She is responsible. 3           The house was so quiet I could hear Mom calling the turkeys down by the barn. C. They are different from children’s stories of today. The voice of the man who announces the wheat prices is as familiar to me as Dad’s. B. "Dominic please, wake up, " she begged. From an early age, he seems to have suffered from angina pectoris, a heart disease causing severe chest pain. 2 Unlike stories told by parents, Baum’s were not merely lectures in disguise. A woodcut of Hanno, circa 1514 (Image: Philomathes/Wikimedia) Hanno the … Oz Reading Clubs devoured each one. 16         Dad clicked off the radio and came out to the kitchen. A wake is a social gathering associated with death, usually held before a funeral.Traditionally, a wake takes place in the house of the deceased with the body present; however, modern wakes are often performed at a funeral home or another convenient location. Excerpt from Winter Wheat by Mildred Walker. Between 1913 and 1942, a new Oz book came out every Christmas. 7           According to the family legend, it was love at first sight. Clamor definition, a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people: the clamor of the crowd at the gates. Does he have favorites? 21. 11. His next book, Father Goose, His Book, became the nation’s best-selling children’s title. “Well, we’ll go over and tell Bailey we’re going to sell. Which detail would be most important to include in a summary of the story? 9           What is now Aberdeen, South Dakota, was then a boomtown of 3,000. D. They are enjoyed more by children than by adults. 7            “Number 36, your word is GREGARINE.”. So in 1888, with his life on the downward side of the rainbow, Baum moved his family west to the prairie. D. Eliza’s interior monologue creates a sense of strangeness. Kyrie Irving got what he wished for in leaving LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in his wake for a new opportunity in Boston. A. 31        Time moves so slowly. I was glad we weren’t cooking for harvest hands. Jack’s magic swirled anxiously within him, reacting to the magic the unicorns exuded. See more. Going by various stage names, Baum moved to New York City to begin his acting career. Then, its top disappears. Eliza opens her eyes. His three younger brothers are named Cayson, Spencer, and Aaron. A low moan came from him. They are more entertaining than educational. How does the point of view most influence the tone of the story? It’s just as well that I am more like Dad in my body. B. How does this sentence contribute to the structure of the article? I had the doors of the truck tied open with a piece of rope so the air could rush through, but it felt hot enough to scorch my bare ankles, and the heat of the engine came up through the rubber soles of my sneakers. 18          Glory, it was hot! Democrats had clamored for some stricter gun laws -- from reinstating the assault weapons ban, to new regulations on ammunition and magazine sizes -- in the wake of the attack. In 1861, Fowle was captured at Roanoke Island. She pounds her palm against her forehead after each letter, as if trying to knock the next one loose. “It might go higher along toward Christmas, but we couldn’t wait for that.” (paragraph 2) C. “She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didn’t know her face better than my own.” (paragraph 14) D. “I took off my apron and was running across to the barn for the pickup before Dad had taken his hat from behind the door.” (paragraph 17). 20         “I feel I’m going for sure, Dad,” I told him. A. In the wake of California Rep. Kevin McCarthy withdrawing his name for consideration, many Republicans have clamored for the relatively young Ryan to … The four virgins hovered near the unicorns. 28        Dew-veh-teen. Excerpt from The Amazing Author of Oz by Bruce Watson. When was it born? In the wake of social justice activist Aaron Swartz's tragic death, Internet users around the country are taking a hard look at the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA), the federal anti-hacking law. 22           Eliza wants to see herself through the judge’s eyes. His only hit, under the name Louis F. Baum, was an Irish melodrama called The Maid of Arran. D. She gets easily distracted. Years later, his mother-in-law, who had overheard many of his stories, urged Baum to write them down. Many are long forgotten, but one was called The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. C. She has a hard time relaxing. D. It gives the cause for the events in the remainder of the article. Then I fenced them in with my hand and poured off the water into the kettle on the stove. 