Das Observatorium wurde 1883 vom neunten Gouverneur von Hongkong, Sir George Bowen, gegründet. of the High Court (HCA 1886/2019) Disciplined Services Quarters and Police Married Quarters. Mentors from the Observatory with relevant expertise will supervise the students. Full Name, Post Title, Office Tel, Email Full Name Dr. CHENG Cho Ming. Highest Daily Maximum Temperature for Winter Commences, 30. Variation of 10-minute Mean Wind Direction in Hong Kong* Please select a location Central Pier Chek Lap Kok Cheung Chau Cheung Chau Beach Green Island Hong Kong Sea School [Co-Win] Kai Tak King's Park Lamma Island Lau Fau Shan Ngong Ping North Point Peng Chau Sai Kung Sha Chau Sha Tin Shek Kong Stanley Star Ferry Ta Kwu Ling Tai Mei Tuk Tai Po Kau Tap Mun Tate's Cairn Tseung Kwan O … However, due to rapid urbanisation, it is now surrounded by skyscrapers. Office Tel 2926 8221. cmcheng@hko.gov.hk: Email cmcheng@hko.gov.hk. Das Observatorium ist wegen der schnellen Urbanisierung heute von Wolkenkratzern umgeben, sein Standort wurde trotz des durch ungünstigen Stadtklimas nicht verlegt. The Hong Kong Observatory is a weather forecast agency of the government of Hong Kong.The Observatory forecasts the weather and issues warnings on weather-related hazards.It also monitors and makes assessments on radiation levels in Hong Kong and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping, aviation, industrial and engineering sectors. Prüfen Sie die Preise nahe Hong Kong Observatory für nächstes Wochenende, 23. Hong Kong Observatory. Early operations included meteorological and magnetic observations, a time service based on astronomical observations and a tropical cyclone warning service. News. Fig.2 Long-term time series of number of Hot Nights in Hong Kong 1884-2020, Fig.3 Long-term time series of number of Very Hot Days in Hong Kong 1884-2020, Fig.4 Long-term time series of number of Cold Days in Hong Kong 1884-2020, Fig. Highest Monthly Absolute Min Temperature for March, 7. Es überwacht darüber hinaus die Höhe der Strahlung in Hongkong und bewertet diese. The Observatory also monitors and assesses radiation levels in Hong Kong, and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping, aviation, … WHERE AMAZING JOURNEYS BEGIN. Observatory Road in Tsim Sha Tsui is so named based on this landmark. Fig.2 Long-term time series of number of Hot Nights in Hong Kong 1884-2020 . Historical data is the previous version(s) of a file(s). Hong Kong Observatory News & weather > Weather "MyObservatory" is a very popular official weather app providing location-specific weather service in Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s best new restaurants 2021: April; Travel with these internationally-inspired dishes; Education. Hong Kong Disneyland Park is officially reopened with health & safety measures. Airport Services. The Mira Hong Kong Hotel. It also monitors and makes assessments on radiation levels in Hong Kong and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping, aviation, industrial and engineering sectors. In the early 1950s, the first automatic tide gauge was set up at Arsenal Yard in Wanchai. Das Observatoriumführt Wettervorhersagen durch und gibt Warnungen zu wettergebundene… … The Observatory forecasts the weather and issues warnings on weather-related hazards. The Hong Kong Observatory raised a typhoon signal No 3 on Friday night by directly upgrading from a strong monsoon signal – something that has … The Mira Hong Kong Hotel. Das HKO ist dem Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, kurz CEDB der Hongkonger Stadtregierung unterstellt. Hong Kong's official tourism guide recommendations on thebest experiences in Hong Kong, events, shopping and dining, vacation holiday packages, maps, guided tours and travel planning itineraries to experience Hong Kong's unique international living culture. WHERE AMAZING JOURNEYS BEGIN. Tonight, Sunny and light winds. Early operations included meteorological and magnetic observations, a time service based on astronomical observations and a tropical cyclone warning service. Highest Number of V Hot Days for July, 21. Highest Mean Temperature for the first half of year*, 11. Stockwerk des nahegelegenen Miramar Towers, in dem die Publikationen des Observatoriums erworben werden können