Keep reading to find out why and learn how to increase post reach on a Facebook page without those tactics. Fred Alberti … Reach measures how many people have seen your post. Another metric is impressions. External Referrers provides data for the number of times users arrived at a Facebook page from a website outside of Facebook. Reach, in general, is pretty simple. 1 month). Sometimes. By default, you will be taken to the page-level data. Facebook pages are set up for different reasons, some are created to promote events while others are an extension of an ecommerce store. Reach and impressions mean different things on different platforms. Explanation of all the metrics and definitions we use in our reports and the Sotrender tool can be found in our glossary. How are they measured? For that reason, you should be tracking your page likes over time with the aim of seeing that number growing. After splitting your posts into these categories, it shows you the average reach and engagement each type has received on your post, splitting the engagement metric into post clicks, and other engagements (reactions, comments & shares). Just because a consumer saw your post in their … Impressions count the total number of times your post has appeared on a screen, whereas reach tracks the number of unique views on a post. In a similar way to tracking your own post type data, this type of analysis will help you to choose what sort of posts you should be focusing on creating. The following article was written by Jamie Swain, Digital Marketing Executive at Pixel Kicks, a UK digital agency based in Manchester, and specializing in website design, SEO, PPC and social media marketing. This gives you a fair idea of the number of unique users viewing one single post when compared to how many people saw all the content posted on the page. Marketers rely on this metric to determine who their most engaged audience segment is. Of course, you want your posts to get the biggest reach possible - the more impressions the better. Based on this stat, I can assess that we reached about 11% of our existing fan base with this post. There are options to change the time period of data you view at the top of the page, meaning you can look at trending graphs from today, yesterday, the last seven days or the last 28 days. In fact, they’ve even changed the metrics some since the last time I covered the topic. The information can be used to analyse how you perform in particular areas, and can be used to shape your future social media marketing strategies. Average reach for a native Facebook video: 16.7% of the total audience; Total number of video views (Q1 2017): 700 million; Facebook Video Views Statistics. Although the date it will show isn’t customisable or from a specific time frame, it comes from a “recent” 1-week period, and Facebook gives no further hints as to just how recent it is. Is it different from views? Once you’ve selected your timeframe, you can export the overview of data in a range of formats, perfect for sending as a quick update to someone or attaching to a report. when any post from your page has appeared on their screen. If your graph shows that on average, 10% of your followers use Facebook at 1pm, but 60% are online at 4pm, you wouldn’t be putting posts out at 1pm anymore, instead trying to get it out to the much bigger audience three hours later. Did you like the article? The performance section of this page will show you key metrics for videos you’ve recently shared, with this split into two primary trackable stats: total minutes viewed, and number of 3-second views. Reach measures how many people have seen your post. If you’re getting a good number of viewed minutes, than your videos look to be grabbing the attention of Facebookers. Unfortunately, with all the current changes being made within Facebook, A Facebook user sees a post 2 times in a week – on Monday and on Friday. This analytic gives us an idea of how impressionable a Facebook page is outside of Facebook itself. What kind of content demotes your Facebook page If you wonder how to get more views on Facebook, you’ll need to be aware of what activities are the most likely to decrease your reach … You get viral reach when a post receives thousands of likes, comments, and (typically) shares on Facebook. For other periods, the given reach will always refer to average daily reach. Dear Marketer, be sure your current social media deliver spends your money right. This is a great way to measure the success of both your organic and paid content, and gives a clear indicator of how your page is growing over time. Depending on your specific business goals, it’s up to you to decide which metrics are the most valuable, and track them accordingly. Facebook Insights can be quite overfacing at first. DashThis is a brand owned by Moment Zero inc. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. It gives you the exact number of your fans who were online on each day of the week, as well as a graph showing, on average across the week, how many are online at each time of the day. If one person sees your post three times, that would be three views but only plus one reach. It’s good to know how your fans found you. We’ve all heard about it and we talk about it almost every day. Note: Information about viral reach is available only within the Sotrender tool; you won’t find this metric in Facebook Insights, for example. When simply tracking your overall page likes, you might not see any changes day-to-day. Let’s start by explaining what reach is, what views are, and the difference between the two. Facebook Live works based on Get no-bullshit analytics for free to find out. As such, it’s handy to know when you have a captive audience. It’s also a quick way to see if your ads are working. Not to be confused with the information on Post Reach above, People Reached is a more broad data set which describes