Here are more French dog names. Ita – An Irish saint who lived in the 6th century. Mark – The patron saint of Venice. Olga – A 10th century Russian who ruled in place of her son. Seraphina – A 13th century Italian who was paralyzed at an early age. He is considered the most influential scholar and writer of the early Christian church. Catholic Baby Names for Boys Ambrose // St. Ambrose was a brilliant preacher who convinced St. Augustine that God exists. For the dog that belongs to a pediatrician. Vladimir – The patron saint of Russia. He is the patron saint of students. James – One of Jesus Christ’s 12 apostles and the patron saint of Spain. Dionysia – A saint who was burned at the stake, along with her young son and other family members. Beckett // … Her handler on this mission, Juan Rodriguez, thought she was dead, but he was able to get to her. Lelia – An Irish nun who lived in the 6th century. Dalmatius – A 4th century French bishop who was martyred by the Romans. If you want to find inspiration for naming your new pup, sometimes you just have to reach out to your favorite book. For the girl dog that belongs to an artist. A wonderful name for a Dalmatian or a dog that lives at a fire-house. Carpus – A 2nd century saint who was tortured and burned at the stake for his Christian faith. Aurea – A Spanish saint of the 9th century who was beheaded for her faith. Check the names you like the best to save them to your list. If you enjoy ancient dog breeds and names, you may want to look at our Greek puppy name list, and also Latin dog names. Thomas – The patron saint of architects. Abba – Aramaic – The Father. For example, you can change Lemuel to Lem or Kelila to Lila. Maura – A French lady who lived during the 9th century. Fausta – A 4th century little girl who was martyred for her Christian faith. For the girl dog that belongs to a nurse. Bible Names for Male Dogs and Cats Abihu - Could be shortened to Abi; This is a good name for a fatherly pet. In fact, Lucca’s biography has been turned into a book called “Top Dog: The Story of Marine Hero Lucca” written by Maria Goodavage. He composed the Vulgate. Nino – The patron saint of Georgia. Rosalia – The patron saint of Palermo. The patron saint of lovers and greetings. She led the French army to victories over the English. Agatha – The patron saint of nurses. These 238 saint dog names will fit any inspired puppy. A list of great biblical dog names for your pup. I’ve put together a list of 500 of my favorite boy dog names for inspiration. A good pet name for a seeing-eye-dog. Parisio – An Italian priest of the 13th century. Clare – The patron saint of television. An appropriate dog name for the flea-infested dog. Titus – The patron saint of Crete. Finding the right dog name can be incredibly hard, we know. Macedonius – A 4th century Syrian who is said to have lived on nothing but barley for 40 yrs. Eugenia – A 3rd century saint who was martyred in Rome. Are you trying to find something bold and strong, or perhaps you have a little dog and you want to spice up their name to suit their jumbo attitude?. There are lots of female catholic saints through the history of the church. Matthias – The man who replaced the traitor Judas as the 12th apostle of Jesus Christ. Gemma – An Italian saint who lived during the 15th century. Cute Dog Names for Boys. You’ll find both male and female names here including Ada, Anna, Barbara, Barnabas, Basil, Bridget, Fabian, Hilda, Ignatius, Maura, Pega, Thea, Vincent, Zita, and many more. Traditional human names are a nice way to find something that flows easily off the tongue. Whether you are Christian, Islam, Buddhist, or Hindu, it does not matter. Sign up .. Male Dog Names » Saint Dog Names These 238 saint dog names will fit any inspired puppy. You want to make sure you can easily pronounce the male dog name or male puppy name. This girl dog would give away her last dog biscuit. Learn Religions. Check out our boy dog names R page. Hadrian – The patron saint of soldiers. Quentin – A Roman who was beheaded in the 3rd century for his faith. Now I can’t help you predict what name your family will agree on, but I can help you come up with plenty of male dog names to get you started. Cyril – The patron saint of Moravia. 500 Popular Male Dog Names Biblical Dog Names for Boy Dogs. Spot), these names have stood the test of time and have been popular for decades. Canute – The patron saint of Denmark. Flora – A 9th century Spanish Christian who was beheaded for her faith. Dog Names Inspired by Old Testament Characters. Valerian – A 5th century bishop in Africa. Faith – A 3rd century French saint who was tortured and executed on a hot brazier for her Christian faith. 7,205 were here. She was a German Shepherd and Belgian Malinois mix, also known as the Malinois X who was an explosive-detecting dog in the United States Marine Corps for over six years. Perpetua – A 3rd century woman who was killed for her faith. It is a very important task for pet parents to choose the best dog names. NAMES FOR BOYS Aaron (Heb., the exalted one) Unusual dog names are fun and can even be great conversation starters when you meet new people while out and about with your pup. Cyprian – A 5th century bishop in Africa who was driven into the dessert, tortured, and then executed. Jan 17, 2017 - The 50 most unique Catholic boy names, unusual Christian names and unique baby boy names, cool Catholic boy names, rare boy names, uncommon boy names. After administering first aid, she was airlifted to a hospital in Germany where she underwent surgery. In her six years with the service, she found over 40 insurgents, explosives, and