1            More than ever, Eliza wants to win. It summarizes the first five paragraphs of the article. That and the railroad station are the only things to let people know Gotham’s a town. That voice touches us here, and all the ranches spread out over the prairies between the Rockies and the Mississippi. ... which is what he has clamored for the past few seasons. 5. 18           The judge’s voice is irritatingly friendly. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Based on Christopher Isherwood’s seminal autobiography about his time in pre-war Berlin, Christopher and His Kind is a tender and achingly beautiful study of homosexuality in the 1930s. For a child on the Dakota Plains, life in the late 1880s sometimes seemed little more than hard work. The judge’s spelling reveals that the boy’s progress had been perfect until he had refused to go on. She’s surprised at how easy it is. There isn’t much time. In 1856, Frank was born. Update on Fed’s QE: The Crybabies on Wall Street, which Clamored for More, Are Disappointed by Wolf Richter • Jan 29, 2021 • 183 Comments And five SPVs expired, including the one that bought corporate bonds and bond ETFs. In her mind’s eye, she sees nothing. It indicates how much children admired Baum and his stories. Number 127 is walking offstage to the sound of vigorous applause. 9           “One heavy dark Northern Spring…fifty-two.” The words came so fast they seemed to roll downhill. She speeds through the next few letters, which are obvious. A. her patience B. her intelligence C. her confidence D. her enthusiasm. It’s about a girl from Kansas who meets a scarecrow, a tin woodman and a cowardly – well, perhaps you know the story. 10          Eliza finds herself bracing for the next blow, but none comes. But while living in Aberdeen, he was content to tell his tales just to please a child or two. “Gregarine.”. “She wants to win with a word so difficult her father will have to admit that he was wrong, that the letters are already guiding her.” (paragraph 1) B. She is tireless. They were bright green and shiny in the water. 23           She’s got to focus. The rioting died away over the next few days, leaving in its wake three dead and many more injured. After he died, his successors churned out 26 more. Fifty-three is good enough. 16           Saul is staring so hard it feels like he’s directly in front of her instead of halfway across the room. The “Northern” makes me feel how close we are to the Rockies and how high up on the map, almost to Canada. Where has it traveled? They offered an entertaining distraction from the harsh realities of life. There’s only one in Gotham, but it stands up from the crossroads like a monument. Peppered with puns and wordplay, Oz is charming and altogether ambivalent about the benefits of age. Inside Elly’s head, L grows longer, its edges curving inward to form an O. 5           I washed some cucumbers while I was waiting. 2           Unlike stories told by parents, Baum’s were not merely lectures in disguise. 6. Following directly on, as in In the wake of the procession, a number of small children came skipping down the aisle. Because she is holding the microphone so close to her face, each moment of contact sounds like a heavy blow. A. by exaggerating how harsh the winter months are B. by using elements of humor C. by showing how the narrator interacts with her family D. by sharing the narrator’s thoughts. To add to his burdens, his family’s money had been lost. 2           When Number 127 is being asked to spell LOQUAT, Eliza closes her eyes and feels her mind empty out. 20. Which idea would be most important to include in a summary of the story? Her body loosens. B. Baum’s older siblings influenced his approach toward education. In short, it’s much like its creator, L. Frank Baum, the “Royal Historian of Oz.”. The Confederate troops held out only briefly on the Outer Banks. 2. Maud Gage was a sophomore at Cornell University. A. Baum’s health problems affected how he felt about his family. She thinks of mature as calming. 20           “What is the derivation, please?”, 21            The judge’s voice is ever neutral, revealing nothing. 12         “Durum, Flax, and Rye…up one.” The broadcast ran on. 16. A. 3           When Lyman Frank Baum finally did set pencil to paper, stories poured out of him. The stories he told children on Aberdeen’s dusty sidewalk spoke of a better land where goodness prevailed, love triumphed and no one was hungry or poor. Or are they interchangeable, one long blur of nervous hands and voices? We had to sell our wheat this month and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was going to the university that fall. Her heart begins to pound faster. She seldom misspells a word. D. Baum’s constant reading of fairy tales influenced his later writing. They are good at providing a strong moral. 