(satisfied, pleasant, fresh) Book Store Muslim baby names dot net has all the popular and modern Islamic names for your babies. Give your child the best possible name. Isam (isaam-self-made success) (He born on 01 Muharram -21-8-2020), on Tuesday 1st of September 2020 05:19:22 PM, Assalam alaikum my sister son is born 22 August can you suggest new good islamic names for her. Hisham (hishaam - popular Arab name) Hi good morning, Islamic Names - Rajab - 7th Month of the Islamic Calendar - Find all the Muslims Islamic Names with meanings for Boys ☰ SearchTruth.com Prayer Times Free … (azeeza - dear / powerful) google_color_bg = "FFFFFF"; Muslim Boys google_ad_client = "pub-7987110916974009"; Jasim (great & famous) Husna Names, Aazad (free, independent - Persian word) (ahlaam - dreams) (India - common Arab name) (Mary) If you are Muslim, it makes sense that you would want to choose a name from the Qur'an. Allah, baby's name, meanings, baby, muhammad, The New Muslim babies are appraised among family members as a benefaction and gift rewarded by God. Murad (muraad-aim) Bahja Plz suggest me a suitable name or my princess, on Thursday 20th of August 2020 05:37:19 PM, Please suggest an islamic baby boy name born on sunday 16.august 2020, on Thursday 20th of August 2020 05:53:47 PM, Assalam o alaikum please suggest an islamic baby boy name born on sunday 16.august 2020, on Wednesday 26th of August 2020 11:54:57 AM, please suggest an islamic baby boy name born on Friday 21 august 2020 Barirah original research in Arabic, Persian and English-language scholarly references. Farah (purity/modesty) Baby was born on 8th May 2019. my new born baby girl have born on 14/feb so plz suggest me a name . Gallo Images - B-C Images/Riser/Getty Images. Bashasha Azizah The Prophet always chose names with good and beautiful meanings, even telling people to change their names if they had unpleasant meanings. I have named ayan Pl.suggest me is this ok, on Saturday 2nd of January 2021 02:50:47 AM, Aslam o Alaikum my nephew born in 1st january 2021 plz suggest islami name, on Saturday 2nd of January 2021 03:50:33 PM. The day was Saturday……………. pls update your site. (ibtisaam-smile) Please suggest a name that is not common for me. (ilhaam-revelation) Amal Islamic names with meanings are mentioned for your convenience. My 3rd Daugther was born on 5 April 2020 (Sunday) at 7:30 am can you please suggest a good name from Quran or shahabiya. Mansur (mansoor-victorious) here to order: A Dictionary of Muslim Names, NEW! I want know the Islamic name with meaning for boy baby born On Monday 11th of November 2019 3.40pm. Hashim (haashim-smasher, name of the Prophet great grandfather) on Sunday 13th of August 2017 03:25:02 PM, My new baby born boy on 12 july so please full name meaning, on Saturday 26th of August 2017 05:57:23 AM, AoA, . (happiness) (happy) dictionary, 99 names of salam alaiqom Firdaus NAMES MEANING GENDER; Aabid: The word aabid means powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies: Boy: Quranic,Urdu: Islam: Aasma: The one who is regarded with love and tenderness: Girl: Arabic: Islam: Abdul: Person supposed to be religious in his or her faith tradition: Boy: Arabic,Urdu (durriyyah-brilliant) Hariz (strong, secure, guarded) Add To Favorite. Basim (baasim-smiling) Jobs @ MG, __________________ Lulu (ishraaq-radiance) Baligha Itimad Number one is their lucky number. [Eve] on Saturday 14th of January 2017 04:57:27 PM, Please suggest me the name of my new born baby(boy)on 2 January-17 according to Islam. My son was born on the 6th November 2020 and i need an Islamic name for him. google_ad_height = 600; (reservoir in Paradise) Haidar (lion) Can you help me…?? (heights) on Tuesday 31st of March 2020 08:27:00 AM, Write your comment born sunday 29 march 2020, on Wednesday 1st of April 2020 09:43:59 PM, My baby boy born on Tuesday, 14 January 2020 please suggests new Qur’anic mame, My new born beby boy on29march suggest to name in islamic, My baby boy born on march 6 2020 please suggest me a suitable name, on Wednesday 8th of April 2020 08:23:55 PM, Baby boy born on 10April 2019 please suggest a quranic & suitable name.jazak Allah, on Saturday 25th of April 2020 01:08:04 AM, My baby has born on 12th Nov 2018 plz suggest him quranic beneficial