People are competing for the biggest fire and are even raiding neighbouring villages and suburbs to steal their old Christmas trees. In recent decades, it’s been largely secularised, yet incorporating a blend of Christian, folkloric and Old Norse traditions. In Sweden and Finland, children dress up as Easter witches and go from house to house showing/giving their artwork in exchange for candy (sound familiar???). 1. Yes, we do, but… the most common celebrations have their origin not in Christian mythology but in native superstition and folklore. The children … Långfredag – you have already guessed it – means ”Long Friday”. Corporal or physical punishment in all forms is banned in Sweden, including parents' right to spank their children. Easter season starts on Easter Sunday and lasts 40 days until Pentecost. This day had to be filled with Ludo, Monopoly, or Solitaire, and Långfredag really seemed to be long, endless. Finally there’s only one egg left intact, and the winner has enough eggs to feed all of his family and neighbours. Traditionally Easter is a time for relaxation and leisure, thus it is an extremely wonderful holiday. Upon opening the egg, the recipient may find a token present, akin to a stocking-filler. Epiphany (Jan 6) Most people in Sweden get the day off for Epiphany. Sweden is so good at recycling that it has run out of rubbish and imports 80,000 tons a year from Norway. Eggs are a favourite on the Easter tables for Swedes who usually decorate them at home, same as in other Christian countries. It’s a real knockout contest: the eggs are knocked against each other, tip against tip, until one breaks and loses. – Source 2. Easter Candy in Paper eggs instead of Chocolate Easter Candy. In Sweden and parts of Finland, a mini-Halloween takes place on either the Thursday or Saturday before Easter. Watercolour paint, ordinary paint, dyes, and glued-on decorations all can become part of … Moving with the times, the Swedish Easter buffet keeps evolving. Contests are held in many places, most reknown on the pier in Simrishamn. Easter in Sweden Easter is one of the most popular Christian festivals in the world. Boiled and painted Easter eggs are a major Easter tradition in Sweden. The flogging habit died several centuries ago, but the custom to take in birch twigs survived. If you want to know a herring from a crayfish and a kanelbulle from a prinsesstårta, The Easter period in Spain is known as Semana Santa, or Holy Week, and events in many cities around the country really do last a whole week.Here it’s not just about Easter Sunday – there are many other traditions leading up to the day, which are perhaps even more important. In popular belief, the witches make the journey riding on broomsticks, and on their way they’ll try to snatch children in order to present them to the devil. Photo: Magnus Carlsson/, Photo: Jakob Fridholm/, Gubbröra on dill-pickled herring from Klädesholmen. “Smörgåsbord” is a permanent fixture in Swedish culinary Easter celebrations. Swedish Easter brings out the craft enthusiast in many. Påskbordet, served on Easter Eve, is basically a version of the classic Swedish smörgåsbord, with the restriction that at this time of year, it must offer eggs prepared in several ways, and it must also offer a number of salmon dishes (cold cmoked, hot smoked, cured, baked, boiled…). This custom varies across the country: in the beginning, it might have been performed like the original procedure for giving julklappar (Christmas presents), i.e. It’s a weird name. In Sweden and Finland, it is an Easter tradition for children to dress as witches, old women and old men and go door to door for treats similar to the trick-or-treating tradition of Halloween on Maundy Thursday or the day before Easter (Holy Saturday). knock on the door, throw in the object, close the door and run. The Swedish Easter holiday is a five-day affair, starting on Skärtorsdag (Maudy Thursday), and goes right through to Annandag Påsk (Easter Monday). ‘Påskmust’ is another staple – a dark brown soft drink infused with spices, malt and hop extract. Swedish food is much more than just iconic meatballs and chewy fish-shaped sweets. Swedish Easter Traditions. Easter in numbers . The second part of the word, onsdag, means Wednesday, but the first part? Gummies, licorice, hard candy, and chocolate. eggshells of cardboard, plastic or sheet metal; the bigger, the better. Påsk (Easter) in Sweden is like anywhere else in the world: eggs, spring chickens, floppy-eared bunnies, and daffodils! Misunderstandings do happen. 6 Things You Should Not Miss, Why Sustainable Clothing is the Future of the Fashion Industry, How Poker Has Become a Way to Make a Living for Swedes, How Sweden Overhauled Its Gambling Regulation, It’s not over yet. In 2005 it … (Have you seen a dry spruce burn? The Easter bonfires are most common in the region of Ostrobothnia. This original procedure is still in use, among other places, in the rather rural western part of the province Värmland, and the påskbrev is filled with candy – i.e. These are usually accompanied by pickled herring, salmon and in some occasions even lamb. The parade usually ends with a godisregn (candy rain). Like the previous name, this one has also migrated six weeks closer to spring: Vita tisdagen is originally another name for Fat Tuesday. So why not start off with the most unexpected one — the Easter Witch. On the occasion of Easter in Sweden, people do attend church prayers and services. It’s as archaic as the previous name and means ”purge” or ”clean”. The meaning of Långfredag is almost palpable to Swedes of a certain age: before 1969, no shops, restaurants, theatres – actually nothing – was allowed to be open on Långfredag. Other customs, mainly in the southwestern parts of the country, include Easter bonfires – ‘påskbrasor’ – lit on Holy Saturday to fend off evil spirits (Easter witches included) said to be at large during the crucifixion of Christ. Celebrated on January 1st, this holiday is celebrated not only in Sweden but also in most countries, if not all. The eggs are then served on the Easter table together with other traditional Easter food like pickled herring, salmon and lamb. Still, we have a Christian history (and at least some Swedes attend church services during Easter… well, quite a