the number of people who viewed any content associated with the Facebook page. What’s the difference? One of my favorite examples is this hilarious video by photo book publishing company Chatbooks. The ‘Post Types’ insight section is a great way of tracking this. Below you will find each metric clearly explained, as well as reasons why you may wish to add one to your marketing report. Total reach (for a Page or for a single post), Information about total reach is available only for selected periods: 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days (max. Scroll down, and you’ll see a graph for Reach. The second stat shows how many times any of your videos have been viewed for at least three seconds, or 97% of its total length in the event it has a shorter run time. Reach describes the number of unique users who have seen your content. While it’s very much viewed as an image-boosting factor, there’s also a great benefit to be had from increasing your page likes - your content will be reaching more people. That’s why the number of fans is currently very weakly connected to the actual reach your posts have. That means that even if the same person saw your post four times, it will still count only once. The total number of views includes every single time a piece of content was viewed. Paid reach – the number of Page and post views which are a result of paid activities (ads). we still receive regular questions about Facebook Reach. Reach is also divided into three categories, though not on your page feed. Share it with friends. How so? Meanwhile, the average engagement rate in 2020 for an organic Facebook post was 0.25%. In Facebook Ads, for a video post, the vast majority of engagements will be made up of 3 second views. Lifetime Paid Reach of a Post by People who Like your Page (Column V) Learn how to download your Facebook Insights data here. That’s because posts will never be seen by all of a Page’s fans. A piece of content which has gone viral could have gained results as seen below: Total reach refers to either a Page or to a single post. Reach is the number of people who have seen your post. This section shows which videos are performing the best on your page within the time period you’ve selected. Here, there is a breakdown of variables such as: gender, age, location and languages spoken. Total Reach on Facebook. You also can’t sum daily reach to get weekly reach or multiply daily reach, e.g. for a quarter or for a year. You can gauge what is popular for similar businesses, but for the information to be truly beneficial, it’s important you’re watching the right pages - make sure the sector, type of page, and location are all similar enough to your own to provide you with worthwhile data. That number drops to 0.08% for those of you with more than 100k followers. But here at Sotrender. You can also split reach up into other categories, which we will explain shortly: The main difference between reach and views is straightforward: the number of views represents how many times each piece of content was actually seen. This shows you how many people your posts have reached i.e. The average reach for an organic Facebook post is down to 5.2%. Post content that will grab your audience’s attention in the Facebook news feed. The Page Views tab is a little like the traffic … the number of Page and post views published by a Page without any paid (promotional) activities. Bring all your marketing data into one automated report. – the number of Page and post views published by a Page, – the number of Page and post views which are a, Note: Information about viral reach is available. Each time they saw it counts as a view. Facebook’s free metrics tool - Facebook Insights, gives marketers a powerful platform to measure the performance of the pages they manage and the posts they create. by a number of days in a month, to get total monthly reach. Post reach is the number of people who saw a specific post in their news feed. Unfortunately, with all the current changes being made within Facebook, this assumption is completely wrong. Hover over the days above to see more specific graphs, rather than the weekly average. This is different to post reach, and shows the number of people who have seen any activity from your page; such as your content, ads, check-ins or any mentions about your page. Want to read more definitions? The number of likes a page has very much contributes to the way people measure a brand or business’s authenticity i.e. Improving her marketing skills every day. Someone who “likes” your nonprofit’s Facebook page is likely to see what you post organically because this person chose to follow you. Facebook reach is always measured within a specified period. Not to be confused with the information on Post Reach above, People Reached is a more broad data set which describes the number of people who viewed any content associated with the Facebook page. As it shows you which type of post gets the most engagement and impressions, it enables you to focus your efforts on creating more content of this kind. I've answered this in more detail in another blog post, titled difference in engagement rate between Facebook ads and Facebook Insights. Reach is a good indicator of how well you are getting your product or business name out there, and INTO PEOPLE’S NEWSFEED. The overview section is made up of a grid of data, including page actions, post reach, and post engagements, and its highly visual layout means you can easily keep track of trends within your stats. Once you have a minimum of five pages on your watch list (you can add more than five if needed), it will show you what posts they’ve made this week, specifically filtering to their best-performing ones and showing how many engagements they received. In order to clear any doubts you still might have, we’ve gathered all the information you need to know below. Using the