17          I took off my apron and was running across to the barn for the pickup before Dad had taken his hat from behind the door. B. Eliza gets a word that means a kind of fabric with a twill weave. 12           As she stands, Elly hazily recalls her nightmare: the expectant silence, the feeling she is holding up time, the endless path from her seat to the microphone. This is what Dad meant. It is a landmark. C. It suggests that children moved aside when Baum was near. 29        “…V-E-T…” and now she’s got the word in her head, letters rearranging themselves into something that looks right, something French. 14           “Dew-veh-teen?” Eliza’s heart lurches into her throat. Dad was lying on the couch in the other room waiting for the noon broadcast of wheat prices to come on. What does paragraph 31 mainly reveal about Eliza? A. Mr. Baum’s stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake. “We had to sell our wheat this month and not hold it over; that is, we did if I was going to the university that fall.” (paragraph 2) B. He followed the stage from job to job and state to state. Walter Cronkite and the loving cup are practically hers. For a generation Lionel Trilling was the only critic that mattered as a new book by Adam Kirsch explains. It suggests that the bee seems unreal to Eliza. B. Elly feels a tickle as U flips and grows a line through its middle to become an A. No road to success was ever more winding than Baum’s. 1. He was born on July 25, 1996, in Nashville, TN, USA. The ascension of Ronald Reagan to the presidency in 1980 was a seminal political event to people my age, a signpost along the way to adulthood. In some ancient societies, especially in Ireland and other parts of Northern Europe, In paragraph 12, how does the description of the nightmare mainly affect the tone of the story? C. Eliza’s distant observations of her father develop conflict. 11           When Number 41 is given PURIM Eliza almost laughs out loud. Her placard suddenly reminds her of the stickers affixed to the new underwear: INSPECTED BY 59. 4           The seventh child born to Benjamin and Cynthia Baum came not trailing clouds of glory but clouds of gloom. Q’s top evaporates and its tail disappears, U settling warm in her belly. Macbeth reveals that he has slain the servants. The Baums moved to a mansion, called Rose Lawn, where Frank flourished. When A’s legs slide together as its arm floats up to T fills Eliza, straightening her spine. 21          “You bet you’re going,” Dad answered. But the supposedly dead Warlock Lord is plotting to destroy everything in 15. She doesn’t show in her face what she thinks or feels – that’s why people in Gotham think she’s hard to know – but when she laughs, the laughter goes deeper down in her eyes than anybody’s I know. “I love you too,” he mouths backed equally indecipherably. Married the next year, Frank and Maud Baum remained as devoted as any fairy tale couple. D. Baum had to overcome many difficulties throughout his life. leave something in its/his/her wake phrase. In 1897, his first successful book, Mother Goose in Prose, was published. C. They offered an exciting way to learn about the world around them. In the wake of the Time’s Up movement, Farrow has been emboldened to share her story more publicly and more often. D. They offered a new perspective on how adults and children should behave. Directions Read this story. He read constantly, mostly fairy tales. In a career of just two decades, he wrote more than 70 books. The references to unusual words add humor. His father tried to steer his stagestruck son from his dream but finally relented, asking only that Frank not disgrace the family name. 3. After decades of dead ends, Baum had finally found his road. 4. I knew before Dad turned it up. Adam Kirsch’s Why Trilling Matters Reminds Us of Power of Reading. Baum wrote and starred in the play that opened on his 26th birthday. It touches all the people in Clark City, thirty miles from here, who live on the ranchers, 1 even though they try to forget it. It hints that Baum was a serious person who told silly stories. B. A. decreased the value of B. made greedy by giving too much C. took away an opportunity D. made unfit for use. A deadly cloud of gas swept along the valleys, leaving a trail of death and devastation in its wake. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. B. Yet Baum was still required to make a living in this world, so he moved the family to Chicago in 1891. The bazaar broke even for a while, but when the Dakota boom ended, the store went belly-up. A. The Independence Ballroom suddenly seethes with the sound of her nervous breathing. These days, ubiquitous 1 MGM movie overshadows the books, but readers who choose to go there still find Oz so much more than lions, tigers and bears, oh my. C. She loves language and has a vivid imagination. He nearly stepped forward before he caught himself. While Frank was still very young, his father developed some oil fields in Pennsylvania and made a fortune. From these movements, she tries to chart the word’s path through time and place. Hanno the Elephant arrived in Italy in the winter of 1514, and on his slow march to Rome, he left a path of destruction in his wake. Which quotation best expresses a central idea of the story? A. He is tall and thin and has light hair and blue eyes and his face shows what he thinks or feels. Number 41, the only contestant wearing a yarmulke, makes short work of PURIM and returns to his seat with a dazed grin. 1            All the children in Aberdeen knew the tall, dapper gentleman who strolled through town each day. B. Mr. Baum’s stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake. She whispered. C. It was designed by an architect. 8           Having been informed that a gregarine is a parasitic protozoan taken from the Latin, Rachel has no choice but to start spelling. Please see that you live up to it.” He did. It is what it is. “The war spoiled college for me, all but one year. 19          You can’t see the elevator 2 till you get past our place. Nobody ever calls it all that; it’s just spring wheat, but I like the words. Maudi’s sisters and her brother had recently moved to the Dakota Territory, and their letters told of fortunes to be made. Number 33 decides midway through PERIPATETIC that he has made a mistake. Her heart clamored in her chest so hard she felt faint. The bleakness of the prairie cried out for a fantasy to take a boy or girl far away. When you have to carry every drop of water you use half a mile, you don’t throw away any. “Duvetyn is a soft, short-napped fabric with a twill weave, made of wool, cotton, rayon, or silk.”. As he went on, Baum often seemed to lose himself in the telling. "Mr. Baum's stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down Instead, he made everyday objects – scarecrows, pumpkins, rag dolls – come alive. 9            “…I…” Pound. A. Baum was devoted to his wife and family. A. When Number 22 gets her word wrong, No Chin has to pry her hand from the microphone. Mom’s is a quiet face with a broader forehead than mine and dark brows and eyes and a wide mouth. Sitting for an interview with Esquire magazine editors in July 1968, with the nation rocked by riots in the wake of Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination, Baldwin was … It’s different from anybody’s voice around Gotham – more like one of those city voices that broadcasts the war news. "I am scared." B. In paragraph 19, what does the phrase “like a monument” mainly suggest about the elevator? Baum’s delicate condition made him a sedentary, solitary child. D, D, D, D, D, D, Eliza thinks until D, proud and foreboding appears in her mind’s eye. 15         I look more like Dad. 8           I could add two to yesterday’s price, so I didn’t have to hear any more, but I listened out of habit and because I love to hear it. They sound like grim words without any comfort to them, but they have a kind of strength all their own. Mr. Baum’s stories were pure fantasy, so when he walked down the street in his finely tailored suit, children clamored in his wake. 14. For most of his youth, he was schooled at home. She stood there untying her bandanna and I watched her as though I didn’t know her face better than my own. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Then answer questions 8 through 14. His stories glittered with color; whole fields were shaded blue, green or red. 7. 5            At 18, he began hanging around some nearby theaters and decided he wanted to become an actor. 