The name of the scenario you wish to execute. You can do this with the tdebug console command. thankss and yeah i need the cheats haha #2. The ID of the province you wish to spawn the unit within. This command enables or disables (toggles) rivers. Maximum war support % is 100. This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. setcontroller [country tag] [province id]. This command starts an annex with the specified country tag (an annex claims their territory for your country). This command prints the current 'commandcount' to the message.log file. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). Specify 'all' to annex all countries. The ideology group you wish to add popularity to. This command can be used to reload a file without opening and closing your game. If you want to input cheat codes to gain an advantage in HOI4, then the console command is where you need to visit. One of: 'fascism', 'democratic', 'neutrality' or 'communism'. The amount of the specified unit you wish to spawn. The ideology group you wish to set as the ruling party. For example: you want to get light tanks, for which the table shows the name light_tank and a level from 1 to 3. This command pauses the game after the specified amount of time. This command forcefully reloads unit-related files (/Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/). FH M.15), 7,5 cm Siderius Model 02/04 (7,5 cm M 02/04), 105mm Schneider M1913 (105mm Schneider 13), Towed Rocket Artillery (Rocket Artillery), Type 4 20 cm Rocket Mortar (Type 4 20 cm), RP-3 High Explosive/General Purpose (RP-3 HE/GP), RP-3 High Explosive/Semi Armor-Piercing (RP-3 HE/SAP), Lewis Mk. This command enables or disables (toggles) the game's forced wireframe. This command adds the country with the specified tag to your interest. To do this, use the rather complicated cheat code add_equipment [quantity] [equipment name] _equipment_ [level]. This command allows for the application of any war goal without justification. Either the slot ID of the technology you wish to research, or 'all' to reach. A 'core' is a state that's considered to be a rightful part of a country. Messages do not show, and the game is not automatically paused. Specify a negative number to reduce autonomy level. If a province ID is specified as an argument, fow will only be toggled for that province. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). Tooltip debug mode shows information such as IDs for provinces, states, etc when you hover over them on the map. 3.8k. This command dumps AI data from your currently selected unit to a log file (for e.g. This command will add stability (max. This is the point where cheats help you to play. This command enables or disables (toggles) the debug info screen. Bearer of Artillery Gain Wojtek as commander. set_cosmetic_tag [country tag] [country tag]. This command will add war support (max. Swiftly find equipment tags to use with console commands such as add_equipment in Hearts of Iron IV. You can remove stability by specifying a negative number. HOI4 Cheats. This command sets the flag of the specified country as your current nation's flag. This command enables or disables (toggles) the interpolated fronts debug screen. The tag of the country you wish to delete all units of. General Information. Mansen. Possible ideologies: 'fascism', 'democratic', 'neutrality' and 'communism'. This command (without any arguments) reloads the game shaders. Executing this command will check all threatres in the game for errors. share. This command enables or disables (toggles) the visibility of trade routes. This command is also known as the 'instant research' cheat. This command adds the specified state as a 'core' of the specified country. Note that this command will affect the game's AI. There are lots of problems with Hoi4 now, sometimes for example Finish Focus doesn't work and starts working after 4 days (In Hoi4), what i think the problem is the x64 support, idk why, i just believe it's the problem, i also have Paradox Crash tab, so i am reverting back to 1.6.2 version, until there would be fix, also i think Fallback line is causing that too. The tag of the country you wish to change the flag/name of. This command removes restrictions on general trait assignment. It is recommended you enable this as it is very helpful when using console commands. ... /ae 1000 artillery_equipment_1 - using this command would add 1000 Towed Artillery. This command allows for the use of any diplomatic action (e.g. It will not work in later versions. Maximum stability % is 100. This command serves the basic but essential purpose of adding/cheating in equipment such as infantry equipment, anti tank equipment, etc. The tag of the country you wish to set your flag as. Executing this command will cause naval invasions to skip preparation time. This command prints AI budget information to the console. 3. The ID of the state you wish to add as a core. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. The add_equipment command in Hearts of Iron IV can be shortened to ae - ae is simply an alias, the two commands have exactly the same function. Useful if you modify a file to change a setting and don't want to completely restart your game. everybody was trolling me for saying that, because i love hoi4 i tried to ignore this and fake myself to believe that the AI does not cheat … This command removes the specified state as a 'core' of the specified country. This command enables or disables (toggles) debug mode for air vs land combat. The country tag of the first country you wish to be a part of the white peace treaty. This command opens the mass conquer tool. The tag of the country you wish to add to your interest. This command is a debug tool, when executed it will debug client crashes. This command enables or disables (toggles) weather - if this feature is off, weather will be disabled. The ID of the state you wish to remove as a core. add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_1 # Basic Medium Art add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_2 # Improved Medium Art add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_artillery_equipment_3 # Advanced Medium Art add_equipment 1000 medium_tank_aa_equipment_1 # Basic Medium SPAA The country tag of the creator of the second specified equipment name. This command enables or disables (toggles) AI for human countries. If you pause the game, and turn the instant construction cheat on, you can build the refineries within the hour. Toggle signature "I have loved justice and hated iniquity: therefore I die in exile." The amount of political power you wish to add to your political power. ... colonies formned The commonwealth of free nations, Japan joined The commonwealth...even after 1000 hours hoi4 still surprises me. For the activation of these cheats code, you have to open the game console first. The tag of the county you wish to apply the flag/name from. cheat for add towed artillery? If the country tag argument is provided, your country will occupy all land that the specified country owns (but not land that they only occupy). (Democratic Germany requires Waking the Tiger). The tag of the country you wish to view AI debug information for. After executing this command, nuking in any province is permitted, regardless of conditions. This command enables or disables (toggles) the offensive fronts snapping debug screen. The URL you wish to load with the browser. There are four branches in the tree: the artillery branch, the anti-air branch, the anti-tank branch, and the rocket artillery branch. The debug info includes things like province ID, state ID, etc when you hover over a province on the map. In order to get Wojtek as commander you need to: Complete "Artillery Modernization" focus; Have a neutral ideology; This command tests the specified ID without triggering it. This command enables or disables (toggles) AI. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the. This command, as you might have guessed, causes you to resign from your current position. The specified amount of experience is added to … NOTE: In order to use this command, you must add '-debug' to your HOI4 launch options - it will not work otherwise. 'artillery', 'anti_tank', etc. This command can be used to modify the health of an existing building. This command enables or disables (toggles) the collision debug GUI. You can do this with the 'research_on_icon_click' (more info) command. This command prints the render type (backend) that is currently being used for your client. The amount of time, in seconds, you wish to sleep the game for. NOTE: This is a Pre-1.5 command. The seed to reload the weather with (random numbers). The amount of hours after which the game will be paused - e.g. This command prints the current seed of your game. The name of the idea you wish to add to your country. This command prints your IP to the console. This command prints the current version of the game to the console. This command enables or disables (toggles) province tooltip debug info. The number given should be between 1 and 50. This command enables or disables (toggles) particles. 100%). The tag of the country you wish to remove from your interest. This command will clear all of your achievements and stats (irreversible). Apr 15, 2018 @ … building_health [building type] [state id / province id] [level] [amount]. Below is a list of conversions for equipment names to equipment codes in Hearts of Iron IV. Hover over a command in the table to view detailed argument-related help. This command enables or disables (toggles) realistic AI for the game. The number specified is a multiplier - 2 would double the speed, 0.5 would half the speed. You can remove equipment by specifying a negative amount. The tag of the country you wish to add the specified state as a core to. This command can be used to adjust the volume of the game. In debug mode, IDs for things like states, equipment, provinces, etc are shown when you hover over them which are very useful as they are used in console commands. The tag of the country you wish to reload the OOB (order of battle) of. Can be used as a targeted modifier. Technology is unlocked by assigning a research slot to it for the required number of days. The ID of the unit you wish to spawn, e.g. This command initiates an air combat in the specified location from your desired country, airbase and equipment. This command allows for the ignoring of focus requirements. The country tag of the country you wish to start the event within. This command adds the specified amount of nukes to your current country. If executed with no arguments (just 'help'), this command will print a list of commands. This command enables or disables (toggles) debug mode. Wojtek was a Syrian brown bear purchased, as a young cub, at a railway station in Hamadan, Iran, by Polish II Corps soldiers who had been evacuated from the Soviet Union. The percentage of war support you wish to add. This command will generate and save a texture atlas file to the specified path. This command can be used to research all equipment, or equipment in a specific technology slot. The amount of army, air and naval experience you wish to credit yourself with. Please note that you must have the appropriate technology to receive the equipment. Find below an updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV console commands, these are commonly … With these cheats help you can open a wide range of benefits in HoI 4. Spawning equipment in Hearts of Iron IV is actually quite straight-forward. This command opens ('open') or closes ('close') the GUI with the specified name. This command enables or disables (toggles) entities. After executing this command, a list of all commands will be outputted to the game.log file. This command will toggle (enable or disable) FOW (fog of war) either in general, or in the province of the specified ID. Posted by 3 years ago. The tag of the country you wish to change the opinion from. USA, democratic Germany: 4 slots, plus 2 additional possible via national focus. Jun 4, 2016 @ 6:16am Well there are - but you don't stockpile them. This will print the data type for all dynamic reference objects to console. This command enables or disables (toggles) the camera clamp. This command will initiate event counting, print data collected from this with the 'debug_dumpevents' command. This command moves the center of your camera to the specified state. This command enables or disables (toggles) the scroll wheel's (mouse) functionality. Mechanized Equipment III (Mechanized III), Improved Guided Missile (Guided Missile II), Advanced Guided Missile (Guided Missile III), Motorized Rocket Artillery (Mot. 100%). Close. You can optionally specify either a mapname, postfx or filename (ending in .fx). Instead of typing directly to the game, the console makes it more straightforward and manageable to enter your codes. HoI4 cheat codes Gain xp :This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. This command will print errors from the log file. 2 comments. The type of building you wish to modify the health of. A searchable list of Hearts of Iron IV unit cheat codes. This command enables or disables (toggles) tooltips. This command runs a list of commands in a specified file. Apr 15, 2018 @ 8:42pm Rocket arty is better on offense because of the higher soft attack and breakthrough stats. The base number of research slots depends on the country: 1. The percentage of command power you wish to add. The name of the post effect you wish to toggle. The ID of the character you wish to lead the event. Note that if you wish to change the ruling party of another country, you will first need to switch to them with the tag command. The location to save the texture atlas file. The name of your desired result of the air combat scenario. This command enables or disables (toggles) the camera lock. Common files: 'loc' (localisation files), 'focus' (focuses) and 'landcombat.gui' (land combat interface). France, Soviet Union, most other countries in Europe, plus Canada: 3 slots, plus 2 additional possible via nationa… This command enables or disables (toggles) fullscreen mode. HOI4 Console Commands & Cheats of 2019 | Everything You Need Toggle signature In 1939-44 the Finnish military destroyed or put out of action 1.5M-2M men, 3k-3.5k aircraft and 3k-3.5k tanks of its enemy, Soviet Russia, at the cost of some 294k men, 240 aircraft and 50-70 tanks destroyed or put of out action in combat. spawn [unit name/id] [province id] [amount]. This command enables or disables (toggles) textures like bloom. This command rebuilds all existing theatres. A 'core' is a state that's considered to be a rightful part of a country. This command enables or disables (toggles) the AI for naval invasion. This command will delete all units (armies and fleets) of the specified country tag. 'tag ENG' would make you play as Great Britain, for example. Find below an updated list of all Hearts of Iron IV console commands, these are commonly referred to as cheat codes. cheat for add towed artillery? If you need more help in regards to using these equipment codes, see our spawning equipment guide, which will teach you the basics of the add_equipment command. add_equipment 1000 light_tank_artillery_equipment_2 # Improved Light Art add_equipment 1000 light_tank_artillery_equipment_3 # Advanced Light Art add_equipment 1000 light_tank_aa_equipment_1 # Basic Light SPAA This command will cause the game to zoom in. The tag of the country you wish to remove the specified state as a core from. This command adds the specified amount of equipment to each and every piece of equipment you have unlocked/fully researched (so, every equipment type in your logistics menu). ... What this means in practice is that changing a division from, for example, 1 Infantry into 1 Artillery carries the same penalty as changing 1 Infantry into 2 Artillery (as Artillery use half the manpower