ammunition without ever having a single human fatality. His ideas and writings continue to influence Western thinking to this day. Good male dog names are easy to pronounce, and don’t sound like any commands you might want them to learn later. Nicetas – An 11th century Russian monk. Or you could name your black dog Anise for the herb that tastes like licorice. Pio – A 20th Century Italian priest who had the stigmata. Antonina – A 4th century Christian woman tortured and martyred by the Romans. Florian – The patron saint of firemen. We can say it’s hard to choose. Francis – The patron saint of Italy. Some of the religious names you can change a bit to make them more modern. Lucca was the first United States military dog to get the medal. Legend has him being the founder of Aberdeen. Please keep in mind that this list is far from complete. Ebbo – An 8th century French bishop who fought valiantly against the Moors. Xavier – A Spanish saint who is considered one of the greatest Christian missionaries. For those who love one syllable dog names, there are plenty on the unique dog names list like Amp, Benz, Bert and Jet. Justus – The patron saint of Madrid. Fidelis – A 3rd century Roman officer who helped Christian prisoners escape. Martha – The patron saint of cooks. Adelaide – A saint who lived in the 10th century. Regina – A French woman of the 2nd century who was beheaded for her faith. Odilia – The patron saint of the blind. Sava – The patron saint of Serbia. A great name for a seeing-eye-dog. Isidore – The patron saint of farmers. Dominic – The patron saint of astronomers. Boris – The patron saint of Moscow. Then there is the article in which you will find the ideas of boy dog names and top 100 Male dog names in 2021. Bernadette – The famous saint associated with the healing waters of Lourdes, France. Faustina – The nun and saint who gave the world the Divine Mercy devotion. Mary – The Mother of Jesus Christ. Bartholomew – One of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ and the patron saint of plasterers. Male Dog Names; Female Dog Names; Dog Name Central; Cute puppy names; Congratulations…you are adding a new dog to your family! Whether you make the most of your dog's big and strong nature with a funny name like Mac Daddy or have a little fun by naming him something out of character—like Pee Wee or Tiny—these are the best funny names … Veronica – According to legend, she is the lady who wiped Jesus’s face on his way of the cross. Sabas – A Goth who was drowned to death in the 4th century. Henry – The patron saint of Finland. For some inspiration check out the Top 50 Male Dog Names and Boy Puppy Names for Australia and the USA. Teresa – The patron saint of those suffering from headaches. Paul – The first major Christian evangelist to the Gentiles. Daniel – A 13th century Franciscan who was beheaded by the Mohammedans for his Christian faith. Things to Consider When Choosing Dog Names for Boys. Christina – A Belgian saint who lived during the 12th Century. Bolt [bohlt] Popularized by the movie “Bolt,” the name usually refers to agile or quick male dogs. Ansgar – The patron saint of Scandinavia. Explore more water dog names here. Male Dog Names are tough to find. A good name for the girl dog that belongs to a hairdresser. (Hebrew) - Exodus 6:23 - "he is my father." Mafalda – A 13th century Portuguese nun. A great final option is to use a name generator to just view a ton of names and get … Jerome – An early Christian church father and saint. Laurentius – A 3rd century Italian man beheaded for his Christian faith. This is why we have created a tool to help you and we would also like to give you a few tips. Martin – The patron saint of hair-dressers. He was stoned to death for his faith. Joachim – The traditional father of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. Maybe you want to choose a name that goes with your pup’s breed, color, or type or you can choose a name that reminds you of your dog’s personality. Peleus – An Egyptian bishop who was burned to death in the 4th century. Anastasia – The patron saint of weavers. Saint dog names don’t get much better than this. A terrific pet name for the dog that loves raw meat. For many people, this book is the Bible, and there are certainly some amazing names in there with some even more amazing meanings. Julius – A 3rd century Roman soldier who converted to Christianity and was beheaded for his faith. Isaias – An 11th Century Russian monk. Maximian – A 4th century African saint. Adrian; Aeden; Alban; Albert; Alexander; Andrew; Anthony; Augustine; Bartholomew; Basil; Benedict; Bernard; Blane; Brendan; Bruno; Casimir; Charles; Christopher; Clement; Conan; Crispin; Cyril; Cyrus; Damian; Daniel; David; Dominic; Edmund; Edwin; Eugene; Fabian; Felix; Finbarr; Francis; Gabriel; George; Gerald; Gerard; Gregory; Haraldson; Henry; Hugh; Ignatius; Isaac; James; Jerome; … Explore more Italian dog names. Baby boy names. Joseph – The adopted father of Jesus Christ. (accessed April 28, 2021). Pick one or two syllable names. Hallvard – The patron saint of Oslo. Today. Did you know? Willingham said that Lucca continued to be a loyal and loving friend up until the day she passed away in 2018. Hilda – A 7th century English abbess. Malo – A 7th century Welsh priest. Augustine – He lived during the 4th and 5th centuries. Isaac – The patron saint of North America. Justin – A 2nd century man who was beheaded for his Christian faith. Attalus – A 2nd century Roman citizen who was burned to death by the Romans for his Christian faith. Nerses – A 4th century Persian bishop who was beheaded for his Christian faith. Mennas – A 