example post from above, we know that the post had an Organic Reach of 3,918 people (including fans & non-fans). Fans offer a valuable insight into the demographics of the people who like a Facebook page. For clarity, let us first define 2 things in this post. To view the post level Reach, click Posts from that Statistics tab and then select Reach from the second drop-down. Reach on Facebook might seem straightforward. You can choose to view the metric for your business page as well. Video content is more important than ever, with it becoming one of the best ways to grab the attention of fans on social media. That means that even if the same person saw your post four times, it will still count, The main difference between reach and views is straightforward: t. represent the number of Page views from both Facebook users (users who are logged in) and users who are not logged in or don’t have a Facebook account at all. This measures the reach for both your organic content and paid promotions, displayed definitively in the graph. This can indicate how visible you are on Facebook as a whole, and how your paid content measures up against your organic. Total reach (for a Page or for a single post) includes both paid and organic reach. “For a recent A/B test for a client in the travel and tourism industry, we found that with all other factors being the same, the Video Ads generated a 47% higher CTR, despite Facebook generating a higher Reach (i.e. Tip: Ensure Facebook pages are fully populated with a company website, phone number, address and any other accurate information that could aid a citation. Types of Facebook Reach. Reach is the number of people who have viewed your post. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. For that reason, reach vs impressions can be called “users vs page views.”. The first of these stats shows how long in total your video content has been viewed over a selected time period, with the window completely customisable from a chosen start and end date. Jump to. The best thing about Reach on Facebook is the fact that it is not limited to individual posts. Still, for many marketers, the total number of fans is thought to be equal to the amount of reach a published post gains. “Reach” on Facebook is a pretty simple concept, but tricky to grasp in its different implementations. Information about total reach is available only for selected periods: 7 days, 14 days, 21 days, and 28 days (max. He will be counted towards the average daily reach for Monday and the average daily reach for Friday. “ Page views ” track the number of pages that have been viewed by all of your site’s visitors. But with today's over saturation of information, is Reach enough? While some unlikes are due to Facebook deleting unused accounts, it’s good to get an idea of your Facebook page unlike stats as it could become a cause for concern if people aren’t sticking around for your content. Page and Tab Visits give you an insight into the number of times each of a page’s Tabs were viewed over a period of time. This is different from impressions in that the number of people is unique. What Facebook Want to start reporting on all your Facebook data? Beside the page level and post level reach, Facebook also distinguishes between different types of reach (See Facebook documentation).As discussed in the paragraph above, the organic, viral, unpaid, paid and total reach are the most common types, but there are as well a lot of other and more specific types. Let’s go back to reach and unique users for a moment. You can think of it sort of like “monthly unique What is Facebook Reach? Page reach is the number of people who saw any of your post content during a given period of … That means you can’t simply get a metric for your overall reach. Explanation of all the metrics and definitions we use in our reports and the Sotrender tool can be found in our. Or, to put it simply, when Facebook users engage with it a lot. In short, it doesn’t matter if a single person has seen it 1 time, 3 times or 12 times. hbspt.cta.load(3842881, 'a0f2136a-dccc-40f0-b875-6ae0a8ed96b4', {}); Organic reach – the number of Page and post views published by a Page without paid (promotional) activities. Former student at Warsaw University and Malmö University. A social media marketing campaign can sometimes be quite broad, as you experiment with different styles of posts to try and determine what is most effective. Viral reach – the number of Page and post views which are a result of other user activities (e.g. Reach is not necessarily an equivalent to the number of views a post has. Page likes are the number of people who essentially support your page, are interested in what you’ve got to offer and want to see what you’re posting. You don’t really need the specific dates the data is from though, as the information still gives you a useful idea. To get started, you have to add pages to your watch list - you might have some competitors in mind, but if you don’t, Facebook suggests some from what it knows about your business when you open up the feature. With some paid support (recommended), your post’s reach can increase exponentially. It doesn’t matter whether the user saw the content on their phone, tablet, or computer. It takes into account not only the reach of a Page’s posts but also users that viewed photo albums, Stories, Reviews etc. “ Users ” tracks the total number of people who visit your website at least one time during a specific time frame. As marketers we can learn a lot from referral paths. Looking through more specific elements of your Facebook page is crucial when you’re trying to get your social media campaign running efficiently, and that’s where the next tabs come in. This is a great KPI to include in a DashThis report, as a way of tracking your success with a video-focused social media campaign. 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