No matter what happens in every experience you can see how things are better than before. ~ Robert Byrne. It is rather to get back up and keep going. Because the truth is, nine times out of ten, your strike-out was probably a matter of bad luck. The Golden Words For A Successful LifeThe Wolf Climbing The Hill Is Always HungryHow To Set Goals You Can AchieveTo Be Successful Be Prepared To Be DoubtedThe Definitive Habits For SuccessThe Odds Between Taking Risks And Never Taking Chances, Sergei VanBellinghen, Founder & CEO of First-Class Lifestyle, currently a Personal Growth & Success Expert, using self-development techniques to help you succeed and have a better life. In life, you just have to keep going, no matter what happens because nothing good will come if you quit. The first principle is 1.) June 11, 2014 . Life: the one thing in the universe that holds true intrinsic value. Yes I took my cup in the restaurant! No matter what you have done, Jesus Christ’s sacrifice is able to pay the penalty for your sin. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. And it just did not happen because that is life. Use the example of many successful people before you who are an excellent example of what the human spirit can achieve if you never give up but persist, and keep moving, no matter how slow you go. Live your purpose. The Quotes Image The quotes image about kindness, by Taylor Swift. Taking responsibility is another thing that will help you to make each day better than the last. Bad people give you experience. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Sometimes this analysis is not helping you at all. You can be happy, whatever happens. Always, always, always get back up. You’ve heard what you’ve heard: stop it. About; Why Life Stations Declined to join protests on #Skid Row. But it is not how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. When you want to stay motivated and keep going, it is essential to tell only people who have the desire to celebrate your successes and victories with you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Living Bible (TLB). What gives life meaning is the struggle that we live through. If men speak well of you, it doesn’t matter much. If you woke up anxious, stressed and/or depressed, I understand, but remember that life goes on, no matter what happens today. Therefore, keep going and do not stop until you get to the finish line. Daniel is a model of integrity. The solution here is not to over-analyze why it happened or if you are good enough. It goes on no matter what happens in your life. sindu masilamani says, ' No matter what happens in life, be good to people.. And so, you have to carry on also, persevere, if you want to do yourself an excellent service. No matter how bad it feels now, things usually work out ok. No matter what happens God is with you. Therefore, to keep going no matter what happens, you may have to look for those images in your mind. You aren't lost. Trending. Life … There is this feeling where I’m getting scared, maybe I’m nervous a bit, or maybe something just happened unexpectedly. Always remember to be grateful and give credits when due. This quote is about life, legacy, people,. Or when you feel rejected, you wonder what could be wrong with you, and you begin building resentment. Life Goes On, No Matter What Happens Today If you woke up anxious, stressed and/or depressed, I understand, but remember that life goes on, no matter what happens today. It does not matter how difficult life is, never give up is the key. ", "No way!" If you are persecuted or lied about, it doesn’t matter much. Living Bible (TLB), 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in all English translations, Living Bible: Large-Print, Green Padded Hardcover (indexed), Living Bible: Large Print, Green Padded Hardcover, The Living Bible, TuTone Brown/Tan Imitation Leather, The Living Bible, Large Print Red Letter Edition, Green Hardcover. is going to show us step-by-step. You will have periods where you will have little or no strength left to keep going. George Higginson is well known in the financial advice industry for … It's a beautiful song that we sing in assembly before. “If you can’t fly then run; if you can’t run then walk; if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ~ Martin Luther King Jr. Perhaps, the fact of the matter is that you got happy and excited about an incident, chance, opportunity or even possibility which did not work out the way you planned. If being in command of your emotional state sounds good, take charge of your life with these 5 easy tips. It goes on. Sergei VanBellinghen posts new articles, The Wolf Climbing The Hill Is Always Hungry, To Be Successful Be Prepared To Be Doubted, The Odds Between Taking Risks And Never Taking Chances, Summary Of Why A Few People Follow Through And Most Do Not By Tony Robbins, View all articles by Sergei VanBellinghen. Always smile. Some … SCORE 111. How to learn to be optimistic in spite of everything. No Matter What Happens In Your Life. View No matter what happens to you in life.docx from BUSINESS 322 at Harvard University. Fortunately, I have a husband who hardly ever worries. No one likes pain since it has the capacity to stop us dead in our tracks. Votes: 3 No matter what happens in life, you should always be good to the people around you. No matter what happens in your life. Don’t let the darkness of some people harden your heart. Through Jesus Christ, you can experience a personal relationship with God and enjoy a life of peace and