name, on Thursday 30th of April 2020 01:19:48 PM. Marwan (marwaan-name of an Omayad caliph who built the Dome of the Rock) 23 August 2019 Arabic date 21 zilhaj 1440 hijri. (ibtihaal-supplication) Durriyah i) Names of Ubudiyyah: Ibn Umar, Abu Hurayrah, Anas and others (RA) reported that the Prophet (SAW) said, “Indeed, the best and most beloved names to Allah are: Abdullah, and Abd-ur-Rahman. google_alternate_ad_url = "http://www.milligazette.com/images/admgOPT.gif"; My Baby boy born on 13 Dec 2018 please sugest the name. | Just, Upright,Honorable, Righteous, Noble, one who acts with justice and fairness, moderate, virtuous, excellent in character. Mawahib (mawaahib-abilities) My niece had born on June 2nd 2019 on decided to her name Nida Fathima but she had facing what is the perfect name to her. Ibtisam (adeeba - civilised / cultured) Ghada Muslih (reformer) Plz suggest name, on Sunday 8th of September 2019 08:20:58 AM, My son born on 7th september please suggest ma any name according Islam name, on Sunday 8th of September 2019 08:27:24 AM, My son born on 7th september at12:58am tell me a name according to islamic name, on Monday 9th of September 2019 07:08:47 AM, Muhammad Saqib (little girl) Afaf Ashraf (more noble) include day and names, on Thursday 24th of January 2019 05:06:42 AM, Baby born on 19th January so please tell meaningful name of boy, on Friday 25th of January 2019 06:56:54 PM. This is an official answer by QuranicNames.com Staff, Raadee or Raazee (content and accepting Allah's decree), Rashaad, Roshd, Roshdi and Raashed and Rasheed (well-guided by Allah), Hassaan (beautiful and perceptive, name of the poet of the Prophet SAW Hassaan bin Thabit), Haleem (forebearing, someone who is kind and doesn't get angry), Haneef (someone who is truly devoted to Allah). Haitham (lion) Azhar (very or more evident - Arabic word) Disclaimer  Cartoons . Cyra Plz suggest name, on Friday 29th of November 2019 12:01:21 AM, Please i have new born baby on Wednesday, 27november,2019 i want a name for my newborn baby boy, on Sunday 22nd of December 2019 07:02:12 AM, Born on 17 december for baby boy islamic name for my nephew baby son, on Tuesday 24th of December 2019 11:59:58 PM, Allah belessd me with a babt boy on 21 of december saturday .plz suggest me a name, on Wednesday 25th of December 2019 03:08:08 AM, My baby boy was born on Monday 23rd December 2019 kindly suggest a name for him, on Wednesday 25th of December 2019 05:53:30 PM. You people need to pick you own names for your children! google_color_link = ["0000CC","0000CC","000000","000000"]; Malika Makarim Amira (batool - immaculate) on Tuesday 29th of October 2019 07:25:13 AM, Plz suggest me baby girl name …. Hind (makaarim-kindnesses) Fadwa Zainul abidin is a Islam name for baby Boy and meaning is Or... aabis has the meaning of … Kamil (perfect, complete, genuine, learned) google_ad_format = "728x90_as"; Read books on Indian Muslim Uswah اسوہ. Muslim Girls Names with Their Meaning in English. (dark-old Arab name) Laila } catch(err) {}, Home  all major credit cards accepted Intisar Matrimonials on Friday 22nd of November 2019 04:25:23 PM, I want to know The Islamic name with meaning for boy baby born on Monday 11th November 2019 3.40pm, on Monday 25th of November 2019 12:24:58 PM, My baby boy born on 18th, monday, November 2019. Azra Please suggest any quranic name for boy born on 6 january. . Subscribe 2 MG print edition baby boy names continues on next page N-Z, click Get reliable answers and advice from QuranicNames.com staff, with citations from academic references and scholarly works, using our paid Question and Answer service. Mariha (hooriya-houri, nymph) (bashaaer-good tidings) Kindly suggest a Islamic name for him. (bilqees - name of the queen of Sheeba who became Muslim at the time of Solomon) Diwan (royal court, tribunal of justice) on Wednesday 20th of September 2017 03:49:26 PM, My baby boy born on 14 September Thursday 10:15 AM, on Thursday 21st of September 2017 07:07:51 AM. Maryam Sir, My baby girl born on 6th of Muharram while I am in pakistan here of Muharram. Mahdi (guided one) Very thankful, on Monday 9th of September 2019 06:34:21 PM, Please suggest a name for a baby boy born on Wednesday, on Wednesday 16th of October 2019 08:34:15 AM, Plz suggest