But outsiders who insult or harm the Vistani soon learn that they are not to be trifled with. Giomorgo – Half-Vistani. I could make great use of that. The curse gave them blistered feet for the next mile they walked, and they never crossed the vistani like that again. Is it supposed that the Evil Eye must to something more harmful than make "friends" with an animal or I'm missing something? He died centuries ago yet endures as one of the undead, feasting on the blood of the living. Most Vistani curses are meant to teach a lesson and correct antisocial behavior (at least as they see it). However if you need a pot mended, want to hear strange and exotic music, or have your fortune read the Vistani will be happy to provide for a small fee. The Vistani are a wandering human gypsy culture known for their strong traditions, magical prowess, and divination ability. To outsiders, they are lawless vagabonds and leaderless nomads. Corpse: Roll on "Corpse details in random Barovian encounters" 16. Our leader, Madam Eva, knows all. Sorvia, one of the Vistani sisters who run Blood of the Vine Tavern, revealed that some of the Vistani act as spies for Strahd. Another problem with this older supplement is that a lot of the information is directly tied to a plotline concerning the recent assassination of Nikolai Watcher and his children. Vistani who knowingly bring harm or misfortune to others of their kind are banished- the worst punishment a Vistana can imagine, even worse than death. It seemed only appropriate to encapsulate that with a curse subtheme to the deck. Is it here that Leowen watched the flogging of the young Vistani for losing “Arabelle” and met with the dusk elf, Kasimir Velikov. Van Richten suffers a curse bestowed on him by a Vistani: Live you always among monsters, and see everyone you love die beneath their claws. We alone have the power to leave his domain. John Forrest on The Vistani. Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: The Vistani & Tarokka - A Full Guide and Expansion to the Tarokka Reading! I can imagine these spells can be pretty game-changing and will determine the ebb and flow of the campaign. Vistani know that to curse one who is undeserving of such punishment can have grave consequences for the one who utters such a curse. By old Ravenloft Lore, the strongest of curses laid down by a Vistana can only be lifted by the Vistana who placed it, or a blood relative of that Vistana. Vistani know that to curse one who is undeserving of such punishment can have grave consequences for the one who utters such a curse. West of town is a haunted mansion. Its effect on him can best be summarized with this statement: “Van Richten Dies Last.” This curse is both a boon and a bane to him. Dream Plot 3. Or, he might be cursed with a compulsion to pick any lock she sees, increasing the chances that such reckless behavior will land them even hotter water. :). Despite their wanderlust, Vistani all end up returning to Barovia at some point, if for no other reason than to pay homage to madame Eva, a legendary seer within Vistani culture. And essentially he got to Barovia by tricking Ezmerelda into taking him there and then telling her to turn around. It was released on March 15, 2016 and is based on the Ravenloft module published in 1983. My cleric came along with him. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the CurseofStrahd community. It’s a fun opportunity for DMs to be creative. Any thoughts on some cool Vistani curses Ezmerelda might pull out in her final moments? For the Vistani, I'm playing them as a group which just prefers to roam and not settle in the towns/villages in the valley. Press J to jump to the feed. Thanks! After Noelle shared some of her own wine, the Vistani opened up, and shared some insights into Strahd, including the fact that he was, in fact, dead, and that long ago he'd fallen in love with a woman named Tatyana. For example, if a rogue is caught picking a wagon’s lock, then perhaps he is cursed to lose fine motor control, making it more difficult to repeat the offense. Things you may have heard while around the Vistani. 15. The Vistani are wanderers who live outside civilization, traveling about in horse-drawn, barrel-topped wagons. Roll 1d4 berserkers. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; Vistani The Vistani are like the Romani people, more popularly known as gypsies. To make RP easier you could have the stutter tied to a topic ( Vistani, enemies) or an emotion (fear, confidence). HELP / REQUEST . Vistani are still described as superstitious and can still utter curses to afflict players who cross them. Vistani curses fill the same niche in Vistani society as law and order. When a giorgio is invited to join in the blood rite, he becomes a giogoto. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Items; Maps; Vistani Beliefs Things you may have heard while around the Vistani. Curse of Strahd. The Vistani are a vibrant, listless folk as renown for their music, fortunetelling abilities, and lust for life as they are infamous for their curses, thievery, and general debauchery. However, all but one lone Vistani were gone. Hidden bundle. Is this something the NPCs do when you get into a fight with the PCs? I view their curses as a sort of innate poetic justice, so the punishment should always fit the crime. Curse of Strahd . After Noelle shared some of her own wine, the Vistani opened up, and shared some insights into Strahd, including the fact that he was, in fact, dead, and that long ago he'd fallen in love with a woman named Tatyana. The topic specifier is a great implication! Wandering Outcasts. The next session is started out with Madam Eva casting Harm on the cleric and deducing her to 1 HP MAX. I can imagine being disrespectful to Madam Eva is considered very rude by other Vistani, which might lead to some negative consequences. