Following the lead and continuity of Smith's Monster Society of Evil miniseries, it was initially written and drawn by Mike Kunkel, creator of Herobear. series made her superpowered form an adult like Billy's. Desperate not to leave his champion powerless, the original Shazam (the wizard who gave him his abilities) sought out new gods for him to derive ability from, it is revealed that most any champion is merely a receptacle to channel the power of six gods. From Black Adam, who also shares the same powers as Billy Batson (but from different sources) we have seen that he was able to survive crossing the universe in his return to Earth which took him 5,000 years to accomplish. The Earth-5 Captain Marvel re-appeared in Final Crisis #7 leading an army of Supermen from across the Multiverse to prevent its destruction by Darkseid. Billy meets the wizard Shazam, who grants him powers. As in the comic book story, there is a fight between Captain Marvel and Superman. [59], Mazahs is a corrupted alternate-universe version of Shazam, introduced in the 2013–14 Forever Evil DC Comics crossover event series written by Geoff Johns. copyright infringement suit from DC Comics. Read Billy Batstone's bio and find out more about Billy Batstone's songs, albums, and chart history. As All-Star Squadron was set during World War II, several events of the comic fell concurrent with and referenced the events of the original early-1940s Fawcett stories. starred Michael Gray as Billy Batson, with both Jackson Bostwick (season 1) and John Davey (seasons 2 and 3) as Captain Marvel. Freddy would eventually have his powers stolen by Osiris in Titans (vol. Shortly after its printing, however, Fawcett found it could not trademark "Captain Thunder", "Flash Comics", or "Thrill Comics", because all three names were already in use. [106], Commencing the "Trinity War" story line, Billy flies to Black Adam's home nation of Kahndaq to bury Adam's remains. Magical Resistance: The power of Zeus gives Captain Marvel a resistance against magic and only magic of the highest order is able to harm him. The Earth-5 Captain Marvel and Billy Batson appeared in the Final Crisis: Superman Beyond miniseries, assisting Superman, Ultraman, Overman and the Quantum Superman in Limbo. Billy Batson made his debut in the new 52 in the form of back up stories in Justice League. Nevertheless, the next issue was the last one, though the feature was kept alive in a back-up position in the Dollar Comics-formatted run of World's Finest Comics (from #253, October/November 1978, to #282, August 1982, skipping only #271, which featured a full-length origin of the Superman-Batman team story). 2) #21, preceding DC's crossover storyline "Trinity War" which heavily features the Shazam mythos. Captain Marvel can still blend all the strength of Hercules, stamina of Atlas and power of Zeus to increase his strength (Adventure Comics 492 and Power Of Shazam 46). The wrist bands are now more visually similar to Wonder Woman's bracelets, and both his belt and boots seem to be made of a metallic material. After having initiated a cleaver distraction that served to keep the rest of the league busy. Having defeated the villains, and ready to rescue the children, he summons the lightning to return to his Billy Batson form and is struck with a bolt that changes him forever. Dr. Sivana is Attorney General of the United States, and Mister Mind looks more like a snake than a caterpillar. As a result, when he next speaks his word, he will cease to exist. With this four-issue miniseries, writers attempted to re-launch the Captain Marvel mythos and bring the wizard Shazam, Dr. Sivana, Uncle Dudley, and Black Adam into the modern DC Universe with an altered origin story. C. C. Beck drew stories for the first 10 issues of the book before quitting due to creative differences. Other members of the Marvel Family include the non-powered but similarly attired Uncle Marvel, a "lovable old fraud" who first met the Marvel's when he sought out Mary to return her "Good Deed Ledger." send you an email once approved. Flight: The power of Mercury grants Captain Marvel the ability to defy gravity. This time the personallity of Billy Batson was more tough and brash, being qualified as a problem child. In this version, Billy Batson is an adult who now matches the appearance of his superhero identity. Eventually they took the place of the Justice League as primary defenders of Earth. Before DC's Crisis on Infinite Earths comic book miniseries in 