few, actually). Easter Sunday and Pentecost are always on Sundays, but they are seen more like main holidays than ordinary Sundays. Maybe these were the original names, because the real Blåmåndag is actually the Monday before Lent… Why the name lately has migrated six weeks forward is yet one of the Easter mysteries. Easter is the Sunday after the first full moon of spring. You’ll also find this distinctive soda at Christmas, when it’s marketed as ‘julmust’. Some feature classic Easter motifs like farmyard scenes studded with hares and chickens, while others are more contemporary. These decorative eggs tend to take centre stage on the Easter table, piled up high. ... Julmust then disappears from shelves for a few months when it reappears at Easter as Påskmust – the same drink in a different bottle! One of the quirkiest seasonal ingredients is the ‘påskkärring’ – Easter witch – who take to the streets in groups, knocking on doors to wish residents ‘Glad påsk’ (Happy Easter) and have sweets in exchange for a home-made drawing or Easter letter. Denmark -- Påskeferie Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday are all national holidays… serious national holidays, not like Thanksgiving or the Fourth of July in the United States. Over the years, the pagan and Christian celebrations became intertwined with the common theme of birth and renewal. Let's have a look at 10 Swedish Easter Traditions that you might find weird. When Easter rolls around in Sweden, it’s often the signal for Swedes to head out to their stuga or country cottage. There are a couple of strange additions though… The word “påsk” comes from the Hebrew word “pesah”, meaning passing. large bonfires. Lately, this custom has taken on big proportions, creating problems on the islands outside of Gothenburg, where people have discovered that old Christmas trees make excellent bonfires. In Sweden Easter is called 'Påsk' and the word probably originates from the Hebrew word 'pesach'. All The Facts You Need to Know About Swedish Holidays. It’s a red, work-free day. To me, this seems more appropriate than the English name, Good Friday, at least in a Christian perspective. Holy Week is the celebrated during the week leading up to Easter. Mostly fashioned from long elegant birch twigs, this bouquet-like arrangement is adorned with colourful feathers, along with other types of decorations, such as handcrafted chickens made from yellow yarn. Photo: Lieselotte van der Meijs/ In many countries Easter is more of a religious occasion while in some countries, the Easter celebrations are more social and festive in nature. Easter is an orgy in candy, chocolates, and toffee, delivered to the kids in large brightly colored påskägg, i.e. Photo: Jenny Drakenlind/Johnér/ ‘Västerbottenpaj’ – a quiche laden with extra mature Västerbotten cheese – a delicacy originally made in Burträsk, Norrbotten – is another popular staple. Easter is the culmination, a weekend during which the average Swede consumes a kilo of candy. This day has also, for unknown reasons, been known as Fläskmåndag (Pork Monday) or Korvmåndag (Sausage Monday). Photo credit: Matilda Lindeblad/Johnér/ One of the main Easter traditions in Sweden, as in many other countries, is the Easter egg. It is served during most traditional holidays like Easter, Midsummer and Christmas. Easter takes place on a Sunday, after the 40-day period called Lent.Lent is referred to as a time of fasting, but participants focus more on giving up one significant indulgence. Easter is also associated with Swedish candy, particularly the pick and mix variety so cherished by locals. These symbols of the season start appearing in stores in the lead-up to Easter. It refers to the story about Jesus washing the disciples’ feet before the last supper. Since the late 1800s, ‘påskris’ – the Easter equivalent of a Christmas tree – has been a common sight in Swedish homes in the lead-up to the holiday. The first recording of these fires dates to the 19th century when Dutch merchants introduced the custom to Gothenburg. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience and to provide additional functionality on our website. Sweden in general is not heavily Christian anymore and therefore the traditions have changed overtime. Originally, the sixth of June was svenska flaggens dag, Swedish flag day.Only as early as in 1983 it became the National Day of Sweden. Easter is also a time of great religious significance for many worshipers around the world, who gather to celebrate Christ’s death and resurrection. Visit Skansen and join in the Easter festivities. on them or Happy Easter. Swedish food is much more than just iconic meatballs and chewy fish-shaped sweets. True to the Swedish tradition to celebrate any given holiday on the day before the holiday, Påskafton is the day when Swedes celebrate Easter. See our cookie policy. Here's some of our favourite Sweden facts. Comparing the two holidays, Easter ranks almost as highly as Christmas in terms of celebratory appeal – anyone who’s experienced the festivity of a Swedish Easter would agree. And a påskkäring is a witch. This myth seems to have been formed in the 16th and 17th centuries. When the standard working week in Sweden was reduced to 40 hours by the Riksdag, all Saturdays became de facto public holidays. Various types of pickled herring, cured salmon, and the potato and anchovy gratain “Janssons frestelse” (Jansson’s temptation) are just some of the delights to be seen on the menu. Sweden Was the First Country to Ban Spanking by Parents . Home Calendar Holidays Sweden Easter Monday Easter Monday in Sweden Easter Monday is observed as a public holiday in many countries and is part of the Easter period. Then, in 1927, the government announced alcohol bans on Good Friday (along with Christmas and St. Patrick's Day). Swedish children started dressing up as Easter witches in the early 19th century in western parts of the country, and over the decades the tradition spread nationwide, remaining popular until this day. Riksdag, all Saturdays became de facto holidays since this is the Easter Witch loser ’ s only egg! Holidays than ordinary Sundays Christians worldwide copyright endless Range Marketing OÜ ©, all Saturdays became de facto public.... 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