und der Zugang zu anderen meteorologischen Informationen möglich ist. 5 out of 5 . Highest Number of Hot Nights for All Months, 20. - 2 May Next weekend 7 May - 9 May Check prices close to Hong Kong Observatory for next weekend, 7 May - 9 May. Das Observatorium führt Wettervorhersagen durch und gibt Warnungen zu wettergebundenen Risiken heraus. Highest Mean Minimum Temperature for summer, 26. You may find general information about natural disaster preparedness at the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). EDUCATION. Hong Kong Observatory Government Responses to Recent Events. The Hong Kong Observatory is a weather forecast agency of the government of Hong Kong. Weather warning notifications and weather service in Hong Kong. Highest Mean Maximum Temperature for summer, 25. Fig.3 Long … Highest Mean Max Temperature for January, 3. Im Winter, wenn die Mitarbeiter des Observatoriums meist nicht von ernsten Wetterangelegenheiten und Überwachung in Anspruch genommen sind, halten sie Vorträge in Grundschulen. Hypocrisy is a nasty business whichever way you look at it. Entry to Hong Kong during the Fight Against Novel Coronavirus. However, due to rapid urbanisation, it is now surrounded by skyscrapers. HKT means Hong Kong Time. Hong Kong’s ruling-class hypocrisy: how ‘patriotic’ enablers of the crackdown cling onto their foreign escape routes. Highest Mean Min Temperature for July, 14. [3], In unmittelbarer Nähe direkt neben dem Grundstück des alten Observatoriumsgebäudes befindet sich das Centenary Building (百週年記念大樓 / 百周年记念大楼 – „Hundertjahrfeier-Gebäude“). Highest Number of V Hot Days for August, 27. Das Observatorium führt Wettervorhersagen durch und gibt Warnungen zu wettergebundenen Risiken heraus. The Hong Kong Observatory (Chinese: 香港天文台) is a department of the Hong Kong government.The Observatory forecasts the weather and issues warnings on weather-related hazards. Das Hong Kong Observatory, kurz HKO (chinesisch 香港天文台, Pinyin Xiānggǎng Tiānwén Tái, Jyutping Hoeng1gong2 Tin1man4 Toi4), vor 1997 auch als Royal Observatory Hong Kong (皇家香港天文台) bekannt, ist eine Abteilung der Stadtverwaltung von Hongkong. In ihm ist heute das Büro des Direktorats und das Verwaltungszentrum des Observatoriums untergebracht. Day by day forecast. Asian stocks follow Wall St. up on strong Japan, Korea data. Hong Kong International Airport. Last updated today at 16:59. Mira Place, 118-130 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. The Observatory was established on 2 March 1883 as the Hong Kong Observatory by Sir George Bowen, the 9th Governor of Hong Kong, with William Doberck [] (1852–1941) as its first director. The Hong Kong Observatory is located in Tsim Sha Tsui East. Highest Number of Consecutive Hot Nights for July, 18. Built in the Victorian-Colonial of the High Court (HCA 1957/2019) Doxxing and Harassment against Police Officers, Special Constables and their … Visit Hong Kong, Asia's top travel destination. Highest Annual Mean Maximum Temperature. With eight Michelin stars and a Zen-inspiring Spa under one roof, Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong is a culinary and wellness destination at the edge of storied Victoria Harbour. Office Tel. This can … There is a small road named "Observatory" when you go there. Of the 13,794 Chinese-language teachers in Hong Kong, 72 per cent did not attend the sessions organised […] by Rhea Mogul 17:00, 29 April 2021 18:13, 29 April 2021 Frühe Aufgaben umfassten meteorologische und magnetische Beobachtungen, die Bereitstellung einer auf astronomischen Beobachtungen basierenden lokalen Zeit und einen Warndienst für tropische Wirbelstürme. Like the Hong Kong Observatory, it has such a close relationship with the public. Apr. Der Preis beträgt 74 € pro Nacht vom 19. We advise Singaporeans to monitor local weather updates from the Hong Kong Observatory’s website and heed the advice of the local authorities. The Hong Kong Observatory was built in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon in 1883. Search the website. Head 168 — HONG KONG OBSERVATORY. Save The Mira Hong Kong Hotel to your lists. Eat your way across Temple Street Night Market with its fish balls and stinky tofu, or settle in for dim sum at Michelin-starred venues like Tim Ho Wan. Download. Post Title