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. It’s a great adventure – but it can also be a bit overwhelming and hard to run, especially if it’s your first time as a DM. Volta had fallen twice and was barely on her feet. I made sure to demonstrate the Madam Eva was a very strong spellcaster compared to their being level 3. Ravens carry lost souls within them, so killing one is bad luck. Roll 1d6 dire wolves. That is awesome! And further, how is the intensity of the curse determined? That’s where I broke for the session to figure out what to do. I can't recall is the statsblock eveb allow her to curse. Strahd comes from a royal bloodline. When a giorgio is invited to join in the blood rite, he becomes a giogoto. The remaining man, named Gorvach, claimed he'd been left behind as punishment for drinking too much of the Vistani's wine. Some of them work as merchants alongside Barovians. Travelers with an unnatural gift for navigating the mists of Shadowfell, Vistani are mistrusted by the common folk of the demiplane of dread. Inner Power Plot. Vardo – A Vistani, round-topped wagon. Ezmerelda has spent the majority of her life living outside Barovia. Vishnadd – Justice. The curse is a large part of why he has lived so long—how he has accumulated so much experience and expertise. Homelands: The Vistani endlessly wander throughout the Land of Mists, so a giogoto may be born in any domain. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; The Vistani The Vistani are a vibrant, listless folk as renown for their music, fortunetelling abilities, and lust for life as they are infamous for their curses, thievery, and general debauchery. Do you think a regular old curse is going to stick or would it just kinda run off him? Captain – The male leader of a caravan. I know it would definitly put a huge amouth of work into the campain, so i was w a fairly free-form adventure where the characters are drawn into Barovia and must defeat Strahd to escape. Regrettably, their depiction echoes some stereotypes associated with the Romani people in the real world. Of course, the module isn’t called “Army of Strahd”, it is “Curse of Strahd,” specifically because of the story of Strahd and how the realm of Barovia have both been cursed by the events preceding the story. Vistani are still described as superstitious and can still utter curses … Dear Dms, have anyone ever ran Curse of Strahd for two groups in the same world ? Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; Vistani History . Vistani The Curse of Strahd big_d3m0n big_d3m0n big_d3m0n 2019-06-22T01:09:51Z 2019-06-22T01:09:51Z Curse of Strahd: Final Remix. Rather than use blanket terms like "evil," the Revamped book explains that some Vistani choose to be Strahd's servants and so are corrupted by his dark designs. 9. Five Courses of Strahd is a Curse of Strahd (Ravenloft 5e) game, run 1 on 1, between Kiel - the DM - and Arella - the player. flamboyantly dressed people. Vistani NPCs have access to curses and the Evil Eye (p. Many of them work for Strahd von Zarovich, but not all are necessarily loyal to him.Many work for him out of fear, some for coin, and others because they enjoy the unique freedoms Strahd offers them. Ezmerelda is a very smart badass person, I think she would likely have planned in as much detail as possible what curse she would place on Strahd or any other major NPC that would potentially be able to kill her, in advanced. So I am DMing the Curse of Strahd for a few session now, and the party is probably going to Tser Pool the next session. In my story, Rudolph has been this on again off again flakey father figure (Partially due to him not wanting her to fall victim to his curse). Skeletal Rider. Introduction [+] Running the Adventure; A Classic Retold; Marks of Horror; Ch. Roll on "Wereravens or Ravens?" John Forrest on Vistani Camp. I'm not super satisfied with this one but I think it shows the idea I'm going for. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; Races Nedenfor er en liste over de racer der befolker Ravenloft. I'm interested in hearing some experiences you guys had with this mechanic! gypsy like traveller folk. Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd is a series of expansions and elaborations to the core Curse of Strahd campaign. Don't get me wrong, you could do it, but Strahd is an extremely powerful being with friends on the other side, so things might not quite work as intended. Vistani know that to curse one who is undeserving of such punishment can have grave consequences for the one who utters such a curse. This subreddit serves as a helpful place for anyone running the Curse of Strahd module for D&D 5e. Major Curse: any open hostility caused by the party. Everything living (and dead) is trapped within this planar prison. Tasque – A nation of Vistani, which is made up of several tribes, which are in turn divided into caravans. of town is a village that has been abandoned for decades. Wizard Plot. A prescient Vistana can’t see her own future or the future of another Vistana. Elders carry the responsibility for enforcing traditions, settling disputes, setting the course for the group's travels, and preserving the Vistani way of life. The children will be selling out their parents. One of the Vistani around the fire told a tale of a "mighty wizard" who a year ago gathered a posse of Barovians to confront Strahd. Curse of Strahd - PHR. share stories, dress brightly love life. Its burgomaster committed some terrible offense and incurred the wrath of Strahd. Thanks in advance! NPC list Complete list of every named creature with an accociated statblock as written in the Curse of Strahd module. Only occurence in my game was when the PC saved Arabelle from drowning and delivered Bluto to the Vistani, they cursed him so that every time he fell asleep he his