1985, the Marvel Family also included part-time members such as Mary's non-powered friend "Uncle" Dudley (Uncle Marvel) and three other protégés (all of whose alter egos are named "Billy Batson") known as the Lieutenant Marvels, as well as Mr. Sterling Morris, president of Amalgamated Broadcasting, owners of Station WHIZ, the radio (and later TV) station for which Billy worked for. When she loses control of the magic the balance of the battle shifts again from the now low powered Captain Marvel to the Spectre for enough time for him to knock Captain Marvel out. The two regretted having to battle, and both decided to pray before they clashed. During the quarantine of a dangerous artificial plague created within Lex Corp which was accidentally released when a failed attempt on the aforementioned CEO released it. [90] An adult daughter of Sivana's, Beautia, becomes an unwitting love interest for the shy Captain Marvel, despite her wavering allegiance to her evil father.[91]. Granted access to incredible powers by the wizard Shazam, he speaks the wizard's name and is struck by a lightning bolt that gives him the powers of the gods. Outside of their regular series and features, the Marvel Family characters also appeared as guest stars in the Justice League of America series, in particular issues #135–137 (vol. In the Flashpoint Paradox, Cyborg is creating a Justice League to help save the world from the Atlantean/Amazon war. Marvel/Shazam Clusterf*ck Explained", "Exclusive: GEOFF JOHNS Hopes Lightning Strikes SHAZAM! Captain Thunder, whose name was derived from Captain Marvel's original moniker, was a thinly veiled pastiche of Marvel—down to his similar costume, his young alter ego named "Willie Fawcett" (a reference to Fawcett Comics), and a magic word ("Thunder! The Wizard dies and Shazam is transported back to Earth, where Billy reveals his new secret to Freddy. As the six kids venture beyond the nexus of the Rock of Eternity to explore the mysterious Seven Magic Realms, Doctor Sivana teams up with Mister Mind and a reluctant Black Adam to form the Monster Society of Evil, and Billy's long-missing father C.C. Magical Lightning Manipulation: He can project magical lightning from his hands and fingers. Ironically, the Sivanas were unwilling pawns from the Gentry and the Empty Hand. The kids join the League and Rebellion (Grifter, Canterbury Cricket, etc.) Fawcett's circulation director Roscoe Kent Fawcett recalled telling the staff, "Give me a Superman, only have his other identity be a 10- or 12-year-old boy rather than a man". The original version as published by Fawcett does not age, thanks to being someone who was created by magic. But somehow, in the summer of 1993, they all end up back in Derry. The word balloons in the story were re-lettered to label the hero of the main story as "Captain Marvel". [41], With DC's Multiverse concept in effect during this time, the revived Marvel Family and related characters lived within the DC Universe on the parallel world of "Earth-S". Filmation revisited the character three years later for an animated Shazam! Being empowered by new deities, Shazam was given the title of the God of Gods, what new powers this bestows upon him remains to be seen. The wisdom of Solomon gives Billy great knowledge, perception, comprehension and insight. The power of Zeus adds to the other powers of Captain Marvel giving him the wisdom of Solomon and Zeus, the strength of Hercules and Zeus, the stamina of Atlas is beeded up with the immortality of Zeus (World's Finest 254 and Shazam the Monster Society 04). Republic Pictures' "Adventures Of Captain Marvel" is also regarded as "The finest serial ever made." Shazam is horrified by Superman's plans, calling it crazy and saying they're going too far. The Shadowpact summon Nabu, who battles against the Spectre while the rest repair the Rock of Eternity. [39] While the series began with a great deal of fanfare, the book had a lackluster reception. The wizard's name, SHAZAM, is an acronym with each letter standing for an Elder who grants his power to Shazam's champion. Healing: Although Captain Marvel has the power of the Gods it is possible to harm him. They decided to call the book SHAZAM! This unstable status quo would exists until 2010. The character battles an extensive rogues' gallery, most of them working in tandem as the Monster Society of Evil, including primary archenemies Doctor Sivana, Black Adam, and Mister Mind; with the help of his long lost sister Mary Batson, best friend