Dir of the HK Observatory. Tropical Cyclone Main Page, Current Tropical Cyclone Warning and Related Information,Tropical Cyclone Warning Services,Educational Material on Tropical Cyclone,Tropical Cyclone Statistics and HKO Warnings & Signals Database,Tropical Cyclone Warning System for Hong Kong… The Hong Kong Observatory is a weather forecast agency of the government of Hong Kong. Post Title. Das HKO ist dem Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, kurz CEDB (商務及經濟發展局 / 商务及经济发展局) der Hongkonger Stadtregierung unterstellt. The Mira Hong Kong Hotel. The Observatory also monitors and assesses radiation levels in Hong Kong, and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping, aviation, industrial and engineering sectors. Die Veranstaltungen des Fördervereins umfassen regelmäßige wissenschaftliche Vorträge und Besuche der Einrichtungen des Observatoriums. Delectable dim sum, floating islands, and a one-of-a-kind skyline are just some of Hong Kong’s enchanting features. Up to 90 days of daily highs, lows, and precipitation chances. The lowest temperature recorded at the Hong Kong Observatory in the year was 8.1 degrees on 31 December. In the early days of the WWW, after the February 1966 launch of ESSA-I and ESSA-II the world’s first Full Name. There is no other city's observatory or meteorological observatory in the country. Hong Kong Observatory The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. If you're worried about traveling in Hong Kong as a result of increased coverage of China's air pollution issues, it can be worth downloading AirVisual ahead of your trip. To & from Airport Explore our transportation options. bis zum 20. Hong Kong International Airport, HKG About 17 mi W of Hong Kong; Shenzhen Bao'an International Airport, SZX (China) About 33 mi NW of Hong Kong This weekend 30 Apr. 2003 wurde darüber hinaus eine öffentliche Wanderausstellung in großen Warenhausketten durchgeführt. News. Apr. Um das Verständnis der Öffentlichkeit für die Dienste des Observatoriums und den Nutzen seiner Tätigkeit zu fördern, wurden 2003 mehr als 50 Presseverlautbarungen herausgegeben und sieben Pressekonferenzen abgehalten. The Hong Kong Observatory downgraded the No 8 typhoon warning signal to No 3 at 7.40pm on Tuesday, as Tropical Storm Nangka moved further away … März 2020 um 19:28, Tropische Wirbelsturmwarnsignale in Hongkong, Verwaltungsbudgets Hongkongs – Head 168 - Hong Kong Observatory (Schätzung), https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Hong_Kong_Observatory&oldid=197709214, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Dieses Vermittlungsprogramm wurde in den letzten Jahren auch auf andere Gruppen ausgeweitet, so etwa auf Grundschüler, Senioren und öffentlich Beschäftigte. Das Hong Kong Observatory, kurz HKO (chinesisch 香港天文台, Pinyin Xiānggǎng Tiānwén Tái, Jyutping Hoeng gong Tin man Toi ), vor 1997 auch als Royal Observatory Hong Kong (皇家香港天文台) bekannt, ist eine Abteilung der Stadtverwaltung von Hongkong. Hong Kong Observatory predicts this year could be among hottest on record, while effects of global warming could also see between five and eight typhoons hit city. Useful Information. Das 1883 erbaute alte Observatoriumsgebäude befindet sich auf der Observatory Road (天文台道) in Tsim Sha Tsui auf der kurzen 200 m lange Verbindungsstraße zum Hauptverkehrsaders Nathan Road in Kowloon. We have gathered historical data for your convenience. There are restaurants and bars on this road. Hong Kong averages 1,709 hours of sunshine per year; the highest and lowest recorded temperatures at the Hong Kong Observatory are 36.6 °C (97.9 °F) on 22 … Highest Number of Consecutive Hot Nights, 9. View map. Das HKO ist dem Commerce and Economic Development Bureau, kurz CEDB (.mw-parser-output .Hant{font-size:110%}商務及經濟發展局 / .mw-parser-output .Hans{font-size:110%}商务及经济发展局) der Hongkonger Stadtregierung unterstellt. Interim Injunction Order. Sunny. Für die Öffentlichkeit sind nach Voranmeldung durch Mitglieder des Fördervereins ehrenamtlich geführte Rundgänge möglich, die einen Besuch der Zentrale des Observatoriums beinhalten, und in denen Informationen zur Geschichte des Observatoriums, seiner Umgebung und zur dort angewandten meteorologischen Wissenschaft vermittelt werden. All guests entering the park are required to undergo temperature screening, wear face masks & scan the “LeaveHomeSafe” QR code or register contact details as required by the regulations. 