For the veterans among your Chauke ancestors, military collections provide insights into where and when they served, and even physical descriptions. This is a list of common Xitsonga phrases translated to English.. A phrase is xivulwana in Xitsonga; The community is correcting the information on this page. Clan Praises are viewed as an important part of our origins as Africans and play a key role in retracing our lineage. This is a list of Zulu Clan Names, please feel free to suggest and add more in the comments section below. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Tsonga traditional music on the mainstream is usually produced at an average tempo of around 130BPM, or lower at around 110BPM, while more modern sub-genres often range from 160BPM to around 180BPM. Happy heritage day Vo Hlongwane, Hlungwani vo Sono nwina vale swikundzwini swa mnaledza Hlungwa vuhosi ... Tsonga surnames meanings. They speak Xitsonga, a Southern Bantu language. The following is The book titled ‘History of Matiwane and the Ngwane Tribe’ which was written as told by Msebenzi Hlongwane to his kinsman Rev. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Shuter and Shooter Publishers is a leading South African publisher of educational, supplementary material and elearning in various languages including: Afrikaans, English, Northern Sotho, Southern Sotho, South Ndebele, Swati, Tsonga, Tswana Venda,Xhosa,Zulu. 1100 to present. Izithakazelo zakwa Qumbisa, Qumbisa Clan Names. The Vatsonga Ethnic Group: An analysis and basic history, 2018, uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. 10.1.7 The confirmation by Ms Marsha Davids during a telephonic discussion that a "Political Exposure Review" was performed on Mr Hlongwane and his related entities, which discussion was confirmed in an email of 20 May 2013. Soshangane was also known by the name of Manukosi. Tags Clan names, Thusi. Use census records and voter lists to see where families with the Chauke surname lived. View Social Security Death Index (SSDI) for Chauke, Discover the unique achievements of ancestors in your family tree, This page needs Javascript enabled in order to work properly. This clan enjoyed their stay in Mozambique until the Zulu impis from the South (Kwazulu-Natal) came up and attacked them. Izithakazelo zakwaZulu ziningi kakhulu, zingangezihlabathi zolwandle! no longer supports Internet Explorer. We invite all people of Hlungwani - Hlongwane -Ngwane - Sono to submit their clan praise name and praise song in order to document the collection in the websites available. The Tsonga groups in the Nguni ethnical and linguistic groups were historically assimilated into various Nguni groups, some due to voluntary assimilation (like in cases of migrations) and some by force. You can add additional Zulu Clan Names (izithakazelo) and the history of each clan name that you know of. What did your Chauke ancestors do for a living. Occupation can tell you about your ancestor's social and economic status. There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Chauke. A list of Xitsonga surnames. Hlongwane Sangweni, Ngwane, Masumpa, Ngwadi, Matiwane, Masingasileka, Nduku Zinobulongwe, Ngwane ongaweli ngezibuko owela ngezimpambosi zomfula, Zikhali azilingani nezama xhegwana, Mdungude, Siyane, Nqobokazi, Songobese, Gwembeshe, Mzamo, Zikhali Khanyile Sogoni, Sthopho othi udlinkomo kanti udlimpisi, Umashaya umuntu aphindele lapho aphuma khona, Mahamba kancane … Bhele (divides into several sub-clan groups: Dongo, Langa, etc.) The history of Valoyi clan in Mozambique during this period was documented by the Swiss Missionaries viz Dr A.A Jacques. I never try and read such long theses and I must say that this is a theory proven by a single group with the same interest of not allowing Hosi Eric Nxumalo to be the king of the "shangan". Publication date 1992 Title Variation Swazi clan names and clan praises ISBN 0628154268 Uyazazi lezi zilwane? AbaseMbo Buthelezi Clan names Gumede Gwala Izibongo Langa Madlala Magwaza Malinga Manqele Masuku Mbatha Mkhize Nene Ntombela Ntuli Nzama Nzuza Phakathi Qwabe Shembe Shezi Zondi Zulu. the main purpose is to find the missing puzzle. Note that not all Tsonga surnames are included on this list: Search US census records for Hlongwane •Hlengwa. The Tsonga people of South Africa share some history with the Tsonga people of Southern Mozambique; however they differ culturally and linguistically from the … Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Soshangane ruled over the Gaza state from 1825 until his death in 1858. i mahlela misava hi xintewani a khavuta. Sorry, we couldn't find geographic distribution information for Chauke. 1 talking about this. A few clan names of amaXhosa and related ethnic groups include: 1. rivombo. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. Passenger lists are your ticket to knowing when your ancestors arrived in the USA, and how they made the journey - from the ship name to ports of arrival and departure. Izithakazelo zakwa Mzobe | Mzobe clan names. There are 1,000 military records available for the last name Chauke. hobyani. Clan Praises for Hlongwane(tsonga), Izithakazelo, Direto, Tshirendo, Iinanazelo, Tinanatelo, Iziduko, Xipato, Hlongwane(tsonga)'s history, Hlongwane(tsonga)'s heritage, Hlongwane(tsonga)'s clan … Izithakazelo zakwaHlongwane | Hlongwane Ngwane Clan Praises | Zuluring Clan Praise (s) By Maxila Mashila Thursday,14th August 2014 in Xitsonga (Shangaan) maxila. The Tsonga people are a Bantu ethnic group native mainly to Southern Mozambique and South Africa. Roughly three-quarters of these Dlamini clan names comprise of the Nguni tribe, and the other quarter belonging to the Sotho and the Tsonga. Click. Knowing your heritage is an integral part in celebrating and forming your identity.” The EP is set to be launched in Johannesburg on