3rd century Egyptian who was beheaded for his faith. Gaius – Baptized by saint Paul. Felicity – The patron saint of barren women. Abra – A saint of the 4th century who died when only 18 years old. Dorothy – The patron saint of gardeners. Marius – A 3rd century Persian nobleman who was beheaded for his Christian faith. Asher // One of Jacob’s 12 sons. A big dog deserves a big dog name to match. Picking the right name. Or view biblical dog names for girls instead. If from childhood you’ve been dreaming of naming a little puppy Alexander or Zephaniah, your puppy won’t hate you for it. Was especially devoted to all of God’s creatures. Abra – A saint of the 4th century who died when only 18 years old. Gibrian – A 6th century Irish priest. Explore. You must be looking for spiritual boy dog names because you are about to welcome a lovely puppy into your home. Encratis – A 4th century Spanish saint who was tortured for her faith, but managed to survive. Rita – The patron saint of desperate causes. Therefore, we have arranged the lists of little and big dog names. Matrona – The patron saint of those suffering from dysentery. Talented teachers, high academic standards, emphasis on … According to Amy Dickin, the spokesperson for the PDSA, awarding the Dickin Medal to Lucca brought more public attention to the program than ever before. Name Generator. And so are classic male dog names, like Hooch, Rex, or Buddy. Edith – A 10th century English nun and abbess. Check out our Biblical dog names page. Winifred – A 7th century Welsh nun. Of course you are incredibly busy with preparing a lot of things right now so you could use some help. Dismas – The good thief crucified beside Jesus Christ. Gilbert – A 13th century Scottish saint. There seems to be a trend at the moment for naming animals after other animals. Andrew – An apostle of Jesus Christ and the patron saint of fishermen. This girl dog loves to watch television. Vincent – The patron saint of builders. Crispina – An African saint who lived during the 4th century. She could soar through the air and perform other miraculous feats. Check out our female dog names M list. Elizabeth – The mother of John the Baptist. He was the 1st Christian martyr. Tatiana – A Roman who was beheaded for her faith in the 3rd century. Phileas – An Egyptian who was beheaded in the 4th century for his faith. If you’re looking for an unusual male dog names, you have a lot of options. Giles – The patron saint of beggars. These big dog names are perfect for the pooch that wants to flaunt their size with a name that sounds large. Lawrence – The patron saint of cooks and the poor. Machar – An Irishman of the 6th century who was a missionary to Scotland. Leopold – An Austrian man who lived during the 12th century. Published: 11/30/2018, edited: 01/30/2020. Catholic Dog Names, Names Inspired By Saints Christmas is here, and if you have a new puppy due to Christmas you could consider choosing a catholic-themed name for him or her. One of the best things about getting a new dog or puppy is finding a good name. All text copyright© 2004 – 2020 Aquila – A Jewish man who was prominently mentioned in the New Testament as a Christian convert and provider to the early Church. After six months of training with an American team there, Lucca was brought to the Yuma Proving Ground in Arizona to train for detecting explosives. Paula – She is a 4th century Saint who is a patroness of widows. Agnes – The patron saint of girls. He was scourged and then beheaded for his actions. Ernest – A 12th century German abbot who was tortured and killed by the Moors. Antipas – He was mentioned in the New Testament as a friend of Paul. Catholic girl names show the strength, charity, and love of those from the past and give them as a legacy to your daughter for her future. She was noted for her tireless aid to the poor. Crispin – The patron saint of leather workers. Colette – A French saint who lived during the 15th century. Luke – The patron saint of artists. Equally, names such as 'cadillac' or 'buick' are not suitable because they represent the individual person's personal interest in certain cars. Peter – Before His crucifixion, Jesus handed the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven to Peter. John – The only apostle of Jesus Christ who was present at the crucifixion. Lucy – The patron saint of those with eye trouble. Whether you have a striking German Shepherd or a large and cuddly Bernedoodle.We are here to help with our list of over 750 Big Dog Names! Barbara – The patron saint of architects. He was burned to death for his Christian faith. Anna – The 89 year old prophetess who prophesied Jesus Christ’s mission when he was presented in the temple. The perfect dog pet name for those pet owners who have lost their husband. One of the most popular saint dog names. Anthony – The patron saint of those with lost items. Jude – The patron saint of desperate causes. Maximus – A 3rd century Ephesian who was stoned to death for his faith. Take a few days or weeks to learn about your canine kid’s quirks and attitudes before you choose a name. Germanicus – A 2nd century man who was killed by wild beasts in the amphitheater of Smyrna. From classic dog names like Benji to trendy names like Loki, here’s 500 popular male dog names. Timothy – An early convert of St. Paul. You’ll find both male and female names here including Ada, Anna, Barbara, Barnabas, Basil, Bridget, Fabian, Hilda, Ignatius, Maura, Pega, Thea, Vincent, Zita, and many more. Faustus – A 3rd century man who was tortured and burned to death for his Christian faith. 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