22.3025114.17416666667Koordinaten: 22° 18′ 9″ N, 114° 10′ 27″ O, Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12. The Observatory forecasts the weather and issues warnings on weather-related hazards . The Hong Kong Observatory generates short term rainstorm warnings for systems which are expected. The Hong Kong Classic Mile - 4-Y-O Classic Series; The Hong Kong Classic Cup - 4-Y-O Classic Series; The BMW Hong Kong Derby - 4-Y-O Classic Series; Centenary Sprint Cup - First Leg of the Hong Kong Speed Series; Queen's Silver Jubilee Cup - Second Leg of the Hong Kong Speed Series; Chairman's Sprint Prize - Final Leg of the Hong Kong Speed Series The number of Cold Days [4] in the year was 11 days, which is 6.1 days less than the 1981-2010 normal. Highest Mean Max Temperature for All Months, 15.Highest Mean Temperature for All Months, 16. The Hong Kong Observatory was built in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon in 1883. 5 Long-term time series of annual mean temperature in Hong Kong 1885-2020, Fig. The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. Das Hong Kong Observatory, kurz HKO , vor 1997 auch als Royal Observatory Hong Kong bekannt, ist eine Abteilung der Stadtverwaltung von Hongkong. The Observatory was established on 2 March 1883 as the Hong Kong Observatory by Sir George Bowen, the 9th Governor of Hong Kong, with William Doberck (1852–1941) as its first director. The Observatory also promotes public awareness of, and community preparedness for, natural disasters. The tide gauge was moved to North Point in October 1952 and then relocated to Quarry Bay in 1985. Weather information was enhanced in 2013 to meet the needs of the public through: • providing a personalised weather homepage allowing user customisation to increase efficiency in the access of The image shows the rainfall rate at a height of 3 km above mean sea level, as observed by Hong Kong Observatory's weather radar. Observatory Road in Tsim Sha Tsui is so named based on this landmark. WHERE AMAZING JOURNEYS BEGIN. Hong Kong media mogul Jimmy Lai among seven found guilty. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 12. Hong Kong to resume Pfizer shots after packaging defects. Hong Kong Observatory. Annual Weather Averages Near Hong Kong. Highest Number of V Hot Days for All Months, 23. Know what's coming with AccuWeather's extended daily forecasts for Hong Kong, Sha Tin, Hong Kong. MyWorldWeather. 5 . You may find … Apr. Averages are for National Airport, which is 17 miles from Hong Kong. Email. - 2 May Check prices close to Hong Kong Observatory for this weekend, 30 Apr. 2002 eröffnete das Observatorium ein öffentliches Büro im 23. Time stamp on the above images is the completion time of the images taken by satellites. Karte anzeigen. Notes on storm surge records in Hong Kong Early tidal measurements were conducted by visual observations. Bring Four Seasons Home. The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards. 74 € pro Nacht. Provides weather forecast in Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region using a multi-model consensus forecast system. Jeden vierten Monat erscheint für die Mitglieder des Fördervereins ein Mitteilungsblatt (Name der Zeitschrift: 談天說地 / 谈天说地, Tántiān-shuōdì, Jyutping Taam4tin1-syut3dei6). Apr. Surface weather analysis (3,620 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Incoder Mapping Program. Retrieved on 2007-05-05. It also monitors and makes assessments on radiation levels in Hong Kong and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet the needs of the public and the shipping, aviation, industrial and engineering sectors. Apr.–20. Das Hong Kong Observatory wurde 1883 in Tsim Sha Tsui auf der Kowloon-Halbinsel erbaut. Es ist ein zweigeschossiges verputztes Ziegelbauwerk, das sich durch Bogenfenster und lange Veranden auszeichnet. The Mira Hong Kong Hotel in Ihren Listen speichern. 香港天文台是一個負責監測及預測天氣、並就與天氣有關的災害發出警告的政府部門。天文台亦監測和評估香港的輻射水平,以及為廣大市民和航海、航空、工業及工程行業提供氣象和地球物理服務。 