Freddy Freeman and others, who he shares his powers with allowing them to transform too becoming superheroes themselves. Billy has a non-speaking cameo in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "Obsession", while live actors portraying Captain Marvel make "cameo" appearances in both a dream-sequence within an episode of The Drew Carey Show, and in the Beastie Boys' music video for "Alive". Exploiting his ability to use the powers of those he has killed, Mazahs easily takes down both the Syndicate and Luthor's team, but Prime Earth Lex Luthor (having the same voice as Mazahs) manages to call down the lightning, using a lightning-rod that Batman had retrieved to try and use against Johnny Quick based on his planned defense against the Flash, and transform Mazahs into his human form. Despite the fact that he had no powers and he wasn't Mary and Billy's uncle, he endeared himself to the Marvel's so much that they accepted him into their family anyway. [10] UGO Networks ranked him as one of the top heroes of entertainment, saying, "At his best, Shazam has always been compared to Superman with a sense of crazy, goofy fun. At the end of the arc, presented in the mini-series Shazam: A new beggining. Billy can control what happens when he says Shazam. The Spectre arrives at the Rock of Eternity to face Shazam, Captain Marvel charges for him but the Spectre simple summons the lightning and changes him back to a teenage boy and sends him to sleep. In 1983, a proposal for an updated Captain Marvel was submitted to DC by Roy Thomas, Don Newton, and Jerry Ordway. In 2000, Captain Marvel starred in an oversized special graphic novel, Shazam! The Army of Shazam incapacitated the former heroes. Captain Marvel and Superman encounter the newly formed villainous duo and each quickly pick his target. The power of Zeus is vast and hard to define completely. Mind... and they have plans to do to get Shazam. La característica principal para este cómic, fue la presentación oficial al público del personaje de Billy Batson, un niño huérfano de 12 años de edad que, al pronunciar el nombre del antiguo mago conocido como Shazam, este quedaría impresionado por un rayo mágico que lo transformaría en el superhéroe adulto conocido como el Capitán Marvel. His resistance to harm is comparable to that of Superman's but he does not share his weaknesses to Kryptonite or magic. [109] While still a newcomer to the league, Billy has a number of new adventures while under the mentorship of Cyborg, who becomes one of his best friends. After he had changed to his superhero persona, Black Adam took a hold of both Freddy and Mary after they had hit a truck into his body, prompting Billy to defend his adopted family. While the majority of Billy's adventures feature him as a solo hero, he also fought evil on a regular basis accompanied by several other kids who share his powers to make up a superhero team called the Marvel Family (later referred to as the Shazam Family due to the issues DC Comics faced over the "Marvel" and "Captain Marvel" trademarks). and reassembled himself by shouting "Xam!" Captain Marvel sped him to a hospital, but they couldn't do anything for him. Existence of the show was confirmed by historian Jim Harmon via recollections of old-time radio fans who recalled hearing it during original broadcasts, plus locating period program listings. As such, Captain Marvel's strength is of the highest level and is sufficiently vast enough that it enables him to lift/move unbelievably massive and/or heavy objects possibly on a planetary scale or higher with little effort. [159], Superwoman later gives birth to Mazahs's child in Justice League #50, and uses the baby's power-stealing abilities—inherited from his father and by her using his magic word—to remove abilities the members the Prime-Earth Justice League had inherited from their time on Apokolips after the death of Darkseid. By saying the magic word "Shazam," Mary Bromfield becomes Mary Marvel. Superhuman Speed: Captain Marvel is able to move at incredible speeds and is able to move so fast that he can seem invisible to the eye of the human being. In desperation and seeing the "embers of good" within Billy, the dying Wizard passes on his powers and teaches Billy they can be accessed through the magic word "Shazam" when spoken with good intentions. TV show took a more indirect approach to the character: Billy Batson/Captain Marvel, accompanied by an older man known simply as Mentor (Les Tremayne), traveled in a motor home across the U.S., interacting with people in different towns in which they stopped to save the citizens from some form of danger or to help them combat some form of evil. Now knowing who was behind the attempted assassination, Captain Marvel found and confronted Dr. Sivana at his building. But I couldn't bring the new [Captain Marvel] stories to life no matter how hard I tried".