19. A. What benefit did Baum’s stories offer to listeners, readers, and to Baum himself? That’s a promise. He stands mute until his time runs out. From the moment she rises from her chair, she locks eyes with Saul, whose gaze practically steers her to the microphone. Then she realizes that such an easy word right before her turn is a bad sign, almost certain to mean she’s destined to get something awful. “…E…” Pound. It … Supporters and the media have clamored for Obama to clarify his stance in the wake of statements by Vice President Joe Biden and Education Secretary Arne Duncan in support of … Just like he was in the wake of his death Saturday at 66, when Hearns claimed on social media that Hagler was incapacitated by a coronavirus vaccine and … About “In His Wakes” In His Wakes is a unique, exciting ministry using water sports to share Christ’s love a powerful and interactive way through its “A Day to Remember” and “On the Shores” outreach programs. Baum’s fairyland is a place of childish dreams and fears, a kingdom ruled by love but haunted by the fear of sudden death. Oct. 2, 2017 As the nation awakens to the deadliest mass shooting in its modern history, calls for gun law reform have clamored in the wake of at least 50 dead and another 500 people injured. Then answer questions 15 through 21. 7           “Here is your Grain Market Broadcast for today: Spring and Winter…up two.”. As Framing Britney Spears shows, it was Timberlake who was able to seize the public narrative in the wake of his and Spears’ break-up in 2002. I used to play they were alligators when I was a child. The fields have a tired peaceful look, the way I imagine a mother feels when she’s had her baby and is just lying there thinking about it and feeling pleased. A. by listing characters that appeared in Baum’s books B. by describing the work for which Baum is best known C. by explaining that other authors continued Baum’s work D. by emphasizing that many books Baum wrote were forgotten. 10         Broke and far from home, Baum fell back on old friends – his fantasies. A. Directions Read this article. It is a beautiful building. Mom was out having another look for the turkeys that were always wandering off. No elephant had been in Italy since the Roman empire fell, and the entire country clamored to get a glimpse of him. The harvesting is done and the wheat stored away and you’re through worrying about hail or drought or grasshoppers. A wake is also sometimes held in place of a funeral as a social celebration of the person's life. 30        “…I-N-E. Duvetine.” It feels good. 1           September is like a quiet day after a whole week of wind. She has a strong imagination. But Maud soon found that her husband often resided in a world entirely of his own. 6           No road to success was ever more winding than Baum’s. The personification of the sky as “sulky” in paragraph 9 suggests the sky is, A. unpredictable B. northern C. snowy D. gloomy. in the wake of 1. 6           And then it began. Christopher and His Kind. He left a scorched earth in his wake, created by the fires of revivalism and the hot anger of those who saw only the excesses. C. Baum’s home education affected how he felt about other children. This usage alludes to the waves made behind a passing vessel. “Eliza finds herself bracing for the next blow, but none comes.” (paragraph 10) C. “The judge’s voice is ever neutral, revealing nothing.” (paragraph 21) D. “Eliza wants to see herself through the judge’s eyes.” (paragraph 22), 18. 11          For a time, he edited his own magazine promoting store window displays, but of more importance to children, he finally began to write down his stories. He shoved his magic down, fighting the strange sense of anticipation that clamored in his heart. It suggests that Eliza doubts she will win the bee. Actors must moonlight, so Baum worked as a newspaper reporter, a dry goods salesman and finally as a playwright. C. Baum lived for several years in a small prairie town. Then answer questions 1 through 7. What is the best definition of “spoiled” as used in paragraph 21? How does paragraph 3 develop a central idea in the article? On introducing him to Maud, his aunt said, “I’m sure you will love her.” Baum smiled and replied, “Consider yourself loved, Miss Gage.” Maud held out her hand and answered, “Thank you, Mr. Baum. He moaned and opened his eyes. When they return, Lennox announces that Duncan’s servants are the murderers. She returns to Duvetyn, pushes everything else aside. Reporter, a new Oz book came out every Christmas, was an Irish melodrama called Maid. Whole clamored in his wake were shaded blue, green or red very young, his book, father Goose, his,... After decades of dead ends, Baum fell back on old friends – his.! Usage alludes to the kitchen please see that you live up to it. ” he did wake so.... Easy words at spelling bees that I am strong like mom, though and. 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