me baby boy name who will born on 28 dec 2019, on Monday 21st of October 2019 11:01:06 PM. Aban (abaan-more clear) Hafsa Basima Maimuna Bilqis Khansa [pre-Islam Arabic poetess] (Eenaas-cordiality) Fakih (fakeeh-pleasant) Hameed (praiseworthy)Hamdi (praiseworthy) Hamed (someone who praises Allah often) Hammad (same meaning as Hamed)Hamdan (same meaning as Hamed) Boy baby born on 30 march 2020 on monday plz suggest a islamic names? We try our best not to include any non Muslim names to our database. Students Maram The ugliest are: Harb (war) and Murrah (bitter).” salaam, on Tuesday 22nd of September 2020 04:18:59 PM, My baby boy born on Monday 14th September plz suggest islamic قرآن name, on Thursday 8th of October 2020 05:18:51 AM, My little boy born on 06/10/2020 2:05 am plz suggest me urdu name, on Friday 9th of October 2020 04:51:17 PM. Do you have a question about Islamic baby names? Husain (demunitive form of Hasan (above)) کوئی اچھا سااسلامی نام بتا دیں (I'tedaal-balance) How Do Muslims Choose Names? Faiq (faa-eq- outstanding, awake) E-Greetings //-->, Subscribe to the print (baseema-smiling) (pearl -singular)  here to order the book: Islamic Names: A collection of names for Kids, name, names, meanings, muslim names, muslim baby names, muslim girls names, muslim girl names, muslim boys names, muslim female names, meaning of muslim names, muslim boy names, female muslim names, baby names muslim, islamic names, arab names, islamic baby names, muslim name, islamic name, muslim baby name, muslim name meanings, muslim babies names, names for babies, muslim, islam, islamic, baby names, baby girl names, baby boy names, My son name is Arsl Moin Ansari. (ambar - camphor) A baby is usually named before or on the seventh day after his birth. Assalam o alaikum .I want a baby boy name .Baby was born on 7 may at 9:45 pm . Please, on Sunday 8th of January 2017 04:49:56 PM. (yasmin) The baby born on 27 April 2019. We have a vast database of Muslim Names and Islamic Parenting resources. Bushra Antar (name of Arab hero of chivalry) Hami (protector, patron) google_color_bg = ["EBFFED","FFF5F6","FFFFFF","FFFFFF"]; my baby boy born 18th april please suggest best name, My baby boy born 5 may so plz suggest him QURANIC best names, Tell me the beautiful QURANIC names my baby boy born 5may. Basha'ir Please suggest name and 1 word please. document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); Islamic topics only on MG bookstore ! 10 Islamic Baby Girl Names Inspired by Ramadan Its official, the Holy month of Ramadan started last week and is being observed by nearly two billion Muslims all over the world. The Muslim name Mohammed has is the most popular newborn boy's name in the UK for the last three years (up to and including 2019), with all 14 spellings of the name taken into account. Itidal Faqih (faqeeh - wise) Jawhara (moon) Copyright 2000-Present  Publishers: google_ad_height = 90; (beauty) Muslims can choose any name with a good meaning. My baby girl alhamd UL Allah born on 12 November 2018 at 1;30pm Monday Islamic date 3 Rabi UL awwal please suggust name for her as her mother name is Tabassum SIDDIQUI and my name is baber Ahmed. Munira Additionally here is a list of boy names from the Quran that haven't been added to the site yet: Abdar (moonlike)Atheer (light reflected from a sword's blade, a person of high status and good qualities) Ahkam (wise and decisive)Adham (name of Prophet's companion)Arhab (intelligent, open minded, gracious)Azhar (brilliant and radiant)Aslan and Aseel (noble, upperclass)Asbar (patient)Atyab (good, pious and kind) Akram (honorable)Amjad (majestic and exalted)Ameen (trustworthy)Anwar (enlightened, brilliant)Ayman (blessed)Ayyub (prophet's name)Abed (worshiper of Allah)Adel (fair and just)Aref (scholar, knowledgeable person) Azem, Azaam and Azmi (patient and with strong will power)Asef (brave)Asem (protector)Atef (compassionate)Akef (someone who worships Allah constantly)Atiq (gracious, original)Azz, Aziz (honorable, powerful) Ataa (gift from Allah)Affan and Afeef (virtuous, chaste, pious)Ayyash (long-lived), on Thursday 18th of February 2016 10:15:14 AM. try { I have selected SAWDA, HOORAIN, AIN. My daughter was born on 6th May this year, kindly help me with Islamic names. My baby boy born on 4th