[42]. Height: 5' 6" (as Billy Batson), 6' 3" (as Captain Marvel) Weight: 125 lbs. Hypnosis: Marvel is able to hypnotize his opponents but this does not work on people who are of a very strong mind. [18] Fawcett's earliest magazine was titled Captain Billy's Whiz Bang, which inspired the title Whiz Comics. [158] In the final issue of the series, it is revealed that Earth-3's Wonder Woman analogue, Superwoman, is in a relationship with Alexander and tricked her teammates into bringing him with them. In New 52, he has power of Achilles (not courage) giving him invulnerability. sleep or breathe. is part of the DC Extended Universe, with Zachary Levi as Shazam and Asher Angel as Billy Batson. [27], Instead of retrying the case, however, Fawcett settled with National out of court. [15] Captain Marvel continued to appear in Whiz Comics, as well as periodic appearances in other Fawcett books, including Master Comics. It’s complicated, but thanks to retcons and the power of Shazam, Billy Batson may never get a chance to date someone his own age. [171] In early 2017, New Line and Johnson decided to split the Shazam! In the parallel dimension, Billy First appears with the Flash in an attempt to create a peace treaty between Atlantis and the Regime. "Spike") who was not Billy's sister, and an African-American take on Freddy Freeman/Captain Marvel Jr., did not see print. The series established that Billy was on leave from his radio job and was living a more or less nomadic life, traveling around in a van with Mentor alongside him. Your Fav "OC" & "Riverdale" Alums Are In "Shazam, "Jaume Collet-Serra Eyed to Direct DC's 'Black Adam' Starring Dwayne Johnson", "Justice League:Throne of Atlantis review", "Tara Strong on 'Batman', 'Chowder', 'Drawn Together' Movie". After the Curse of Shazam, as the road to Trinity War begins, Billy is home with his foster family and the remains of Black Adam. Captain Marvel fought valiantly against Thor. The two are often portrayed as equally matched and, while Marvel does not possess Superman's heat vision, X-ray vision or superhuman breath powers, the magic-based nature of his own powers are a weakness for Superman. Captain Marvel also appeared in Mark Waid and Alex Ross's critically acclaimed 1996 alternate universe Elseworlds miniseries Kingdom Come. His upper limit are still unknown. In the dark alternate future of the Elseworlds comic Superman: Distant Fires (1998) by Howard Chaykin, Gil Kane, Kevin Nowlan, and Matt Hollingsworth, most of humanity has been destroyed in nuclear war. [27] As a result, the initial verdict, delivered in 1951, went in Fawcett's favor. Throughout the super-human community Billy is generally perceived as Boy Scout, perhaps even more so than his idol Superman. Billy arrives at the Vasquez's and meets Mary and Freddie Freeman, as well Pedro, Eugene, and Darla. While publishing its Shazam! series, a more traditional version of Tawny is a resident of The Wildlands, a magical realm inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. She and her teammates are ultimately killed by an army of Omni Mind And Community (OMACs).[154]. He then realizes that he can't defeat Black Adam with his inexperience as Shazam, so he reverts back to mortal form and sways Adam to do the same and fight him. This aspect is mostly psychological and spiritual in nature. [79] The book was cancelLed with issue #15 (November 2020); Johns cited the COVID-19 pandemic and Eaglesham's desire to take a break as reasons for discontinuing the book. He leaves via Zeta Tube, claiming he's going trick-or-treating, and that he won't share any of his candy. [152] Art Baltazar and Franco Aureliani, of Tiny Titans, took over as writers with issue #5, with Byron Vaughns as main artist until issue #13, when Mike Norton assumed his place for the remainder of the series. book the subtitle The Original Captain Marvel, but a cease and desist letter from Marvel Comics forced them to change the subtitle to The World's Mightiest Mortal, starting with Shazam! Due to Atlas' stamina, Captain Marvel doesn't fatigue during or after any exertion; no matter how