To narrow your search, you may enter information into any or all of the six search fields. Reference System Portfolio of Energy Resources for Planning The Decision adopts an optimal portfolio of energy resources that includes approximately 14,500 MW of new supply-side renewables, 8,900 MW of new battery storage and 1,000 MW of new long-duration storage resources by 2030, in addition to existing resources. Our privacy policy is available here. Please submit comments to the CPUC by 4:00 p.m. January 11, 2013. %PDF-1.7 Provides fe edback on the consistent application of the policies set forth in the IPS. Members of the public … 764. ) <> before the public utilities commission of the state of colorado proceeding no. Erica Bowman, director of environmental strategy at Southern California Edison (SCE), acknowledged concerns around having a diverse resource mix but given that California's 2045 goals are dependent on a high penetration of renewables, "you're going to need some type of flexible resource — whether it's battery storage or pumped hydro storage or some other alternative storage mechanism that's developed in the future…" she told Utility Dive. The California Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) program was established in 2002 by Senate Bill (SB) 1078 (Sher, 2002) with the initial requirement that 20 percent of electricity retail sales must be served by renewable resources by 2017. Reference System Portfolio and Related Policy Actions, November 6, 2019, R.16-02-007, Attachment C, p. 93. the optimal portfolio of electric resources that takes into consideration emissions goals, reliability and affordability. 399.30. ES - Renewables Portfolio Standard. at 3, 116-121, FOF 23-24, COL 13-14, OP 10. In the second year, the agency reviews individual load-serving entity IRPs. 3. ) The first CPU on the system corresponds to a cpu value of 0, the next CPU corresponds to a cpu value of 1, and so on. By signing up to receive our newsletter, you agree to our, Press release from Allconnect, A Red Ventures Company, • Additional contact information: Phone: 1-888-225-5322; TTY: 1-888-835-5322; ASL Videophone: 1-844-432-2275 ; FAX: 1-866-418-0232 Address: Federal Communications … While the proposal does not require any procurement, the commission would "strongly encourage" LSEs to plan for these resources. 2 0 obj The CEC has formally amended "The commission itself raised the concerns of putting too many eggs in that basket and they didn't really answer their own concerns," Nancy Rader, executive director of the California Wind Energy Association, told Utility Dive. on ` Colorado PUC E-Filings System. The California Independent System Operator Corporation (CAISO) hereby provides comments in response to the February 11, 2019 Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Seeking Comment on proposed Scenarios for 2019-2020 Reference System Portfolio (Ruling) and The CPUC's proposed decision also outlines the optimal system portfolio to reach that goal — and it includes tripling current levels of battery storage capacity, and doubling pumped storage or some other kind of long-duration storage technology by 2030. The 2019-2020 reference system portfolio would require extensive new resource build-out by 2030, including substantial increases to battery and long-duration storage, more than doubling current solar capacity and a 30% increase to wind capacity. Brochures on CPUC Processes CPUC Basics: Provides an overview of the work of the CPUC. The latest paper should be at the bottom. John Birznieks, CPUC Communications Division. 16a-0396e in the matter of the application of public service company of colorado for approval of its 2016 electric resource plan. The California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) will host a stakeholder workshop on December 19, 2012 to discuss the renewable resource portfolio that will be provided to the California ISO for its 2013-2014 Transmission Planning Process (TPP). –A Reference System Portfolio –a single portfolio of resources that represents a least-cost, least-risk pathway to achieving the recommended GHG planning target and other SB 350 requirements. CPUC California Public Utilities Commission CREZ Competitive Renewable Energy Zone CRVM Common Resource Valuation Methodology ... – A Reference System Portfolio that achieves the GHG Planning Target and is composed of: • baseline resources: 1.5X 2015 Mid AAEE, existing DR, existing gas fleet (minus planned retirements and replacements) • new resources: utility-scale solar PV + in … Comment on Proposed Reference System Plan and Related Commission Policy Actions (“ALJ Ruling”), Southern California Edison Company (“SCE”) submits these comments on the Proposed Reference System Plan and related documents, modeling analysis, issues, and potential California Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”) policy actions. ARTICLE 16. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is responsible for compliance and enforcement activities for retail sellers. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) welcomes you to the California Energy Data and Reporting System (CEDARS). that the system was operationally reliable with the Energy Division assumptions in 2030. whether it's battery storage or pumped hydro storage or some other alternative storage mechanism that's developed in the future…" she told Utility Dive. It identifies a need for around 1 GW of long-duration storage by 2026, and new out-of-state wind resources by 2030. analysis of a reference system portfolio (RSP) to provide guidance to the LSEs in preparing their individual IRPs. The Energy Commission certifies facilities that generate renewable energy as eligible for the RPS. 2������~������?������?���0J�ӳ��=&H�"4A��a����ػ�yp�����������gL����=��~��?�:2=���8x)��e�./���\�:��$Hm' ���ǣ 3 0 obj The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is responsible for compliance and enforcement activities for retail sellers. Electrical Restructuring [330 - 400.3] ( Chapter 2.3 added by Stats. endobj TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY..... 6 2.0 OVERVIEW OF PREFERRED PORTFOLIOS ..... 14 2.1 The Preferred Colorado Energy Plan Portfolio… Kavya Balaraman �7���?&���PF̢� California conducts a two-year integrated resource planning cycle, with the first year focusing on a reference system portfolio — the optimal portfolio of electric resources that takes into consideration emissions goals, reliability and affordability. x��][o�ֲ~����H1õx/� ����hw}}h�#�6Oe˕������f��d�qje� dW�(}�ns�Y/�_��Y5k�W�^~߶�좞����8����(���� Halifax Water successfully releases its first ever online digital customer platform, with he... EVLO to deploy a 20-MWh battery energy storage system during transmission line work, MCE Launches New Grid-Responsive Demand FLEXmarket. CEERT - Comment on Proposed Reference System Portfolio and Related Policy Actions Submitted in CPUC Description: N/A Filer: System Organization: Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) Submitter Role: Public Submission Date: 2/21/2020 1:15:04 PM … Not wanting to detract from the dense information inside, the Uptown Studios Design Team first took some time examining the previous year’s annual report design. endobj A power system based on portfolios of increasingly cost-effective utility-scale and distributed renewables is emerging and driving new operational and market solutions to make it work reliably. The California Public Utilities Commission on Friday voted 5-0 to adopt a Preferred System Portfolio that includes 12 GW of new solar, wind, … California Public Utility Commission (CPUC) Resolution CSID-004 in response to Rulemaking (R.) 10-02-005. at 106. While the proposal does not require any procurement, the commission would "strongly encourage" LSEs to plan for these resources. CEERT - Comment on Proposed Reference System Portfolio and Related Policy Actions Submitted in CPUC 8 page(s) CEC/Docket Unit: Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies (CEERT) ... California Public Utilities Commission 12 page(s) CEC/Docket Unit: California Public Utilities Commission : 230410: ", According to the CPUC, at least 20 stakeholders voiced concerns about being overly dependent on battery storage — including the California Independent System Operator, which said in comments that cycling and replacement costs may not be fully incorporated into the commission's models. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) welcomes you to the California Energy Data and Reporting System (CEDARS). stream 1996, Ch. <>/Metadata 120 0 R/ViewerPreferences 121 0 R>> Since CPUC is a public-serving organization, the design of their annual report needed to be professional yet simple. ", According to the CPUC, at least 20 stakeholders voiced concerns about being overly dependent on battery storage, including the California Independent System Operator, which, "and the ability of storage to charge from solar resources. Title: CEERT - Comment on Proposed Reference System Portfolio and Related Policy … whistleblowing hotline and incident management system to enable the CPUC improve their reputation and restore faith in employees and keep CPUC active. The United States will work to cut greenhouse gas emissions 50-52% by 2030, relative to 2005 levels. CRS providers offer the full range of relay services: TTY, Voice Carryover (VCO), two-line VCO (2LVCO), Hearing Carryover (HCO), Speech to Speech (STS), ASCII, or Voice. endobj 4 0 obj FILING SYSTEM 5.1 Introduction ... For convenience and easy reference, they are placed in a file cover in the manner described below: (i) All papers required to be placed in any part of the file are to be punched on the left corner and tagged in chronological order. Technical Reference OVERVIEW The energy used in commercial buildings results in significant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) linked to global climate change , making buildings an important part of your GHG inventory. Participating at CPUC … _____ Main Text. The CPUC uses RESOLVE to develop the Reference System Portfolio, a look into the future that identifies a portfolio of new and existing resources that meets the GHG emissions planning constraint, provides ratepayer value, and responds to reliability needs. Allconnect’s ACSI Customer Satisfaction Highest in the U.S. CEDARS securely manages data associated with California demand-side management (DSM) programs, ensuring quality and improving communication between DSM Program Administrators (PAs), the CPUC, and the public. Jun 25 – Jun 27, 2021, As Biden targets 100% clean electricity, strategies emerge to reliably integrate rising renewables, Biden pledges to halve US carbon emissions by 2030, sending signal to businesses and world leaders, Musk touts Tesla's move to only sell home solar and storage together, admits mistakes with solar roof, California's dilemma: How to control skyrocketing electric rates while building the grid of the future, White House eyes $42B in existing funding for Biden electric vehicle push, South Carolina regulators reject Dominion net metering proposal, siding with solar industry, TVA to retire coal fleet by 2035, CEO says, with renewables, gas and nuclear on the table as replacements, State of the Electric Utility 2021 Survey Report, AI-Driven Decision Making: How Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Asset Management. Topics covered: smart grid tech, clean energy, regulation, generation, and much more. Principal Manager of Price Forecasting and Modeling. Southern California Edison. (CPUC Proceeding No.16A-0396E) June 6, 2018 120-Day Report PUBLIC VERSION NOTICE OF CONFIDENTIALITY: A portion of this document has been filed under seal. CPUC adopted a Reference System Plan reflecting: –A statewide GHG Planning Target of 42 MMT for the electric sector –A Reference System Portfolio that achieves the statewide GHG Planning Target –Policy actions to ensure that IRP guidance informs other CPUC proceedings and results in adequate resource procurement 2. %���� Discover announcements from companies in your industry. 2 California Public Utilities Commission, Administrative Law Judge’s Ruling Seeking Comment on Proposed Reference System Portfolio and Related Policy Actions, November 6, 2019, R.16-02-007, Attachment C, p. 93. This site uses cookies. ", acknowledged concerns around having a diverse resource mix but given that California's 2045 goals are dependent on a high penetration of renewables, "you're going to need some type of flexible resource. �L�"N����&L���%;�'��(�^�A�yX&"��w�d�$L�' J� �� �Gj�PP�U�e�*�f��������K�sAL-)�|��ty(.�>���\0� �An�8�0�)bc. The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is proposing to adopt a 46 million metric ton (MMT) greenhouse gas emission target for the electric sector in 2030, to keep load-serving entities on track to meet the state's goal of supplying 100% of electricity from zero-carbon resources by 2045. The California Energy Commission verifies the eligibility of renewable energy that retail sellers procured for each Renewables Portfolio Standard (RPS) compliance period. PUBLIC UTILITIES ACT [201 - 2120] ( Part 1 enacted by Stats. But the target might not be enough to effectively meet California's clean energy goals, Bowman said. When your search is complete, the proceedings matching your search will be grouped by ACTIVE, REOPENED, and CLOSED, and they will be listed in date order (newest first) within each group.
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