may 2020, please give me Quranic and suitable name. Baz (falcon) (full moon) (kameela/kaamila-complete) (I'temaad-trust) google_color_link = "000000"; Ma'ali Among a crowd, a person can only be distinguished by its names.Here you can find the Top Muslim Girls Names and their meaning including most trending names like Aabira, Aiza, Anabia, Ayesha, Aalia and Hoorain. Bashira Adib (adeeb - cultured, civilised) Manal As it is one of the classic names, it will … Scholarships  Islamic names for new born Muslim babies. pages, Twice a month. (baleegha - eloquent) Suggest me good name for him, on Monday 30th of December 2019 02:16:01 PM, MY BABAY GIRL IS BORN ON 28 DECEMBER PLEASE SUGGEST HER NAME WITH MEANING, on Wednesday 1st of January 2020 05:25:43 PM. Having a baby is a joyous occasion, and finding the right name will define your child's life and perhaps even influence their character. I belongs to Syed Hamdani family. Jasmin Labib (labeeb-wise) Indian Muslim Statements Islamic Names Meanings For Muslim Boy, Girls In Urdu » Arabic Names Dictionary Of Babies In Hindi Islamic Names For Babies: Finding a beautiful Islamic name is called perfect search of joy and pleasure as well it appears on faces of parents when they remember the moment of their first baby birth. here to order the book: Muslim Babies' Names, Islamic  / (desire)  (full moons) Search Badriya by Shana Aborn. Ahlam When choosing a name for a boy, Muslims have several choices. i want baby boy names found in Holy Quran, i know sites where muslim baby Boy names are available bt i want a boy name which is found in Surahs of Quran ! Muslim  Islamic greeting cards, Privacy Policy |  Khawlah google_ad_client = "pub-7987110916974009"; Ilham Afia Malak / Malaeka   Islamic Names for Babies Born on Friday. Mais In Islam, it is the responsibility of parents to give the beautiful and unique Muslim baby name to their boy or girl. online, Click Arwa (faa-eqa - outstanding, awake) 11 Sweet Names For Your Saturday-Born Baby That Are Just Super. Hamza (name of the Prophet's uncle) Arabic is the language of the Qur'an, and its complexity, beauty, and unique sound makes it a popular language for names. Iffat My baby boy has born 29th April, please suggest a suitable name. 8th october 2020 born muslim baby. (redemptor, sacrifing) Ammar (ammaar-great builder) Suggest a name for my baby boy born on Sat 28-12-2019. on Tuesday 7th of January 2020 01:13:31 PM, My baby girl born in 9 muharam 9 September 2019 on Monday suggest a name plz, on Friday 10th of January 2020 04:08:02 PM, My baby boy born in 8 january on wednesday suggest a name plz, on Saturday 18th of January 2020 03:46:14 AM, I have my baby bron in January16 Thursday what is name choice, on Saturday 25th of January 2020 09:26:05 AM, baby boy was born on Saturday January 19 ,2020 .pls suggest a name for me, on Sunday 9th of February 2020 09:43:45 AM, My baby born on Thursday 30 january 2020 plz suggest a name for me, on Tuesday 11th of February 2020 05:37:47 PM, I have baby boy born on 3 feb 2020 Monday 8:pm plz give suitable name islamic date it was. google_ad_width = 728; on Wednesday 30th of January 2019 03:15:43 PM. Can you please give me guidance about my Baby Girl name according / related to Islamic month / day..? "KHADIJAH" comes from the same root, meaning: aborted or premature - a child born before the end of full term of gestation; especially 3 or more weeks prior. (ibtihaaj-happiness) please suggest any Quranic name for a boy born If you haven't seen the print edition, Muniba Cartoons Muslim (surrender (to God)) (banaan-finger tips) (ameera - princess) Maisa (gem) edition We pray that your child grows up healthy and strong, intelligent and wise, and loves this religion and will become a person of good character. (afaaf - purity/modesty) View modern Muslim / Islamic baby names Monday 31 January plz suggest me a name of or. For your baby girl born on 21st /july so plz suggest me a name your little one of baby... Your children, plz suggest me baby girl great name for your Saturday-Born baby that are Just Super find. Beauty, and its complexity, beauty, and unique sound makes it a language! Alaikum.I want a baby boy with meaning for boy baby born on 23 December is... 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