lungs would fill with water, needless to say he died of exhaustion and drowning... You've gotten a lot of great answers but one thing I've not seen mentioned is the idea that many Vistani curses are often meant to be visible and meaningful to other Vistani. Their curses are extremely powerful but come at … Dukkar – An abomination prophesied to bring doom to all the Vistani Tasques. Full Name Generator - Vistani For Curse of Strahd and Ravenloft, compiled by jesterik76 Or is this something a Vistani does when they have an argument with a PC or get threatened by them? Ezmerelda is a Vistani and able to use her Vistani curse as she pleases. They dress in bright clothes, laugh often, and drink heartily. It was released on March 15, 2016 and … I reserve the worst curses—those that are especially debilitating, harmful or sadistic—for evil Vistani. Lunaset – A ritual that begins at midnight on the third and last day of the full moon. I interpreted it to be a pretty rare thing that a Vistani would actually curse someone. For an insult, cursing the PC to stutter is a good RP affect. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Items; Maps; Vistani Slang Blood Rite – A mingling of blood, spiritually joining two people. Since the vampire lord Strahd von Zarovich was slain by a company of adventuring travelers at the conclusion of Curse of Strahd, the mists of Barovia have parted and allowed the Vistani to venture out into the world. Overall, though, the major change was the section on Strahd’s Vistani Servants which emphasizes that Vistani are a diverse people with free will. All humanoid statblocks are human unless otherwise specified. Vistani curses are potent, but they are invoked with great caution. Human Variant: Vistani. There's a Vistani camp in. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps; Vistani The Vistani are a common, though often unwanted, sight in Shadowfell. The remaining man, named Gorvach, claimed he'd been left behind as punishment for drinking too much of the Vistani's wine. South. Mountain Plot 2. Alright, that is also an interesting one. Missing Ally Plot 4. Denne liste er også betegnende for, hvilke racer ens karakter kan være fra spillets start, samt den generelle racebeskrivelsen fra PHB udgår til fordel for den som er angivet nedenfor. Will you return to Barovia with us and speak with her?” Perhaps also some other things like Strahd occasionally forgetting to Scry on the players and such. So, essentially with this train of thought, I'm trying to plan out what curses Ezmerelda might use in her final moments. You are tied to the Vistani who curses you, the players were told that a Vistani essentially has to curse themself in order to curse another player. We’ve traveled far and wide to find heroes such as yourselves to end our dread lord’s curse and put his troubled soul to rest. However this was easy for the cleric to heal. Complete list of every named creature with an accociated statblock as written in the Curse of Strahd module. Though the wizard seemed defeated, the body was never found. All humanoid statblocks are human unless otherwise specified. The Vistani at the tavern said they make a potion that allows the imbiber to pass through the fog surrounding the land of Barovia. You are tied to the Vistani who curses you, the players were told that a Vistani essentially has to curse themself in order to curse another player. I'm relatively new on DMing and I'm preparing the Curse of Strahd adventure. As there is a link to them for the duration of the curse, I would say that the PC ‘s have to really cause a ruckus for a Vistani to curse them. 13. I'm trying to brainstorm what thematic curses she might try to pull off. they can be found all over Strahd’s land. Thinking about starting to run Cos, but ends up with too many friends interested. It is the burden of the Vistani's great gift that their own fates can't be divined. Roll 3d6 wolves. Barovians refer to him as “the devil Strahd.” Strahd has taken many consorts, but he has known only one true love: a Barovian peasant girl named Tatyana. The Vistani are wanderers who live outside civilization, traveling about in horse-drawn, barrel-topped wagons called vardos, which they build themselves.Compared to Barovians, they are flamboyant. The thought in my head is that the players will never see her use her curse unless she realizes her death is imminent (Example: Strahd strikes her down and she curses him with her final breath). 17. I like the idea that a change in the appearance of a PC also affects social interactions, like it might influence their future meetings with Vistani. Vistani who knowingly bring harm or misfortune to others of their kind are banished- the worst punishment a Vistana can imagine, even worse than death. Good one, I'll probably consider this too! Rather I'm looking for something more sly to give the party an edge in her death in a more subtle way that provides some mechanic advantage. He died centuries ago yet endures as one of the undead, feasting on the blood of the living. Curse of Strahd. Front Page; Adventure Log; Wiki; Characters; Maps ; Vistani The Vistani are a loose-knit tribe of nomads who have a significant presence in Barovia. They would rarher fight than use what they consider a sacred gift section i stumbled with the Romani people the... Undeserving of such punishment can have grave consequences for the 5th edition of the curse of is. Tricking Ezmerelda into taking him there and then telling her to turn around curse! Of minor and mayor curses in your campaign Eva was a Death curse laid on him Ezmerelda! An unnatural gift for navigating the Mists of Shadowfell, Vistani are the semi-nomadic inhabitants of Barovia other,... What time a Vistani dialect, made of words borrowed from many languages threatened them! 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