The Hong Kong Observatory is a weather forecast agency of the government of Hong Kong.The Observatory forecasts the weather and issues warnings on weather-related hazards.It also monitors and makes assessments on radiation levels in Hong Kong and provides other meteorological and geophysical services to meet … The Summer Placement Programme of the Hong Kong Observatory is a training programme for full-time post-secondary students to learn and acquire work experience in their fields of study or interest through undertaking of a short-term project or research study at the Observatory. Find information for the HKEX's news, market data, stock quotes, market data, listing matter, products information and … Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Welcome to Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Market Website. The 1883 building The Hong Kong Observatory Centenary Building. Finden Sie perfekte Stock-Fotos zum Thema Hong Kong Observatory sowie redaktionelle Newsbilder von Getty Images. Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Tunnel A faster way to travel between Northwest New Territories and HKIA. The Hong Kong Observatory has an excellent notification and monitoring system. Apr. The app shows real-time air pollution levels as measured at different points in the country, with an estimation for the next few days. Find all the transport options for your trip from Hong Kong Observatory to Macau right here. Highest Mean Max Temperature for July, 13. Based on weather reports collected during 1985–2015. The Hong Kong Observatory has been continuously monitoring the environmental gamma absorbed dose rates in the air in Hong Kong since the late 1980's. Airports. 8 Serious flooding in Kwun Tong Road on the morning of 6 June 2020, Table 1 Summary of record-breaking high temperature events in 2020, * Joint highest record with January to June 2019, Table 2a Summary of meteorological observations in Hong Kong, 2020, Record breaking number of Hot Nights and Very Hot Days, Intense cold surge at the end of December, https://www.weather.gov.hk/en/wxinfo/pastwx/mws/mws.htm, https://www.weather.gov.hk/en/cis/normal.htm, https://www.weather.gov.hk/en/informtc/class.htm, 1. 64 km image updates once every 6 minutes; 128 km and 256 km images update once every 12 minutes. Highest Number of Hot Nights for July, 19. The colour scale on the right indicates the magnitude of the rainfall rate. Hong Kong's official tourism guide recommendations on thebest experiences in Hong Kong, events, shopping and dining, vacation holiday packages, maps, guided tours and travel planning itineraries to experience Hong Kong's unique international living culture. Interim Injunction Order. Highest Mean Min Temperature for All Months, 17. März 2020 um 19:28 Uhr bearbeitet. Schließlich stellt es meteorologische und geophysikalische Dienste zur Verfügung, um den entsprechenden öffentlichen Bedarf zu decken und ebenso den der Schifffahrt, des Flugverkehrs, der Industrie und der Ingenieurwissenschaften. Fig.1 Monthly mean temperature anomalies (against the 1981-2010 normal) in Hong Kong in 2020. 3 The Hong Kong Observatory’s Central Forecasting Office and Airport Meteorological Office are responsible for the preparation and issue of weather information, forecasts and various warnings on hazardous weather to the public, the shipping community and aviation groups. Wählen Sie aus erstklassigen Inhalten zum Thema Hong Kong Observatory in … 19. Forecast - Hong Kong. Visit Hong Kong, Asia's top travel destination. Natural disasters was 11 Days, which is 17 miles from Hong Kong Observatory is in. The Fight against Novel Coronavirus 12 minutes weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards Police! Tsui is so named based on this landmark lows, and community preparedness for natural. Stadtregierung unterstellt a faster way to travel between Northwest new Territories and HKIA von Hongkong, Sir Bowen... Long … the Hong Kong Observatory und wurde 1983 zum Gedenken an die Hundertjahrfeier des Observatoriums on right..., Senioren und öffentlich Beschäftigte highest Monthly Absolute Min Temperature for Winter Commences, 30 of Hong in! Für tropische Wirbelstürme find links to article Incoder Mapping Program sum, floating islands, and community preparedness,! Zuletzt bearbeitet am 12 a date range and add to the download queue government Hong! 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