September 18 and will be released on Heritage Day, September 24, making it even more relevant. AmaHlenga are closely related to (Ngwane) known as Sono who was based in lebombo mountains with Chauke clan in the early 1800s.According to studies published Zulus call people of Delagoa bay “Amahlengwa”.Sono is the grandfather of amahlenga his relatives are the Hlongwanes.Majority of Tsonga speakers has since converted from Sono to Hlungwani(sono).Today … Mzobe, Ngcolwane, Phohla, Walawala, Khinibe, Hlekani , Nongoza omuhle, Jojwane, Bhidi, Malala, Zembe libomvu, It is an analysis of the historical movements and cultural significance of the Vatsonga people of Southern Africa. Cethe (ooChizama). There are 642 immigration records available for the last name Chauke. Izithakazelo zakwa Hlongwane, Hlongwane Clan Names, Hlongwane Clan Praises Ngwane, Masumpa, Masenga sileka, Nduku Zinobulongwe, Zikhali ezingalingani nezamaxhegwana, Nina bakaSangweni elingawelwa abafokazana liwelwa izinkonjane zasemaNgwaneni, Sang'elibanzi elingavulwa abantukazana ngoba livalwe ngezihlangu zamadoda, Nina bakaMatiwane, The paper discusses the history of the Tsonga There are 3,000 census records available for the last name Hlongwane. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Chauke census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. You can find birthdates, death dates, addresses and more. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. i mahlomula fumu xi rhanga ndlela, makololwani mafamba hi nthlambi, i xifufunhunhu xa pinda vusiku vata sala va xi vona hi kanda kanda. Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Soshangane kaZikode (c. 1780 – c. 1858), born Soshangane Nxumalo, was the founder and Chief of the Gaza Empire, which at the height of its power stretched from the Limpopo river in southern Mozambique up to the Zambezi river in the north. There are Tsonga groups within the Nguni ethnical and linguistic groups, and there are Tsonga people with Nguni sounding surnames. Simply start with a family member and we'll do the searching for you. The SSDI is a searchable database of more than 70 million names. Bhayi (Khetshe, Mkhumbeni, Msuthu – they belong to the amaVundle people). Clan Praise(s) By: Wakahina Hlungwani/Hlungwana/Hlungwane/SonoHi vadzambala, va hlungwa vuhosi hi vandzilo, va ka Zinjhiba, van'wamasungula ku fuma, xi vuya hi vulandza, va le xikundzwini xa maledzangole, va hlamba xilepfu, a mahlweni ku hlamba va nyatihomu, van'wamatshere ya nangahulu leyi nga rungula Mantsena, yi vita va ka Mbangwana; hi va ku tshika misava hi malwandla.Maledza! This document is part of a series in the Digital Tsonga Productions research project. Tsonga Disco, Tsonga Electro, and Ndzhumbha are what the Vatsonga people today consider their primary traditional-mainstream music. A surname is xivongo in Xitsonga; The community is correcting the information on this page. The clan name is also sometimes used as an exclamation by members of that clan. 3. Tsonga clan praises Matimu ya va ka Ngoveni – “Yingwe yo koma” Swivongo swa vanhu hinkwavo, swi hlamuseleka hi ririmi leri vanhu va xivongo xexo va vulavulaka rona, kumbe hi ririmi leri … Hi sweswo swivongo swa Xitsonga LIKE lok u vona Xivongo xa wena kumbe COMMENT hi Xivongo xa wena lok kur hava eka nongonoko wa Swivogo leswi nga … You've only scratched the surface of Chauke family history. Census records can tell you a lot of little known facts about your Chauke ancestors, such as occupation. Like a window into their day-to-day life, Hlongwane census records can tell you where and how your ancestors worked, their level of education, veteran status, and more. 2. 4. Albert Hlongwane in the early 1900s. In 1647 Xihlomulo was the ruler of the Valoyi clan until 1785 when he was succeeded by his son Mbhekwana. It was edited and supplemented by Archive Documents and other material by … Izithakazelo zakwa Qumbisa, Qumbisa Clan Praises Qumbisa, Jiyeza ! Hlongwane Sangweni, Ngwane, Masumpa, Ngwadi, Matiwane, Masingasileka, Nduku Zinobulongwe, Ngwane ongaweli ngezibuko owela ngezimpambosi zomfula, Zikhali azilingani nezama xhegwana, Mdungude, Siyane, Nqobokazi, Songobese, Gwembeshe, Mzamo, Zikhali Khanyile Sogoni, Sthopho othi udlinkomo kanti udlimpisi, Umashaya umuntu aphindele lapho aphuma khona, Mahamba … An unusually short lifespan might indicate that your Chauke ancestors lived in harsh conditions. 10.2 All criteria and factors considered by ABSA to close the Accounts and to give formal notice thereof. The project is to trace origins, culture, relationship, connections in the business world and kingship of these people. Tsonga is a mixture of Rhonga, Tshwa and Thonga, these people spread all over because of wars, their original surname was Sono which was later changed to Hlungwani because of names of people and other tribes being a**imilated to other tribes but clan name and family tree is the same. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. To learn more, view our, THE XITSONGA LANGUAGE AND WHAT IT IS NOT: Dispelling the Misconceptions, On the archaeological visibility of populations in Southern Mozambique ca. Identity crisis that exist amongst the Tsonga people must come to an end, Vatsonga must stop saying i am a shangan, they must stop saying ku hi magaza, the shangaans must stop shanganizing vatsonga because they don't want to be called vatsonga even though they Vula2 xitsonga and they are doing xitsonga at school and they were assimilated to vutsongeni, it must be known that Soshangani never conquered all the tsonga … A very small number of Tsonga people are also found in Zimbabwe and Northern Swaziland. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Could n't find geographic distribution information for Chauke divides into several sub-clan groups: Dongo, Langa,.. 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