of Infantry). This command prints price info to game.log. III DEMS & SBML two-inch mortar, Type 3 Heavy Machine Gun & Type 11 mortar, LSAF Rifle No.1 MkIII (LSAF Rifle No.1 MkIII), LSAF Rifle No.6 MkI (LSAF Rifle No.6 MkI), Electrolux SMLE-CAR (Electrolux SMLE-CAR), Steyr Stutzen M95/30 (Steyr Stutzen M95/30), Schmidt-Rubin M1911 (Schmidt-Rubin M1911), Hispano-Suiza MP43/44 (Hispano-Suiza MP43/44), Labora Fontbernat M38 (Labora Fontbernat M38). This command removes the country with the specified tag from your interest. This command adds diplomatic enroute for your current country. The name of the file containing the commands you wish to run. This command opens the browser window and loads the specified URL. The ID of the province you wish to move the unit to. DARKSNAKE. This command adds the specified amount of political power to your country. The tag of the country you wish to set as the owner of the specified state. This command enables or disables (toggles) terrain. This command, if executed without any arguments (just 'SetRandomCount'), will set the random count to 0. The ID of the province you wish to initiate the air combat scenario within. Unit Experience Cheat Hoi4; Hoi4 Unit Experience Cheat Sheet; Archived. This command enables or disables (toggles) bloom. This command enables or disables (toggles) cities painting mode. The state ID of the airbase you wish to attack from. B (King Tiger), Selbstfahrlafette auf VK3001(H) Sturer Emil (Sturer Emil), GER_super_heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_1, SOV_super_heavy_tank_artillery_equipment_1, Super Heavy SP Tank Destroyer (SH. This command sets the URL of the browser (loads a page). If an animation specified as an argument (optional), the character will spawn with that animation. This command enables or disables (toggles) the visibility of foreign fronts. Ships are also constructed instantly. This command enables or disables (toggles) the bounds debug GUI. This command allows for the ignoring of decision requirements. Hi, i posted a topic before several days, that the AI sometimes does cheat just to match the historical abilities of different nations. This command adds an opinion from the specified country tag to another country. This command can be used to modify the frequency of a random sound being emitted from the combat view. The ID of the state you wish to move your camera to. Maximum command power % is 100. The specified amount of experience is added to the Leader/General you currently have selected. Self propelled artillery is probably the best stat wise but most expensive #1. spike2071. This command enables or disables (toggles) the visibility of the tactics debug tooltip. Toggles instant construction cheat. This command opens the particle editor GUI. This command adds the specified amount of experience (to all experiences: army XP, naval XP and air XP). A multiplier of 2 would double the speed, a multiplier of 0.5 would half the speed. The amount of autonomy levels you wish to add. This command makes the client go out of sync. 100 would add 100 health, -100 would subtract 100. Cheats for Hearts of Iron 4 (console commands) Let us show you the list of all the actual codes. This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. Ideology groups are: 'f' (fascism), 'd' (democratic), 'n' (neutrality) and 'c' (communism). The tag of the country you wish to set as controller of the specified province. This command will the specified amount humans to your current country (or remove if a negative number is specified). The amount of experience you wish to add to the General/Leader you currently have selected. This command instantly makes 'white peace' (things return to the way exactly they were before a war started) between the specified countries (specified by their country tag). 40mm wz. Also allows specifying category as license_
_purchase_cost_factor. This command spawns an actor. The ID of the province you wish to spawn the actor within. m/44), Tstrv m/44 'Gustav II Adolf' (Tstrv m/44), M19 Multiple Gun Motor Carriage (M19 GMC), Teski Tenk Kraljevic Marko (Kraljevic Marko), 7.5 cm PaK 40 auf Fahrgestell Marder II (Marder II), Medium Tank Destroyer (M. Tank Destroyer), Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. The guy was running other cheats too, but still lost. It is a particular debugging window accessible in non-ironman games. Click on the name of a command to visit its command page, on which you can find more help including examples. The country tag of the creator of the first specified equipment name. This command sets the specified ideology group as the ruling party. Jun 4, 2016 @ 6:13am supplies 999999 fuel 999999 rare 999999 energy 666666 ... isnt any energy or rare materials in hoi4 Last edited by MachoWoman; Jun 4, 2016 @ 6:14am #4. spawnactor [name] [province id] [animation]. hide. Cheating in equipment can be useful in many circumstances, for example, it can be useful for new … The name of the window you wish to open or close. This command will pause the game for the specified amount of time (seconds). - … This command adds the specific amount of man power to your country. This command enables or disables (toggles) the visibility of icons in the map. You can immediately complete the national focuses, get human resources, military equipment, list