Equestria, Luna helps Celestia and the residents of Ponyville defend themselves against the invasion Nightmare Moon and her minions. She can be seen wearing a dress and more ornate, elaborate versions of her crown, shoes, and collar. In The Summer Sun Setback, Luna and Celestia inform Twilight that the upcoming Summer Sun Celebration will be the last time the event will be held, feeling no need to keep celebrating it after they retire. Luna makes appearances in Princess Twilight Sparkle - Part 1 and Part 2. She appears in this manner in Ponyville's pavilion where the Summer Sun Celebration is being held, and she follows the Mane Six on their journey for the Elements this way. In Part 1, Luna takes over the night shift from her sister after flying in silhouetted by the moon, and later tells Twilight to remain inside after spotting her running towards the castle. In Ponies of Dark Water, Luna helps Spike, Zecora, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders save Ponyville after the Mane Six are exposed to a hot spring's dark magic. It is built with a low center of gravity, and Luna's royal guards pull it via heavy chains. The episode takes place in Ponyville during Nightmare Night. Because of her difficulty dealing with other ponies, Luna accidentally ruins a fundraiser for school foals and causes a timberwolf scare among delegates. Imprisoned in the moon, Nightmare Moon became even more dangerous when she escaped. She uses archaic terms like "hath," "thy," "nay," and "thou," as well as other constructs. Luna mentions that they believe Tirek escaped during the events of It's About Time when Cerberus left his post and attacked Ponyville. Princess Luna returned to the show exactly one year after the broadcast date of Friendship is Magic, part 2, in the episode Luna Eclipsed. In My Little Pony The Movie, Luna appears with the other princesses at the Friendship Festival when Twilight asks them to use their magic for the festival's main event. When Cozy Glow, now an Alicorn, attacks Canterlot Castle, Luna and Celestia face her, only to have their magic stolen by the Bewitching Bell. Luna's design is similar to those of Fleur Dis Lee, Princess Cadance, the Headless Horse, the Mane-iac, "Tropical Dream", Sassy Saddles, S06E20 Unnamed Earth Mare #8, S06E20 Unnamed Earth Mare #9, and S06E20 Unnamed Earth Mare #10. In To Where and Back Again - Part 1, Princess Luna helps comfort Starlight Glimmer when she has a nightmare about her fellow villagers of Our Town. Princess Luna reverts to her intimidating self after Pinkie Pie accuses her of eating Pipsqueak, while she was actually saving him from drowning in the apple bob. The carriage they pull is aggressive and Gothic, with streamlined shapes evoking bat or dragon-wings as well as arrow-like or spear-like accents. Nightmare Moon uses her magic to set obstacles in Twilight and her friends' path to the Elements of Harmony indirectly, making creatures unwittingly assist her. She gives advice to Sweetie Belle and tells her that she as well has a sister that often "shines more brightly" than her and that she struggles with it. Toy packaging featuring the "Nightmare Moon" spelling, Lauren Faust discussing the age of Princess Luna on DeviantArt, Lauren Faust about Rarity being cut from the episode, Layout artist discussing pink Luna's cut scene, Lauren Faust explaining Nightmare Moon's thousand-year banishment, My Little Pony Facebook page: "Here’s your first look at some magical new pony friends", My Little Pony Design-A-Pony Princess Luna Figure,, Nightmare Moon, The Mare in the Moon, Princess of the Night, Night Mare, Mare on the Moon, Guardian of the Night, Mayor in the Moon, Starry Night Terror, L (, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, At least one appearance where the character is the focus of a shot, without spoken dialogue or narration, Background appearance or an appearance where the character is not the focus, At least one appearance where the character is only in a flashback or fantasy-setting, No physical appearance, but appears in a photo, drawing, or figure, No appearance, but a mention by name or title, No appearance and no mention by name or title, Switch between a flashback on page 21 of the, Switch-back before and after being Nightmare Moon respectively in a flashback in, Switch-back between the above point and page 15 of the. Dota: Dragon's Blood Cast Guide - What The Voice Actors Look Like. When she first appears, she intimidates the ponies with her evil laugh and pointed questions. She also appears in a nightmare vision given to Twilight by King Sombra, transforming into Nightmare Moon. The dreams are incredibly imaginative and have real intensity and emotional power. A thousand years ago, Luna became bitter of everypony playing in the day, while they sleep through the night and ignore her. Luna lowers the moon for the Summer Sun Celebration. Tabitha St Germain is the voice of Princess Luna in My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, and Takako Honda is the Japanese voice. Princess Luna appears in All About Alicorns, in Saving the Crystal Empire, in Nightmare Night, depicted on a flag in Hearth's Warming Eve, and in The Crystalling. In The Journal of the Two Sisters, Luna at first writes her journal entry in the royal Canterlot voice, but then decides against it. 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