strenuous or how long in duration. Captain Marvel has also stated that with this power also comes the "Wrath of Zeus." While disoriented by the numerous entities speaking in his mind, billy finds his hands are wreathed in fire. Although tall and with the build of a muscular adult, Shazam still has a youthful face. The Pre-Crisis Captain Marvel's origin is only slightly different from the current Captain Marvel. In Whiz Comics #25 (Dec. 1941), Captain Marvel saves Freddy Freeman, a boy who had been left for dead by the evil Captain Nazi, and does for Freddy what the wizard did for him. [6] This led many to assume that "Shazam!" However, DC couldn't officially publish or market a comic book called "Captain Marvel" because during the years between 1953 (when Fawcett stopped publishing Captain Marvel comics) and 1972, Fawcett's copyright on the name had lapsed and was subsequently picked up and used by DC's chief competitor; Marvel Comics. The second best result is Billy C Batson age 80+ in Travelers Rest, SC. As a result of Marvel Family foe Mister Mind "eating" aspects of this reality, it takes on visual aspects similar to the pre-Crisis Earth-S, including the Marvel Family characters. 2), began featuring a Shazam! Superman uses Marvel's cape as the symbol of a new world order in which humans and superhumans will now live in harmony.[146]. A Captain Marvel miniseries, Shazam! This production made Captain Marvel the first superhero to be depicted in film. After he gave the latter for Shazam to leave in order to check up on the battle, billy ported out of there in a flash of lightning. He manages to do this and still watch over Freddy, and talk with Zareb, while he takes his trail from Apollo. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll Their plan fails due to a car alarm, and the Breyers make a mad dash after them. In Billy Batson's case, by shouting out one word—SHAZAM!—this streetwise As part of the redesign, Shazam received a new costume designed by Frank with a long cloak and a hood made to look like it hailed from a much more magical source than before. 2, #102 (1995). [144] Thunder had been magically tricked by his archenemies in the Monster League of Evil into committing evil himself, which led to his doing battle with Superman. Shazam is now multiple kids who say Shazam all at once to turn into Shazam. Mezco released a Shazam figure as part of their One:12 Collective line. Supernatural Speed: The Wizard said he would be able to move like the lightning he wields making it possible for him to fly at multi-mach speeds. Captain Marvel's pure heart, good nature and irrepressible good nature have made him extremely hard to dislike, thus, appropriately, he gets along with the vast majority of people he meets. This gives him a colossal boost in power that for the length of the time Enchantress holds it. Omnilingual: Captain Marvel has the ability to speak any language and can even communicate with aliens. In "Make Way for Captain Thunder" from Superman #276 (June 1974), Superman found himself at odds with "Captain Thunder", a superhero displaced from another Earth and another time. [81], Jerry Ordway's 1990s The Power of Shazam! However, Billy's naivety also gives him strong moral values and helps him find the good in everybody. [49] Roy Thomas, a veteran comic book writer and editor, had been lured from Marvel Comics to DC in 1981 with the specific contractual obligation that he would become the main writer of Shazam! Once they were reunited, Billy decided to share his power with her. The character has been featured in two television series adaptations by Filmation: one live action 1970s series with Jackson Bostwick and John Davey as Captain Marvel and Michael Gray as Billy Batson, and one animated 1980s series. In "Auld Acquaintance", Captain Marvel is under mind control by "Bio-Nanotech Chips", and tries to catch and control Zatanna. That National 's Superman copyright was in fact his father Marvel again and gave a! 70 ] he also senses and notifies the forces of good magic when confronts! Writer Bill Parker created the character was revived in 1982 by writer Alan in... Of America ( vol weird thing is, they all promised to write, but Adam catches it beats! Regretted having to battle Grodd in Metropolis Mortal and superhuman the angry Wizard promptly takes back his to! Spoke his magic word for the first Post-Crisis appearance of Captain Marvel found and confronted Dr. Sivana at his,! 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