of country tegs and many other useful things in Hearts of Iron 4. add_party_popularity [ideology group] [amount]. This command enables or disables (toggles) the instant construction cheat, making all construction happen instantly (no longer queues up). This command enables or disables (toggles) the sky. #2. emcdunna. This command will add command power (max. This command will initiate diplomatic action logging, print data collected from this with the 'debug_dumpdiploactions' command. these are all cheats... if you want to let your generals earn traits and give them upgrades, you should use your lvl 1-2 generals instead of using lvl 4-5. lvl 1 generals earn skill quite fast, and will also earn traits easier (they earn traits much much easier than higher skilled generals. This command enables or disables (toggles) the game GUI. The number to multiply the speed of animations by. To clarify, if this command is executed without any arguments ('fow'), it will turn off fog of war completely. This command moves the center of your camera to the specified province. The ID of the state or province the building is located within. In this section, you will get some Herat of Iron IV cheats codes which are designed to help you while you are unable to pass the complicated levels. This command allows for instant completion of national focuses. Ideology groups: The amount of popularity you wish to add to the specified ideology group. The two files should be the same (in size, etc), if not, there is likely a problem with saving. This command enables or disables (toggles) water. I'm wondering if an Infantry-Military High Command does effect a mechanized division since they might be considered in the … Tank Destroyer), SturmGesch��tz auf Fahrgestell Maus (Jagdmaus), GER_super_heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_1, SOV_super_heavy_tank_destroyer_equipment_1, Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251/20 (Sd.Kfz. 100%). add_opinion [source country tag] [target country tag]. This command will give your country the maximum war score for all wars it is currently engaged in. The ID of the state you wish to claim for the specified country. 36 Bofors (40mm wz. Allowed categories are air, anti_tank_eq, armor, artillery_eq, infantry_eq, infantry, light_tank_eq, and naval. This command enables or disables (toggles) asserts. This command enables or disables (toggles) frame smoothing. The tag of the country which you wish to add or subtract autonomy levels from. This command can be used to set the tag color of your current country. This command moves the specified unit to the specified province. It will make a save file named 'Test_01', load it, and then save that again as 'Test_02'. 150 would add 150 men. This command reloads all supply systems.. This command adds the specified amount of naval utility to your naval utility count. This command sets the controller of a specified province. For example, 'commandlistfile.txt'. This command enables or disables (toggles) map names. An updated, searchable list of HOI4 equipment names to cheat codes conversions. This command will output profiling data/information to 'time.log'. This command is an advanced debug tool, it only works if running RTTI. This command will print data collected since the 'debug_events' command was last executed. This command skips to the next soundtrack in the in-game music playlist. These can be used with console … This command will change the speed of animations in the game. These tags are most commonly used to spawn equipment into the game. This command reloads the specified localisation key. This command can be used to either activate the teleportation tool (if no arguments provided), or instantly teleport any selected ships or armies to the province with the specified ID. 1. This command will print data collected since the 'debug_dumpdiploactions' command was last executed. 2. In the game Hearts of Iron 4 there is an opportunity to receive various military supplies. This command changes the map mode to the specified type. This command can be used to spawn a specified amount of a unit in a province. This command enables or disables (toggles) trees. If no country tag is specified, this command toggles (enables and disables) occupation painting. This command enables or disables (toggles) the filewatcher. This command will start the specified event in the specified country. This command causes country AI to automatically accept any diplomatic offers, regardless of the case. The amount of health you wish to add or subtract from the building's health. declaring war) without justification. 251/20), Canon de 76 mm mod��le 1943 (Canon de 76 mm mle 1943), Solothurn S-18/1000 (Solothurn S-18/1000), Bofors 37mm pansarv��rnskanon (Bofors 37mm), 75mm pansarv��rnskanon m/43 (75mm pvkan m/43), Bofors 37mm panservernkanon (Bofors 37mm), 47 mm Schneider-Concordia 1936 (47mm Schneider 36), Armata plot. For more help using the console and cheat commands, see our basics guide. This command enables or disables (toggles) color debugging. To initiate the air combat scenario within maximum war score for all wars it is very when. The tdebug console command is an opportunity to receive the equipment please note that artillery hoi4 cheat must the... 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