I used plastic food containers. Hard boil them first. Drip food coloring liberally over the whipped cream, keeping space between drops. How to Make Marbled Easter Eggs Fill your baking sheet with shaving or whipped cream until it's about an inch thick, then smooth it out with a rubber spatula. If your kids a neat freak like my daughter you will want them to wear plastic gloves while they touch the eggs. Use the plastic spoon to even out the shaving cream in each cup. … Don’t roll and roll it or it will muddy the colors in the pan. Prepare Muffin Tray. Once you learn How to Dye Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream you will never use those egg dye cups with water and tablet (that make a huge mess) again! Required fields are marked *. However I am now 33 years old and have eaten eggs dyed in shaving cream, but it is easy to do with cool whip if you prefer, just change out cool whip for the shaving cream. I have seen cupcake tins used as well as cake pans. Use a toothpick to swirl the colors around in each cup, creating a tie-dye effect. While eggs are soaking, squirt shaving cream and spread in glass dish. It’s so easy to do and gives you such a fun marbled look. Well, here’s the solution to your problem: dying Easter eggs by using shaving cream! 1. neon or primary food coloring (for this project I used neon), Pan or container lined with a paper towel. I am Lauren, a short mom (4 foot 10 to be exact!) Set egg aside on a plate; Continue with the rest of your eggs. Roll the eggs into the shaving cream and set them aside for 10 minutes with the shaving cream on them. Squirt a thin layer of shaving cream in each muffin cup. How to Dye Eggs for Easter with Shaving Cream and Food Coloring. But regular Easter egg dye kits can get a little boring, and the vinegar smell isn’t really my favorite. Don’t mix it up too much, you want dramatic swirls of color! With amazing recipes to help the home cook become a home chef, along with fun family travel, fun crafts and More! You’ll want to use white eggs, as they will show the colors more vividly than brown eggs. Spray foam shaving cream into your muffin tin. Here is our recipe to help you learn how to make your own DIY Easter Egg Dye. Dye Eggs Now that Easter is only a few days away, I wanted to share my favorite way to dye eggs! How to Dye Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream (or Cool whip! This is such a fun way to make marbleized eggs! ©2012-2021, MidgetMomma. Push each egg halfway down into the shaving cream/dye mixtures. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Squirt a thin layer of shaving cream in each muffin cup. Grab a cup of coffee and join me! Set up the Shaving Cream. If you are looking for a SUPER easy and fun way to dye the easter eggs this year then you are going to love this How to Dye Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream step by step tutorial. Your email address will not be published. This is a tutorial on how to make dye easter eggs with shaving cream. If you are looking for a SUPER easy and fun way to dye the easter eggs this year then you are going to love this How to Dye Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream step by step tutorial. It is best to store hardboiled eggs unpeeled (which is perfect since you want to see all of the beautiful colors after you dye the eggs. As an Amazon Associate and affiliate with other networks, I may earn a commission from purchases made through links within this post. You may also enjoy the following Easter Activities For Kids: Busy now? All you'll need is some foamy shaving cream, eggs, and a muffin tin to easily add some color! who has a passion for helping others and always has a cup of coffee in hand. My kids had so much fun coloring the eggs using the shaving cream method. Here’s how you dye easter eggs with whipped cream: Soak your hard boiled eggs in vinegar for 5-10 minutes. If you are looking for a super-easy way to dye Easter eggs then you are going to love dying East Eggs with shaving cream (or cool whip!). I used these neon food coloring gels (affiliate link). You just want something big enough to hold your eggs and give you a little bit of stir room. Place the egg down into the shaving cream and give it enough of a roll to cover it with cream and color. Your email address will not be published. I’m truly grateful for any social shares. Set the egg down on a paper or in the egg container to sit for a while and absorb the dye. The food coloring will stain your hands but it tends to come off after a day or two. When that occurs, rinse and dry the pan, add more shaving cream — don't use shaving gel — and start the process anew. [2] X Research source With two little kids under the age of five in our house, our eggs always end up this brownish color because they think it’s fun to dip them in each cup of color. Get recipes, crafts, travel tips, and more straight to your inbox! There are only really two "ingredients" to dye eggs this way, and the rest are items I hope … You can create different color combinations. … Barrand could roll three eggs in a 9-by-9-inch pan before the colours muddied. This should help remove the dye from skin. For more information read my disclosure page. If you prefer, you can use whipped cream instead it will make them 100% edible! If you plan on eating the hard boiled eggs you can do the same exact thing using cool whip instead of the shaving cream if you would prefer to. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Start this easy Easter craft by preparing a batch of hard-boiled eggs. You really can sue just about anything. Place several drops of food coloring into each cup. This year, we’re dying our eggs with shaving cream! Allow your shaving foam eggs to sit for 10-15 minutes. Shaving Cream Easter Eggs. Are Eggs Dyed with Shaving Cream Safe to Eat? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Dry completely. After you have colored the Easter Eggs you are going to need to store them. While the eggs are soaking, grab a shallow glass baking dish. Pat the shaving cream off of your eggs. Pinterest. Drop 5-10 drops of food coloring of choice into each cup. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Step 2: Dye eggs! Add drops of the food coloring around the shaving cream, making sure to use different colors so the eggs will be tye dyed. The only thing that has really changed since I was a kid with those kits is that they now comes with stickers and sometimes a white crayon to draw on your egg first. Then add a couple of food coloring drops on top of it. Boil Eggs. Then plop the egg back down on the side that hasn’t been dyed. You can create different color combinations. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Use packets of Kool-Aid to color your Easter Eggs, and not only will your … Here is a picture of the eggs and then a picture of my littles hands after the fact. Use the plastic spoon to even out the shaving cream in each cup. Food coloring gel is definitely more vibrant – even when dying frosting. Apr 13, 2014 - How to dye eggs with shaving cream, Shaving Cream SWIRL eggs, Easter Eggs, , How to make swirled easter eggs These Easy Dyed Easter Eggs are seriously so simple, and the kids will love helping and seeing the vibrant colors (that’s my favorite part too)! Get one or two cans of shaving cream – remember it has to say cream, the shaving gel will not work. Well look no further! The Orthodox and Eastern Catholic church, an egg was dyed red to symbolize the blood of Christ. The vinegar is essential in helping the colors adhere to the shell. Plus, it can be hard to come up with new designs for your eggs, as well. Use a toothpick to swirl the colors around in each cup, creating a tie-dye … We always go to the store to buy one of those kits that you put a little color tablet into vinegar and then place your eggs into the solution. Let your eggs sit for about 30 minutes. One of the best ways to remove Easter Egg Dye from the hands is to dab some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton ball and wipe the area where the dye is stuck. Shaving Cream Dyed Easter Eggs Place your eggs (as many as you’d like to do for this science activity) in a bowl and cover with white vinegar and let soak for 20 minutes. We recommend mixing two varieties of food coloring at once—that way, the colors don't get muddy. Here are the supplies you will need for your Easter Eggs: RELATED POST: EASY MARBLED EASTER EGGS FOR KIDS. (I used a glass casserole dish.) Keep your eggs in your fridge until you would like to display them. Please try again. Use this unique method featuring shaving cream to dye Easter eggs to celebrate the holiday. Egg shells are porous, so I understand being skeptical whether you should eat dyed eggs that used this method. Add drops of the food coloring around the shaving cream, making sure to use different colors so the eggs will be tye-dyed. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Make sure you check out my Easter Resurrection Cookies it is the perfect cookie for teaching the Easter Story. Begin with the containers you are going to use. Why not pin this fantastic resource for later? Learn how your comment data is processed. Are you looking for the best way to dye Easter eggs? Share; Tweet; Pin; Here's a quick and easy way to dye your Easter eggs this year! Have a towel or 2 handy; Leave the eggs to soak up the beautiful color for 10-15 minutes; Rinse the eggs off and see what fun colors and patterns you get; Happy Easter ~Melissa – Kid Friendly Things To Do . I wanted to have a fun way to dye our eggs without ending up with gross colored eggs. Here is how you can dye Easter eggs with shaving cream to make swirl Easter eggs. Mar 25, 2016 - Ditch the vinegar and dye Easter eggs the easy way this year. It just so happened that our pink hands went perfectly with one of our favorite books, Pinkalicious. You can do as many different color combinations as you want. (You don’t need to add anymore shaving cream unless you want to add in more white for mixing.) Then let your littles roll the eggs in the shaving cream. To mix multiple two-tone colors at once, use a mini pie pan or muffin tin with multiple cups, or ramekins as we did here. Add drops of the food coloring around the shaving cream, making sure to use different colors so the eggs will be tye... Use your skewers to swirl the colors into the shaving cream. In a muffin tin, fill each cavity approximately 2/3 full with shaving cream. Drop 5-10 drops of food coloring of choice into each cup. This year we decided to change it up a bit and try two new methods. If you’ve already done this for a few years, it can get pretty rote and boring. Anna De Souza Decorate a batch of hard-boiled eggs with this fun twist on the traditional. Or make sure you pick up the cheap liquid food coloring dye at the store. Dye the eggs. Rinse each egg off under cold water and place the eggs to dry on the lined pan or container. ), can of shaving cream or a tub of cool whip. These cookies do not store any personal information. First get the normal food coloring out of your cabinets. Kool-Aid Dyed Easter Eggs. Fill the container with foam shaving cream. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Allow the eggs to fully cool and then place them peeled or unpeeled in an air tight container or the egg carton and store in the fridge. Shaving cream Easter eggs are the latest in designer looks. If you continue to use this site, you consent to our use of cookies. Dying Easter eggs has been a long time tradition which has religious roots. Try not to wipe it off as much as possible because some of your color might come off as well. Your email address will not be published. Prepare Eggs. I’ll leave that decision up to you, you might prefer them simply as Easter decorations and not as food. Grab a cup of coffee and join me! Start with 6-12 hard-boiled eggs. Before dyeing your Easter eggs, prepare eggs to be blown hollow. Dying Eggs with Shaving Cream. With Easter comes lots of holiday traditions, including coloring and/or dying eggs. Easter is early this year, and my kids are already dreaming up their own Easter egg designs. You can also use Cool Whip and traditional Easter egg dye if you prefer. Use your skewers to swirl the colors into the shaving cream. Here are my top Amazon Picks for this fun Shaving Cream Egg … Fill each muffin tin cup with shaving cream and smooth it out with the back of a spoon. Stephanie loves crafting, all things Disney and traveling whenever possible. You’ll also need to make sure the shaving cream is the foaming kind (not the gel kind) and is white in color. With amazing recipes to help the home cook become a home chef, along with fun family travel, fun crafts and More! We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience, analyze site traffic, personalize content, and serve targeted advertisements. Best of all, you probably already have all the supplies at home to make these dyed Easter eggs. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, thank you! For these Easy Dyed Easter Eggs you only need two ingredients, shaving cream and food coloring! I used different colors to create marbleized eggs. Swirl slightly with a toothpick swirl bits of gel throughout the whipped cream. Angela Milnes is a Qualified Early Years Teacher who specialised in Preschool and Kindergarten teaching. Spray shaving cream (the foam sort, not the gel) into a muffin tin. Plus, it’s a great craft for kids to do because it’s messy and fun! I am an Amazon Associate, I can earn from qualifying purchases. Use shaving cream and food coloring! She has a wealth of experience teaching young children and is passionate about kids crafts, preschool music and reading with kids. You can skip this … who has a passion for helping others and always has a cup of coffee in hand. After making the eggs allow them to cool completely before letting the kids color them. Your email address will not be published. Place the eggs into the colorful shaving cream and turn them to coat; You can use a spoon to turn the eggs over or just use your fingers *Remember! Instructions Spray the can of shaving cream or tub of cool whip into a 9×13 inch pan. Directions. Hey There! There was an error submitting your subscription. Drop 5-10 drops of food coloring of choice into each cup. Materials. How To Make Shaving Cream Easter Eggs 5 Apr. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Don’t forget to follow our fun crafts and creative ideas over on Facebook. Spray the can of shaving cream or tub of cool whip into a 9×13 inch pan. Whip out the shaving cream and get ready to have a super fun time! Hey There! Spray shaving cream onto a shallow mixing bowl or disposable pan. How to dye Easter eggs with shaving cream: 1. Roll and egg around in the colors. So what are you waiting for? This fun and simple Easter activity is one the kids will love and a super fun and easy way to dye Easter eggs. All Rights Reserved. Swirl with a cotton swab. You can also use soap as a back up. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Add Food Coloring. Now keep in mind, you don’t HAVE to use shaving cream for this. Buy a dozen eggs and a can of shaving cream at your local store. Here is our recipe to help you learn how to make your own DIY Easter Egg Dye. So this year I decided to dye my Easter eggs with shaving cream! Looking to talk about the Story of Easter? |. Fill with a thick layer of shaving cream (even the cheapest drugstore shaving cream works fine) and then add the dye … There are two different ways that I like to cook my eggs. Kids Crafts. This post may contain affiliate links, read our Disclosure Policy for more information. I am Lauren, a short mom (4 foot 10 to be exact!) 2. When the eggs … But I will also tell you that when you are making tie dye Easter eggs with cool whip the colors are not as vibrant as when you use shaving cream. A dye can be tricky to get off, especially when it’s on your hands. Around my house dying of Easter eggs hasn’t changed much since I was a little kid. Let them sit for 10–15 minutes, then pick the egg up and repeat step 1 with dyes and mixing. You can make hard boiled eggs in the oven or hard boiled eggs on the stove top. For years, we’ve used a homemade dye recipe, but I think we are going to change things up with a little method I learned in my childhood. Use a spoon to swirl the colors around the whipped cream. Either way will work and give you perfectly cooked eggs. 3. Today. If you’ve never made shaving cream Easter eggs before, you’re in for a treat! I have made these shaving cream dyed Easter eggs with both traditional food coloring and food coloring gel. This is super messy and normally ends up with someone spilling a cup of dye. For Easter egg dying, the color results are much brighter. 2. Seriously! Let the eggs sit for 10 minutes and then rinse off the shaving cream. When I used the traditional food coloring, the colors were a bit more washed out. 10 Amazing Boston Cream Pie Dessert Recipes, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, 1 can of shaving cream or a tub of cool whip. Dying Easter eggs has become more of a fun kids activity these days, however, if you are Christian you can always teach the kids the symbolic meaning behind dying Eggs. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Start with 6 – 12 eggs depending on your size of your muffin tray. Put on gloves. Carefully place an egg into each muffin cup and rotate the egg into the muffin cup, covering the whole egg. Read more... With a degree from the Culinary Institute of America in baking and pastry arts, a love for tasty food and amazing photography skills Stephanie brings the amazing recipe ideas we come up with to life. Our pink hands went perfectly with one of our favorite books,.! Or a tub of cool whip into a 9×13 inch pan to come up with spilling! Preparing a batch of hard-boiled eggs with shaving cream and smooth it out with the shaving cream to marbleized... My eggs our recipe to help little ones learn results are much brighter: dying Easter eggs the easy this... ( affiliate link ) vinegar and dye Easter eggs with shaving cream dye. With new designs for your Easter eggs with shaving cream recommend mixing two of! Associate, I may earn a commission from purchases made through links within this may. Prefer them simply as Easter decorations and not as food coloring around the shaving gel will not work egg! By using shaving cream and set them aside for 10 minutes and a! 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