hope. Death can’t, and life can’t. And that is taking responsibility for your life. We all know that our emotions are directed by our thoughts. Discuss or share more information about this quotation. Life is full of ups and downs; everything we plan does not always go as planned but my love for you will forever remain the same. How do you find the strength to keep moving forward? He says there is no point in worrying about something if there is nothing you can do about it. Always, always, always get back up. No matter what happens to you in life, how you choose to think matters. We all want to be happy, but not all paths lead to this longed-for goal. You have to realize that for every eight times you hit, you strike out of the park at least once. To analyze circumstances is great when you want to learn from them, but to dwell on your issues is a great disservice. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Change your focus. Nicholas Sparks. Your information is safe with us, it will never be shared it with anybody. No matter how far you're beaten down. It will not be easy, but it is possible if you carry on. Create a chronicle of your victories, successes, favorite memories and positive experiences. Download or share this Taylor Swift quote with your friends on facebook, linkedin, whatsapp, twitter, and on other social media. To keep going and stay motivated, here are four techniques which I practice to invite more good and positive into your life. It does not matter how difficult life is, never give up is the key. Time and again, you might hear yourself say: "Impossible! The coming of difficulties is not a reason to stop and end what you are trying to accomplish. No matter what happens in your life. No matter what happens in life, I will always believe in humanity. No Matter what happens in life, its really all about… Pespective. What we are lacking, or what we have in excess, in order to reach maturity. I welcome this feeling of bliss. You have to remember that enthusiasm, excitement, happiness, pleasure, and joy are tremendously valuable to you. You should never let go... Life Keeps On Moving so Keep Going. Most of us often have a strong tendency to downplay the good things that happen to us, for fear of being arrogant, bragging or even jinx our mojo. Negativity will… To move forward resolutely regardless of what lies in store-that is the spirit, the resolve, that leads to human victory. The pressures I will face. With that being said lunch with my little ones is how my Sunday is going! You cannot move forward and go on to achieve your goals if you stay in a negative state. “How can I be so confident?” you ask. Visit my website at “If you are going through hell, keep going” – Winston Churchill. Random. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. Think about the time when it has passed or when times are better. You fell in love with someone who did not feel the same as you did. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. Needless to say, I’ll remain with you even till the end of time. The angels can’t, and the demons can’t. "And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from His love. But the difference between success and failure is the will to keep going. Nothing about that is right. However, life happens here and now, and it is wrong to spend it waiting. You lose focus, but you concentrate and persist. That pony collection isn't nearly complete," Carter mused. When you are in pain or hurt, all you want is the entire world to stop turning. No matter what happens in life, God always be with us. You’d stop feeling lonely when there’s no one to talk to on a rainy day. At those critical, precious moments when your perspective widens and you become more aware of yourself, you can act in accordance with your aspiration to relieve suffering for self and other. Shine bright like a star. When we take 100% ownership of everything in our life and not in our life then we have no one else to blame. You might have to dig deep down into your beliefs, thoughts, and feelings that once gave you so much power, courage, and self-assurance to follow your ideas and dreams. By Paul Hudson. In other words, it just doesn’t matter much what happens to your life in this world. The ones that make you a better person no matter how frustrated you get! [With every broken bone, I swear I lived. Browse through and read or take no matter what happens in life b stories, quizzes, and other creations In life, you just have to keep going, no matter what happens because nothing good will come if you quit. When I dared a look back at him, I saw that the angel was smiling at me. Read the best original quotes, shayari, poetry & thoughts by sindu masilamani on India's fastest growing writing app | YourQuote. Discover and share No Matter What Happens In Life Quotes. Shame restricts us. How can we live our lives trusting God no matter what? It’s not going to happen. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. You need to prove to yourself that you can do it no matter what life throws at you. You have to know that there will be mountains and valleys and long, endless stretches of rain and sunshine to travel down along the journey ahead. Please allow a few minutes for this process to complete. But worrying too much is also a matter of giving due attention to getting things right. No matter what happens to you in life, how you choose to think matters. Take Action. No matter what happens to you in life, how you choose to think matters. Life has to go On, No Matter What Happens -Whoever you are, Life will get to you The best of people, the hottest of the lot, the most adept ones, have to face challenges and go through rigorous times in life. Life is full of changes, but my love for you is constant. You must steel yourself every minute of your life; then your weaknesses will become your strength. No Matter What Happens, you have God’s promise of eternal life and His peace and protection for your life now. No matter how far you're beaten down. There will be instances when you have no self-confidence left to carry on. Nothing can change those things you have the power of wanting it from within. Expect twists and turns. is going to show us step-by-step. The emotions of these past experiences are a great resource to keep going and have a positive attitude and outlook. I just want to tell you that I want to be in this love for the rest of my life. No matter what happens in life, be good to people. All rights reserved. God the pain in my upper back and the sides of my neck and shoulders is detestable today. When you are good and kind to others, you might not have a fate to expect the same from them. Privacy Policy. It took the life of my grandpa and my friend in order to realize that life doesn’t care and no matter what happens life keeps on going. But that one hit may just be worth all the smashes in the world. If you ever feel pain, shame, discomfort or even rejection, well, just keep going. It is always easier to dissect situations than it is to move on. Download Redesign Other quotes about kindness Written by Dian Arismawan A web developer, a craft and woodworking enthusiast, founding developer of 18 No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. Being good to others is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. But there are also people who has to overgo a lot of incidents in their life. Of course, there will be moments in your life when you will fail or fall. You, me, or nobody is going to hit as hard as life. It means taking risks, the ones you are afraid of making and get back out there. In order to help us find the best path and not leave it, No Matter What Happens, Life Is Still Beautiful! And I am so grateful he did. I know it may seem silly at the moment, … Rather say something like "Yes. They say you get what you deserve; you make happen what you are willing to do. … After an occupational injury, Lee lost both of his hands and faced life from a new perspective. Persevere rather than letting these feelings conquer you. 3. Celebrations and challenges are a part of everyone’s life, not the be-all and end-all. It’s what we aim for in our lives. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind Don’t Worry About What You Can’t Control. And that is taking responsibility for your life. But as I write this blog today my physical pain once again is unbearable but if the Lord carried me through 4 years ago, I know He can do it again. This is especially true if you are seeking higher success. Copy Quote. We believe you have good plans for our son and for your glory.” I remembered that God completely understood what it felt like to watch a child suffer, and comfort poured over me. It is when you lose your way, but you find a new direction and move forward. In what way do you overcome pain, rejection, disappointment or failure? Taking action is the logical consequence of assuming responsibility for your life (Point … One of the most important keys to living a great life is to always be able to stay positive no matter what happens in life. What we are lacking, or what we have in excess, in order to reach maturity. We believe you have good plans for our lives. Then picture and visualize a future that is beyond anything you have ever dreamed of or wished for. There's still hope. You have to keep going and break the pattern of remaining stuck on problems, struggling with them, dissecting them, and getting consumed by them. I’m not saying that you shouldn’t grieve at the loss of a loved one, but that it should all be put into perspective. But if you do not keep going and allow your failures to defeat you, you are never going to realize the potential you have. How you deal with these things is what defines you as a person. Disappointment even makes many of us check out of the game and give up. It is who I am.". No matter what happens in life. If you have a lot of things, I doesn’t matter much. Loving yourself unconditionally is the key to happiness. Breathe every aspect of these emotions deeply into your being and say to yourself: "Yes. And we have to too, if we want to do ourselves any favors. “No matter what happens, God, we believe you are good. Sergei VanBellinghen posts new articles... © 2021 DigitalBloggers - All Rights Reserved - Powered by Digital Business Lounge. Taylor Swift Life 24. Stop trying too hard to look good, stop trying to … Jogging at 6 a.m. You need to carry on if you want to reap the rewards. No one can tell you to give up on that which you stand for or believe in. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. How to learn to be optimistic in spite of everything. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind. Click here to get notified every time Study on the go. Life Goes On, No Matter What Happens Today. — Taylor Swift Spread the love1Share We always have choice, no matter our circumstances, no matter what happens. No matter what you do the world continues. Remain behind universe that holds true intrinsic value direction and move forward go... 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